
Does this scenario seem odd (it's happened countless times): Someone in the media gets 'deplatformed', people freak out and start talking about loss of freedoms, instead of noticing whoever got 'deplatformed' only became louder, and never disappeared... ? Or how COVID content is supposedly "censored", yet it's almost impossible to go on the internet and not see it... ? Even that video site linked above. "Banned" video. Seems to me the whole concept is just simple marketing, and people are falling for it.

What's really going on here... ?

I spoke on this in another comment on the National File this morning. In my opinion it was all in the plan from the beginning. This was my comment.

The boat was a deliberate miss. Many people don't see it because they haven't dug for it. A lot of stuff happened while being deflected by the insane antics that kept them hidden off the front pages. One recent good example of this was Greene being outed as being invested in the vaccines so she decides to spread "disinformation" that gets her censored so that wipes the headlines of her investment off the front pages. She's not only a talking mouth piece for Trump she, like him, are "do as I say not as I do" two faced individuals. I am not saying this because I am a leftist but because the sooner people realize what's at play here and that the vast majority of them, both left and right are in on this together globally the better the chance will be left that it won't be to late to stop what's going, that's going to take both left and the right who don't agree with what they see going on coming together as a greater force.

Loomer was just used as an abstract in the overall game that censorship would have to prevail in order to provide a shield against their so called disinformation that in reality they knew was going to go against all common logical scientifically sound science. In other words they knew censorship would have to come into play to censor all the doctors/scientist/virology/immunologist who'd debunk their unscientific madness. It was just part of the playbook. Sort of like the same as changing up the defense department role in 2017 to include they take control of all medical equipment, medicines, vaccines during a national emergency. How they installed an additional, it was either 14 or 17, I'd have to go back and look, paid for by the government directors of state public health departments across the nation, that gave them greater power to control the narrative in those states.

Censorship, changing up the rules and installing people into the right places were just part of the overall game plan in the mess we see ourselves in.

It's so weird how I can almost feel the shit, oozing into my brain, after spending only five minutes looking at it. It's like a worm that just wants to wiggle its way inside and make itself at home.

I need to get the hell out of here.

I know right. The other day an elderly lady who I still cut her hair at home was interested in a lot of the info I have because so many of her friends got the jab and are now ill. I really did want to stop before handing it to her and say "are you sure you really want to go there". It's like once you do you find yourself saying "how the hell am I going to get rid of these worms in my head!"