Thanks for the detailed response! I'll answer each one:
the 'back arrow' to return to the main list of articles stays up top
Totally agree. I really want to swipe backwards on my phone and that doesn't work. Unfortunately there's technical reasons for that and so it's more than a simple UI change. But I've been working on changing the underlying code and hope to have that in a few weeks.
not at all beautiful to see the article image so tiny
I agree on that too. Unlike the mobile UI which seemed pretty clear how each article should be formatted, I wasn't sure what the best desktop experience should be. I made a conscious decision not to put more time into the desktop UI. I would love to run a UI contest and have the community submit their designs which we could implement. Would love to see something that is wholly LEO.
Lastly the notification counter icon displays offset
Thanks, that's a good point too. Unfortunately it seems to be very different on different screens and I haven't yet spent the time to really dive into it. But it's on the list!
When something is out of place it stands out badly.
I'm actually happy to hear this, it means everything else is looking really good! :)
The UI of Leo is getting there though so well done for your efforts in improving it.
Thank you :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks again! No it's not an issue with the discord icon, but that is a good guess. Investigating that showed me some other issues with placing of the reply editor, so hopefully I've resolved those as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta