
Nice, I think that'll be useful information for several reasons.

I also have several duplicates. It would be nice to be able to easily see how many I have of each.

give me a screenshot of what that looks like.
that is a front-end change so doesn't affect the protocol.
I will put that on the list.

it could be something as easy as this

thanks for the feedback.

You got it.

Building on this, one thing I really like about the AtomicHub marketplace is that you can hover your mouse over an NFT to reveal it's data, instead of having to click options > details. There's no screaming need for this currently of course, but perhaps an idea for down the road.

I like this idea. Thanks for the feedback it is all useful.

Alternatively, I really like the way splinterlands does it

yeah. there are reasons that doesn't work as we scale but it is something to think about.