Is This 2021 Bullrun Different?

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

I want to start this with the obvious this is not financial advice. In fact I will ho one step further and say this isn't even going to give an answer but discuss ideas around this bullrun and the crash that may follow and talk about how this time might be different than the ones before it. Like always do your own research and only invest with money you can afford to lose.

Things have been crazy this year but if you followed the last 4 years and the stock 2 flow charts this is kind of what was expected from a lot of people in the industry. There would be a spike in the early half, a big dump near the summer and now the prediction is another crazy run over the next couple of months. We are off to a good start for that run but it is too early to call and this could be a huge bull trap so I'm still hesitant. But I do think we make another push were we see right high highs.

Then What?

Well that is the question. Even the charts say the market will hit a huge crash there and we will see a big drop like in 2018. This doesn't matter in the long run as we will climb back up in the years to follow but a lot of the excitement will die down and you will have years of rebuilding. For me this would be a buying opportunity, as there a lot of coins with great yields I would not mind holding for a few years.

But that might not happen as things might be different this time.

This Time It's Different (Lol)

These are always famous last words. People usually say them to convince themselves that what is going to happen is not going to happen even though it has happened every time in the past. And even when I say them I still laugh at myself and think we are heading down for that 80% drop again sometime in the future.

Despite all that it is hard to deny we are not in the same space we were in during 2018. Institutions are here and they are here to stay. Defi has a LOT of value locked up that isn't going anywhere. Mainstream adoption has already begun with a lot of users using crypto daily. Dapps are up and running that are working no matter the price of the coin. And a lot of new games and other dapps are coming up in the months and years to come which will keep people hyped over the lull of the market. You cannot deny these things no matter how bearish you are.

Maybe we only see a 50% drop this time and a shorter bear market. Or maybe we level out faster than you think. I really have no idea and I'm planning for both scenarios and everything in-between so I'm ready.

But I'm Staying

Either way I'm staying. It can be through another 2 year bear run or sideways action for the months to come but I will be here in some capacity. Crypto really is a better way to interact online and earn through your work and time and that isn't going to change anytime soon. I only see new dapps with more uses and more ways to earn in the months and years to come especially in the gaming sector.

What do you think? Do we have that big crash or is it different this year? And are we still in the bull run of 2021?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I don't really follow the crypto trends and am not very savvy when it comes to knowing much about the crypto world. My crypto world has pretty much been steem then of course Hive as things changed.

For the year on Hive I have seen the trend we started small eleven cents I think. We slowly through starts and spurts went to $0.25 and then .40 and then the big rush to $1.00. people jumped to soon I think, they did not want to stay on the slow steady growth, they once again wanted quick success. and so we crashed out of that $1.00 level back to .25.

Since then we have slowly grown, a small pause as we hit lower thirties, then a slow grow to forty. For the last week a stabilizing at the $0.50 level, I would hope to see this level for a few more days, then slight bump to $0.60.

I think the slow rises are much better than the quick shot in the arm only to latter have that arm flapping in the wind as it spirals back down. Hive may be becoming much more stable with hopefully less instability. By the end of September I think we could realistically be at $0.75 to $1.00 level, and holding there. But we will see, how others react to the steady price increase, if it shoots up to fast to over a dollar, I will do like last time, sell a little bit of what I have liquid and wait for the pull back.

The slow rises feel more stable but crypto really likes to go up a lot than fall. As long as new lows keep coming in we are moving in the right direction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm thinking of these things once in a while, but than I tell myself: lets ride the bull to the peak and then we can talk of a future bear market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah you got heart of a lion

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good attitude, as long as you don't depend on the income you can ride the waves as they come.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For some reason I prefer the slow grind up with little corrections here and there than a big spike followed by a bigger dump. Whatever the case may be though, like you, I’m staying

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's more steady for sure but crypto likes to do the volatile ups and downs along the way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it is different this time. I say that in a loose way because in a lot of ways it is exactly the same. What makes it different is: You mentioned the value locked in defi. Thhe value locked in ETH2. The amount of institutional interest, such as VISA buying a crypto punk. All these things are undeniable like you said. Maybe we reach a higher low that isn't an 80-90% drop but there will be a correction.

Yeah there really are a lot of factors we cannot ignore.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we might not be in Bull run any more

I hope not but it has been a slow week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta