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RE: If you Run a Small Business Online, you should be leveraging the Hive Blockchain

in LeoFinance4 years ago

So why are there not more such people here? I guess it is a combination of not having heard of it, not believing it can work if they have and to not wanting to start using yet another platform even if it looks good. We need people who will take a chance on something new, but then the potential audience may be fairly small as you are looking at a subset of a few thousand active people.

We know Hive can work, even if you do not have a specific product to sell. I know I am making more than I could anywhere else, but I would need a massive following and be producing some seriously useful content.

Somehow we need to make the step up to the next level.

I think a factor in how we get there is who we support. I know a lot of people will support the big accounts and those who have invested serious money to reward them and maybe get something in return, but I think we should be looking at creators who make the sort of posts that would appeal to a wider audience. If they do well then word will spread in their fields. If they only make $1 per post then they won't be boasting about it and may even give up.


I feel ya broseph. is just a fun beta social media game that allows us to play with our stake, make friends and casually blog to make the big bucks (TBD😅)

I would love to see further utilized but we would need more larger stake holders with a voice to express that.

I digress. Lots of cool stuff on @threespeak and a promising future there!

Check out @theouterlight there...

It's the perennial question isn't it - why aren't more people using Hive?

I think it's just taking longer than any of us expected to get the proper architecture in place.

I was just thinking out loud - about the prospect of active entrepreneurs bringing new users in to their own niche community, even more niche than what we have now.

I agree we should be supporting new people on Hive more, for sure!

We're still not there yet, but I think we're getting there, slowly.

And there's still no real competition out there as far as I can see?

I worry that something else with better marketing will come along and steal our potential audience. We cannot afford to wait too long.

The time to make it happen was 2016. In 2021, there are other and better options. The code here was great 5 years ago, okay 4 years ago, needing upgrade 3 years ago, and garbage for the past 2 years.

Not sure it's 'garbage', but a lot has happened in that time. I still don't see a real competitor out there though.

Well nothing is exactly the same as Hive, but that's probably because few people even like Hive, so there's no reason to have carbon copies. There's lots of stuff out there for blogging, lots of ways to earn crypto, lots of free wallets. Maybe not this exact combination of features, mind you, so if the market calls for exactly what Hive is, then I guess Hive will be ready to supply the call.
And we'l be RICH, I tells ya :D

You would have thought it would have by now wouldn't you!?

I thought Voice might be that, but they've changed their direction again, perhaps that's an indicator of how difficult it is to build anything on EOS?!?