
there have already been tons of posts about this, you could look through them


  1. Posts have to be made from
  2. Posts are upvoted based on quality
  3. If you are premium, we increase the voting power % we use based on the 2 criteria above

No dude, about InLeo's support for witnesses in the governance and search hasn't been working too well. Is there something about me that rubs you the wrong way? This is twice now you've blown me off...

I’m not sure how I could simultaneously be responding to you and blowing you off

I misunderstood your question about voting.

Yes, we’ll put out a lengthy post and search is being worked on.

Ive been here like 10 days and dont know where to look for anything,but you tell me the info is already out there, but no help or urls or even simply basic patience. I feel you're being short with me,rather than helpful