Horas depois de o Fluminens informar a miocardite de Ganso na tarde deste sábado, o presidente Mário Bittencourt deu uma entrevista ao Premiere para detalhar a situação do camisa 10 tricolor. O dirigente revelou que o jogador chegou a ficar assustado com o diagnóstico, mas que já está mais calmo e tranquilizou a torcida.
— Lógico (que ficou assustado). Nós também ficamos. Não somos médicos, mas depois que a gente senta com o médico e o médico explica... É uma questão da preservação da vida dos atletas. Mas já tivemos outros casos de outros atletas em outros clubes. Óbvio que ele ficou assustado e preocupado. Mas, depois de explicação e diagnóstico, ele saiu com a tranquilidade que passamos para ele. Primeiro é cuidar da saúde, da vida, e depois retornar aos campos.
Otimista por um retorno do meia daqui a um mês, Mário descartou buscar uma reposição no mercado neste primeiro momento. Mas poderão reavaliar esse necessidade caso a miocardite persista. A atual janela de contratações do futebol brasileiro fica aberta até o dia 28 de fevereiro.
— Nesse momento não. Há a grande possibilidade de que em um mês ele esteja apto a jogar futebol novamente. Se os exames mantiverem a inflamação e arritmia, o médico já avisou que precisaríamos esperar mais um mês. Aí sim, a partir desse tempo, teríamos que avaliar. Não estamos pensando nisso agora, honestamente. Estamos preocupados em cuidar dele.
A condição clínica foi atestada em exames de pré-temporada realizados pelo Tricolor. Ganso não apresenta sintomas, mas, por ora, ficará afastado das atividades físicas do clube e será reavaliado em um mês. Ele estará sob cuidados médicos do Fluminense e poderá voltar aos treinos caso o diagnóstico não persista.
— A gente faz os exames de pré-temporada em todos os anos, ele está com a gente há seis anos e os exames são repetidos. Temos que olhar pelo lado positivo. Foi diagnosticado uma pequena miocardite, que é uma inflamação no músculo do coração. Nós temos uma equipe muito responsável no nosso DM. Nos foi passado isso ontem à noite, depois do resultado definitivo. Foram feitos os primeiros exames e depois uma investigação. Fizemos uma reunião com ele, com a família, os representantes. Foi uma reunião boa, deixamos ele tranquilo. É importante dizer que ele está bem e tranquilo. A única restrição é atividade física, que ele não pode fazer. Sem atividade física por um mês e refazer os exames em um mês. Esse é o tratamento — disse Mário.
Conforme divulgado pelo clube, o cenário mais provável é de que a miocardite seja em decorrência de um quadro viral agudo que o atleta teve em novembro. Como a condição não havia sido detectada em nenhum exame realizado ao longos destes seis anos em que Ganso está no Fluminense, o departamento médico entende que é um diagnóstico recente.
I agree that if current trends continue, Inleo should be a big success.
However I hope that through the efforts of many in the community who are working hard to improve this place and recruit new members, that will happen faster.
Thank you for all your efforts.
I am just learning about your efforts and I will be reading your blog and providing support for it with upvotes, but also to see if I can compliment any of your efforts with my own.
My current project is ...
to use my stake to promote engagement by encouraging it through upvotes and explaining the ways people can earn on the platform without having a lot of stake, but with what we call "Sweat Equity"
Hello everyone I've just signed up on Inleo it's my first time I hope to learn new things from the community members am happy to be here am Abdull
#newbie #Inleo.
You're right, I spoke to my brother about it and looking at the rates it was not wise for me to do this. I'd rather slowly use my monthly income to build.
Trump is about to start his turn as US President from tomorrow and the whole world is watching right now. But even before his joining, many big changes are already taking place and Banning of Tiktok is the biggest among them. But Trump said after he takes charge, he will give a 90 days reprieve period before the ban.
TikTok has been officially banned in the United States. However, I think Mr. Orange Head will accept some kind of deal to reverse this situation (it's just a matter of time).
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more. @shortsegments
I enjoyed that...
Your pretty mischevious...
By the way...I am building for the future, come join me.
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more. @shortsegments
Now thats a cute play on picture, nice job.
Where did you get the picture?
By the way, I am building a network for the future, come join me...
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more. @shortsegments
Ohmy... I will just keep them to myself. LOL
But to each his own....
By the way...
Follow me to earnings on Inleo
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more. @shortsegments
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #190
January 19
!summarize #tannerscott #losangeles #dodgers #mlb
Hi, @taskmaster4450le,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
!summarize #tannerscott #mlb #losangeles #dodgers
!summarize #dodgers #losangeles #rokisasaki #tannerscott #mlb
!summarize #sports #news
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!summarize #nymets #chicago #whitesox #luisrobertsjr #mlb
!summarize #sacramento #as #path #mlb
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #seriesrecapped #movieonleo
!summarize #bobuecker #milwaukee #braves #brewers #mlb #announcer
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!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
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!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
!summarize #sports #news
Mário revela susto de Ganso com miocardite, mas acalma torcida do Fluminense e descarta reposição
Horas depois de o Fluminens informar a miocardite de Ganso na tarde deste sábado, o presidente Mário Bittencourt deu uma entrevista ao Premiere para detalhar a situação do camisa 10 tricolor. O dirigente revelou que o jogador chegou a ficar assustado com o diagnóstico, mas que já está mais calmo e tranquilizou a torcida.
#sports #fluminense
— Lógico (que ficou assustado). Nós também ficamos. Não somos médicos, mas depois que a gente senta com o médico e o médico explica... É uma questão da preservação da vida dos atletas. Mas já tivemos outros casos de outros atletas em outros clubes. Óbvio que ele ficou assustado e preocupado. Mas, depois de explicação e diagnóstico, ele saiu com a tranquilidade que passamos para ele. Primeiro é cuidar da saúde, da vida, e depois retornar aos campos.
Otimista por um retorno do meia daqui a um mês, Mário descartou buscar uma reposição no mercado neste primeiro momento. Mas poderão reavaliar esse necessidade caso a miocardite persista. A atual janela de contratações do futebol brasileiro fica aberta até o dia 28 de fevereiro.
— Nesse momento não. Há a grande possibilidade de que em um mês ele esteja apto a jogar futebol novamente. Se os exames mantiverem a inflamação e arritmia, o médico já avisou que precisaríamos esperar mais um mês. Aí sim, a partir desse tempo, teríamos que avaliar. Não estamos pensando nisso agora, honestamente. Estamos preocupados em cuidar dele.
A condição clínica foi atestada em exames de pré-temporada realizados pelo Tricolor. Ganso não apresenta sintomas, mas, por ora, ficará afastado das atividades físicas do clube e será reavaliado em um mês. Ele estará sob cuidados médicos do Fluminense e poderá voltar aos treinos caso o diagnóstico não persista.
— A gente faz os exames de pré-temporada em todos os anos, ele está com a gente há seis anos e os exames são repetidos. Temos que olhar pelo lado positivo. Foi diagnosticado uma pequena miocardite, que é uma inflamação no músculo do coração. Nós temos uma equipe muito responsável no nosso DM. Nos foi passado isso ontem à noite, depois do resultado definitivo. Foram feitos os primeiros exames e depois uma investigação. Fizemos uma reunião com ele, com a família, os representantes. Foi uma reunião boa, deixamos ele tranquilo. É importante dizer que ele está bem e tranquilo. A única restrição é atividade física, que ele não pode fazer. Sem atividade física por um mês e refazer os exames em um mês. Esse é o tratamento — disse Mário.
Conforme divulgado pelo clube, o cenário mais provável é de que a miocardite seja em decorrência de um quadro viral agudo que o atleta teve em novembro. Como a condição não havia sido detectada em nenhum exame realizado ao longos destes seis anos em que Ganso está no Fluminense, o departamento médico entende que é um diagnóstico recente.
!summarize #deshaunwatson #cleveland #browns #nfl #quarterback
!summarize #petealonso #nymets
Hi, @coyotelation,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
!summarize #nygiants #draft #nfl #dirstround
!summarize #bensimmons #nba #stephenasmith
!summarize #nba #adamsilver #ratings
!summarize #nymets #mlb #kirbyyates
!summarize #tannerscott #losangeles #dodgers #mlb
!summarize #sports #copyright #contentcreators #youtube
!summarize #wnba #caitlinclark #taylorswift #hype
!summarize #alexbregman #nyyankees #freeagency
!summarize #detroit #tigers #mlb #prospect
!summarize #archmanning #texas #quarterback #nfl #nygiants #dtaft
!summarize #nyyankees #prospect #mlb
!summarize #edwalsh #mlb #era #wins #pitcher
!summarize #detroit #lions #nfl #playoffs
!summarize #nymets #petealonso #mlb #freeagency
!summarize #petealonso #scottboras #michaelkay #mlb
!summarize #bobuecker #milwaukee #brewers #mlb
!summarize #bluejays #toronto #mlb
!summarize #chicago #whitesox #mlb #franchise #baseball
Tanners Scott going to the Los Angeles Dodgers on a 4 year, $72 million contract.
!summarize #tannerbibbee #cleveland #guardians #pitches
!summarize #nfl #penalty
!summarize #michaeljordan #scottitpippen #fued #nba #chicago #bulls
!summarize #johnmcenroe #tennis #sport
!summarize #ggjackson #memphis #hustle #basketball
what is going to happen to $BTC??
I expect it to keep rising
The only way to go is UP!
please bring Hive and Leo with it
I'm gonna do my best, xD.
it was 104K now 105K it's going up bro and at this rate I actually believe in a million some years to come
pump & bull only
Fly high like an Eagle
It will do what it is already doing now , keep achieving new ATH
Btc going up I guess
All the way up
I expect btc to reach another ATH very soon
After Trump's inauguration I expect it to go higher and higher
tomorrow is 20th after Trump maybe we might see the biggest pump yet in history
I'm thinking 140K for BTC
iT will go up and up and will never stop
Late to the party, but just voted for the Inleo proposal!
Hope you have voted also.
How do we vote ??
#feedback I think $LEO reaching $10 in the next few years is totally reasonable assuming these things happen:
Oh, and most importantly:
#freecompliments #cent #bbh
Hello @ahmadmanga
I agree that if current trends continue, Inleo should be a big success.
Thank you for all your efforts.
My current project is ...
1/5 ⬇️Hello Community: Vote for your Lion artisan of the Week N° 35 : Be sure to check out every post in this Thread! ⬇️
#polls #hivediy #poll #weeklytops #topauthors #inleo
3/5 Embroidery
4/5 Device repair
Mi voto es para @editorojo
2/5 Recycling
5/5 Handicraft
@editorojo mi artesano favorito
Buenas tardes tengan todos , listo mi voto @editorojo
@editorojo Es un placer
Los candidatos son muy geniales, suerte a todos!!! Ya voté por mi preferido 🥰
listo mi votp para@yale95reyra le quedó genial su manualidad
This man has accepted his fate and is officially a legend. #newlion #funny
Haha! I hope it's not permanent... It won't look as smart when he loses more hair.
yes man it definitely wouldn't if the hair goes further.. I'm pretty sure it's temporary and keep moving it as the hair keeps receding
ute, made me smile and chuckle.
waaaat this is so funny 😅
When I have nothing to thread about, I just buy some Leo and thread the screenshot.
I'm I boring? 😂
It's not so boring. In fact, I think it's inspiring for others, at least for me.
Awesome. I will keep inspiring day by day then.
nope you're not boring you're a pure soul with lot's of love for Leo ♌ 🦁
Thats deeply encouraging
nothing boring about that! Also if you do not know what to post about you can always interact with others threads.
Good advice. Taken
Mañana de domingo a las brasas... Apagón!!!!

#santiagodecuba #notmymeme #hivecuba #inleo #meme #waivio #cent
Nada como el carbón para iniciar el día!
Coolest way to confuse hackers. If your passwords are in ***** They crack it and still think they haven't cracked it 😅😅😅😅
#memes #newlion #cheatcode
haha you're smarter than hacker
yes 😎
ha ha ha ha ha
you see the trick I like that 😎🤣
Cute, rebloged,
hahaha awww thank you 🤣
Pizza Hut for breakfast
The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.

Just like back at university.
i never eat pizza in breakfast
Always ate it in dinner
NOw I feel hungry , so yummy
A beautiful pizza to have for a weekend
that sure look like yummy
So yummy, now i feel hungry
Looks very yummy
This will never be not funny.

#elomusk #lolz #cent
The moment you want to quit is just the moment you have to keep moving forward #freecompliments #liotes #bbh #cent
Having fun with AI art
#leoai #aiart #bbh #cent
Here comes the sun !!! Oh, Happy day !!!! Let's roar, lions

#santiagodecuba #inleo #waivio #cent
Do ir!
do it!🤦🏻🤣
I do it and I do it 😘
GM frens! #gmfrens #pepe #meme #lolz #cent
Find your (#crypto) moon man!
gm 🌄
GM Pepe.
Feel good
enjoy your Sunday
Happy Sunday to you too
Hope you had an awesome Sunday
you enjoying it right ? Cheers !!!
Hello everyone I've just signed up on Inleo it's my first time I hope to learn new things from the community members am happy to be here am Abdull
#newbie #Inleo.
Welcome to the pride. 🦁
thanks bro 😁
Welcome to Inleo bro, have fun as you learn more about the platform.
I sure will
For today's #meme
all you crypto newbies got trump coin.
all us OGs had was Bitconnect.
😂 Facts…and hell since no one else is going to do it

thank you lol
lol, I love your sense of humour
I myself need to buy some Trump coins quickly
RIP to Bit connect how do I get access to it though
That means your toothpaste is not dentist approved 😅😅😅😅
I was thinking of borrowing 2K from the bank to buy Leo.
Any thoughts?
i think you've enough leo power..... Just stay active on thread's and make more leo..... There's no need to borrow 😊
7k ain't enough. If I had 1 million I would have been cool. Threading alone can't give me what I want.
Thanks for the encouraging words though.
1,000,000 wouldn't be enough either. Just keep increasing as fast as possible.
And that's why you're my master.
Awwww then it's your wish which you Should come true..... You want to become a real lion 🦁
Yes yes yes please yes 😭😂
I wish you good luck 🤞
Thank you, I'm really gonna need it this year
The all important question is always... at what price and what are the terms. 😀
You're right, I spoke to my brother about it and looking at the rates it was not wise for me to do this. I'd rather slowly use my monthly income to build.
It's stress-free
The snowball rolling down the hill is pretty big when it finally gets to the bottom! 😀
Yes very much 😂
Nice, but you do not do investment on borrowed money. it's risky.
You're right, I changed my mind on that
Good morning Lions!
Trump is about to start his turn as US President from tomorrow and the whole world is watching right now. But even before his joining, many big changes are already taking place and Banning of Tiktok is the biggest among them. But Trump said after he takes charge, he will give a 90 days reprieve period before the ban.
#gmfrens #newsonleo
Good Morning!!
Or evening. 😁
haha, it is again morning here! 🦁
good morning Monk, how's it going ?
Going pretty well! And yourself?
Good morning. I believe something will be done about TikTok after trump takes office
TikTok has been officially banned in the United States. However, I think Mr. Orange Head will accept some kind of deal to reverse this situation (it's just a matter of time).
Take note of this thread for the near future. 😉
I don't think banning Tiktok really makes sense.
Please learn from this and don't take a seal picture From that angle, you get an alien 😆😆😆 #newlion
Ugly for sure.
Follow me to earnings on Inleo
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more.

click to learn how to earn
very ugly 😅😅😅😅 oh okay buddy, nice to have someone support 🙏
The fiat currency system functions as a mechanism to transfer wealth from those with less to those with more. #Economics #WealthTransfer
I wish more people understood what a scam fiat has become.
Does 3speaktv has a live streaming service?
Is there a specific bitcoin ETF that stands out to you? #BitcoinInvesting #CryptoFunds
Just read and laugh 🤣🤣 #lol #newlion
I enjoyed that...
Your pretty mischevious...
By the way...I am building for the future, come join me.
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more.

click to learn how to earn
all aboard captain
For the Ladies on Inleo, please don't freak your doctor out ok 😁
Well, give thanks 🙏
Any flat earthers here on InLeo, let me start a debate 😁 #flatearth #meme
I'm sure there are some hehe they seem to be everywhere
yes I'm waiting to see how the explain flat earth
Feeding time! Then sleep.
it's the best time of day
Time to rise up!
Happy Sunday to all Lions, I can't help but Share this 😅💔😭 #newlion
I tell you 🤣
Hahaha!! Time flies!
yes it does man and it's Monday I'm already at Work and waiting for end of day
ah so true
yes bro
#natureonleo #sunset #photography
Very Nice!!
Really awesome 👍
Took a trip to the New England Poultry Congress and bought a couple of ducks
have you taken precautions against another bobcat attack? Also I want to see images 🦆🦆🦆
yes, I also discovered it was a young mangey fox and not a bobcat as I initially thought.
Here’s one, currently on the road so I’ll get better photos when I’m home
oh wow, mangey fox sounds dangerous. Drive safe!
want to show the pictures of cute ducks too
How much did you get the ducks ?
@jongolson - your Bills are underdogs at home? This is Allen’s time brother. This game is the biggie of the weekend.
I'm not stressed at all.....
Did you know you can schedule your inleo.io posts!

That option was available for some time, although I started to use it relatively recently.
oh really ! that's very nice thanks for info
When will it become possible to schedule threads ?
yesi also noticed that feature on inleo
@anggreklestari The Power Of Letting Go #dailyjournal #neoxian #ctp #waiv #proofofbrain #palnet #gosh
This is a rare miracle happening, the baby jet is being born. I'll tell my kids that's how planes are born #newlion #babyjet
That's misleading 🤣
Yep, but cute...
😅😅😅😅yeah it
Now thats a cute play on picture, nice job.
Where did you get the picture?
By the way, I am building a network for the future, come join me...
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more.

click to learn how to earn
oh I saw it on one of the memes website I think it was on Pinterest, I kinda bumped into it
I've made enough #threads and #threadreplies for today and i think it's enough for now and now i should keep the phone aside and go to sleep 😴 😴
Have a peaceful night 😴
#Hive #leofinance #threadstorm
good night!
I want to place grass in the garden, but I am afraid that cats destroy it, help please
how would cats destroy grass? Better be afraid of birds eating the seeds.
I don't know :ar I've never had grama, and I don't know how to behave with her
I don't really understand what you are writing here. You can just write in spanish and I will translate :)
Hi, @solymi,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
does cats east grass on your place 😲
We do not have home grass, but, if they usually use the land that is loose in the garden. It has cost me to take away that habit.
I think I might buy some $TRUMP. If I can make money, I shall. Otherwise, it would make for novelty gifts like $2 bills.
be careful. I wish I would have gotten in there yesterday…
Never mind. I don't like the price. Far too much down side.
#newlion #memes #fashion
This is perfect way to show off your cool undies no one ever sees 😎
Ohmy... I will just keep them to myself. LOL
But to each his own....
By the way...
Follow me to earnings on Inleo
Welcome to Hive and Inleo
Follow me for to learn more about Hive, Inleo and four ways to earn more Leo, Hive or Dash on Hive/Inleo. There is a link below to a post where I explain how to earn more.

click to learn how to earn
thanks for the offer friend, ❤️ thanks for the support
As I said a few years ago, Biden was not in charge. Whoever controlled his teleprompter was.
I bet this is what they say whenever they're touching each other