
I’ll show it when it’s built. Waiting on the last panel.

yes. 2-12V 300ah 🔋

Ypu might need more battery storage. I mean it still depends on the amount of Sun you have where your solar panels are. To optimize my solar panels (1420 watts) I had 2-24V 450ah. But what you have works too

Nah, it'll be enough, I should even have some left over. I lived on solar only for 4 years.

It is enough for sure, what I'm saying is that your solar array can produce more... you could have more battery storage, that's all. And therefore more mining rig!

Oh, yeah, that's what this test is all about. Honestly I am at the end of the budget for this project, but yeah, if I had more storage, that would be cool. The numbers I ran were also based on using the low power mode on the miner all day. I will be able to jack up the hashrate during the day then throttle it after the sun goes down. But yeah. I hear you. I think I am going a bit overkill on this one as far as solar, but I also have the automatic transfer switch on this rig, so I am going to be testing the limits. I can do it with 900W on 12V though easily too.