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RE: Is This 2021 Bullrun Different?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I don't really follow the crypto trends and am not very savvy when it comes to knowing much about the crypto world. My crypto world has pretty much been steem then of course Hive as things changed.

For the year on Hive I have seen the trend we started small eleven cents I think. We slowly through starts and spurts went to $0.25 and then .40 and then the big rush to $1.00. people jumped to soon I think, they did not want to stay on the slow steady growth, they once again wanted quick success. and so we crashed out of that $1.00 level back to .25.

Since then we have slowly grown, a small pause as we hit lower thirties, then a slow grow to forty. For the last week a stabilizing at the $0.50 level, I would hope to see this level for a few more days, then slight bump to $0.60.

I think the slow rises are much better than the quick shot in the arm only to latter have that arm flapping in the wind as it spirals back down. Hive may be becoming much more stable with hopefully less instability. By the end of September I think we could realistically be at $0.75 to $1.00 level, and holding there. But we will see, how others react to the steady price increase, if it shoots up to fast to over a dollar, I will do like last time, sell a little bit of what I have liquid and wait for the pull back.


The slow rises feel more stable but crypto really likes to go up a lot than fall. As long as new lows keep coming in we are moving in the right direction.

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