Exactly. I am not currently one, but I was a LEO whale in the past and I will be again ;-) In the meantime, I am still consuming and voting on content.
Those that catch my attention today get small upvotes, but I follow or remember them. Over time, they will continue to get my votes and those will gradually grow larger and larger. Then my vote recipients will be very happy, but they will have to stick it out to get there.
Beggers always get skipped by me. Seems harsh but I guess I am biased because of my upbringing (was always taught not to beg -- and I guess because of that it rubs me the wrong way).
Repeat beggers get put in the memory banks as losing all future chances. Not fair, but it is just how I am wired.
I myself post very little because I often don't think I have much to offer. I realize that I could get more revenue if I did, but don't want to put out lots of low value stuff. A reputation is hard to gain, but easy to lose.
As all above have said, comments are the best way to engage. People are much less judgemental of comments because they view them as a conversation and not a work to be graded. After all, it's just a conversation (and no one likes a conversation where all the other person does is beg them for something).
It is also easier to provide value in a conversation. Just listen and respond with something that shows you were interested and might be helpful or a fresh viewpoint.
Ironically I am ruining this conversation with my blathering :-) So I will go. Rant off!
This blog by the way @forexbrokr was awesome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is probably very true. I've never really looked at it like that, but I have been struggling more than once to create content because I haven't felt that it was good enough. I don't really care about that when it comes to comments, because I'm just basically telling people what's on my mind at that time.
I'll give the beggars an image to use ;)=
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Everything is easier and better when it's a conversation. We were doing that for eons before we ever wrote a word :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It sure is. Engagement is extremely important. I'm glad we have an active community here, but I wish people would step up their game a notch.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Step up is very important and more also we need to be more creative and engage more and I guess some new members are novice and don't know about so many things on hive generally @hitmeasap
We seem to have a lot of activity recently though, so hopefully it continues in the same pace in the future as well. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I will always be a part please I stand to be corrected if you notice anything wrong from my post am a learner @hitmeasap
I'm looking forward to your triumphant return to LEO whaledom haha.
In the meantime, you should definitely create content if you want to.
You're obviously quite a good writer and with just a little structure, you would definitely not be spamming the community.
Do it!
PS. I just had a sneaky look at your wallet and damn I'm jealous of that LEOMM stack!
Did you buy them all early?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes. :-) Not all at once, but definitely early. Posted about it early on.
One of my handful of existing posts.
Was about the only smart thing I have done on LEO in all this time. Of course I didn't know that for sure back then, but I thought it would be smart. Turns out it was. :-)
I have been a LEO believer since it started.
Wish I'd have bought more of course :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ha, it makes me smile going back and reading those old posts.
Also fun reading all the comments from people agreeing.
Some who now have a huge stake themselves and some... who didn't take their own advice and missed out (awks haha).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Makes me realize that I need to go back and revise my LEO plans. Lots has changed :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Many of the people I vote for now earned my following when my upvote was worth 0.02 - now my vote is wort .30 + tokens.
So while I still can't support families on my upvote, I can add to the piggy bank with the fat coins as opposed to the pennies.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One day your vote will support families. Actually a couple of your 0.30 votes will and probably is supporting a family right now.
Thing is, you may never know if you have supported families, but that's ok, because you will have and that family will know.
Maybe that family will go on and support other families in turn with their LEO, once again without even knowing. It's a really neat and virtuous cycle.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for that reminder.
Being in California, it gets easy to forget that you are a part of a world wide economy.