
I still read blog posts. And a large potion of Hive doesn't use Threads. They tend to mostly post in their Communities where they already have audiences.

It's an interesting time for Hive, will more people convert to shorter content like threads and snaps, or will they continue to blog.

Where would you suggest a new sloth to the chain posts their content to build an audience?

That's going to depend largely on your interests. And even then, some Hive Communities are less active. You definitely would want to post your blog in the communities using InLeo for maximum reward. Bear in mind that blogging in a Community only shows the post inside that community on most Hive front ends, unless you repost to the main feed. Your Community audience will be smaller, but more targeted.

I do read some posts every now and then. But engaging on threads is just more fun.

It's definitely a lot quicker and easier. I guess it gives more of a buzz with the shorter snappy replies.

it also takes away the pressure of thinking about quality long form posts.

Yeah there is that, probably more efficient for creating conversations also, instead of trying to reply to a full blog post.

exactly, btw haven’t seen you in a while. What have you been up to?

Sometimes, but mostly threads for now.

all on threads/shorts.