It's time for another one of my famous 'conspiracy' posts!
So I've given this one a little time to materialize. On January 8th 2022, I saw the most hilarious "fact check" on Twitter:
Nothing to see here, fam!
Just Reuters and The Associated Press confirming that "Mass Formation Psychosis" is not a thing and has never been a thing and will never be a thing.
“Mass formation psychosis” is not an academic term recognized in the field of psychology, nor is there evidence of any such phenomenon occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic, multiple experts in crowd psychology have told Reuters and The Associated Press.
Oh yes, very interesting! I feel much better!
So what I'm hearing is:
Mass formation psychosis doesn't exist.
But also if it did exist, it isn't happening.
LOL, pick a lane?
The language itself used to "debunk" the "conspiracy theory" is contradictory. Either mass formation psychosis is not a thing and that's the end of it, or not. But we already know it is a thing from past events like the Holocaust and fear campaign psychological experiments in Russia. I'm sure there are many other examples as well (Salem Witch Trials etc etc). To say that "groupthink" has never been a thing automatically puts you into 1984 territory.
So where did this term come from?
It came from a Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Robert Malone (the self-declared 'inventor' of mRNA vaccines). Interesting enough, as I do Google searches today for "Dr. Robert Malone" & "Mass Formation Psychosis", the outcomes of the searches are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than they were on January 8th just six days ago. What a surprise! Now, all I can find are posts debunking Malone and articles talking about Spotify demanding Joe Rogan be censored for this misinformation. I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.
But don't worry fam, I got you covered.
I saved some of the links I found on Jan 8th, even if they are now buried by the censorship machine. Ah, I see now that the video itself has been banned from YouTube as well. LOL, they really struck a nerve with this one didn't they?
Oh looky here this video hasn't been taken down on Twitter.
This video is the origin of mass formation psychosis.
Hopefully it doesn't get taken down, but just in case it does I'm guessing the full episode will always be available somewhere even though there's a lot of pressure for Spotify to remove it.
The Joe Rogan Experience #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD
I still need to make a post on Joe Rogan and Russel Brand, but that's another story.
By framing the "mass formation psychosis" argument as a fringe right-wing conspiracy theory, we see that the standard issue playbook is being thrown against this issue. Simply pit the left vs the right once again and keep them busy fighting each other so they never come to consensus. Easy.
I'm currently listening to the Joe Rogan podcast right now while writing this. It's 3 hours so I doubt I get through the whole thing, but here's my opinion of Dr. Robert Malone: He's a perfectly reasonable scientist with perfectly logical arguments. There's nothing unreasonable or manic or conspiracy-theory like about him. Let's take a look at his website:
The first 3 paragraphs are just a list of all his qualifications, which are very impressive.
Still, his opponents do nothing but try to smear his name and reputation... lol... nice try. This guy obviously knows his shit, but the propaganda campaign actually is quite effective. Many people simply think Malone is just some crazy conspiracy theorist, even though the most cursory research confirms otherwise.
So, what has brought me to the point of daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators and building a twitter feed of almost a half million people? It started with my own experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world, and then then expanded as I discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2.
Personal experiences involving identifying, developing, and trying to publish peer-reviewed academic papers focused on drug repurposing and the rights of physicians to practice medicine as well as what I have seen close colleagues go through have further influenced me. Finally, as unethical mandates for administering experimental vaccines to adults and children began to be pushed by governments, my research into what I believe is authoritarian control by governments that are being manipulated by large corporations (big finance, big pharmaceutical, big media and big technology) influenced my changing world view.
Interesting, sounds very reasonable.
Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine technology platform. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer in any way, shape or form. But I do believe that the short cuts that the USG have taken in bringing the mRNA and the adenovirus vaccines to market for this pandemic have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.
I thought that drug and vaccine development were regulated by the Federal government for the common good. What I have learned over the last two years is that regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity.
He's only learned this in the last two years?
Not to brag, but a lot of the people here on Hive (including myself) have been saying this shit for over ten years. It's nice to see that more people are waking up to the bullshit: Especially people that are so highly educated.
The more I have expressed data-based concerns about what is happening with the vaccines, the US Federal and WHO responses, the more I have been censored, defamed, and subjected to various forms of character assassination by big tech and legacy media. I am not alone in being targeted.
What is happening is not right, it is not proper and it is not fair.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media acts like this guy is the next Alex Jones.
Hm yeah, let me be clear.
I'm not an Alex Jones fan. Do I like his unbridled manic energy? Sure, that's very fun. Still, I'm too left-wing and non-religious to take him seriously. But I did watch this video... which I found interesting:
So in this video we have a life insurance CEO saying that workforce deaths are up 40% and they are losing a ton of money by being forced to pay out these policies. This is something I find very interesting. This is the kind of data that can't be hidden, on top of the fact that life insurance is a capitalistic business, so they have a financial incentive to actually mitigate these deaths/payouts if possible. This is the kind of thing that we should really be paying attention to over the next few years. Interesting, because I had never considered life insurance policies before now.
The implication here of course is that these deaths are being caused by the vax itself rather than COVID, which is a difficult argument to prove, so I won't even try. However, when we look at the data, the vast majority of COVID deaths have been people aged above 64 (retired), so it is noteworthy that these life insurance companies are getting wrecked so badly.
My girlfriend, who is very mainstream left-wing and very afraid of COVID, says that the job market is so good because people are dying of COVID and there aren't enough people to fill the jobs because of this. Again, I'm skeptical, but who knows. I think there are a lot of factors at play.
COVID Euphoria
Have you heard of this? My girlfriend was talking to me about it. COVID Euphoria is a phenomenon that is now happening because the Omicron strain is so contagious and everyone is getting COVID. What's happening here is that so many people have been living in terrifying fear of COVID for so long, that once they finally get it and recover from it, they experience a massive sense of Euphoria and relief because the fear of the thing subsides and the irrational fear goes away.
These two things are linked.
You can not make the claim that Mass Formation Psychosis doesn't exist and then say that COVID Euphoria does exist. That's legit impossible. These two things come together. You can't have COVID Euphoria without an irrational fear of COVID. It's very obvious that someone like me will never have this kind of Euphoria, because the fear doesn't exist.
Of course that is not how my girlfriend/roommate see it.
They see COVID Euphoria as a problem because these people need to stay afraid so that they remain careful and less people get sick. It's truly a sight to behold. In fact I write this as they basically sit behind me and work from home for the next month because someone in the office tested positive recently.
Luckily, none of this really affects me. I'm so introverted that this entire "pandemic" has gone right over my head. I've been in quarantine my entire life. I don't get out much. I haven't been sick since Feb 2020, which is very unusual. Usually I get sick about once a year. In fact, the last time I was sick in Feb 2020 I'm fairly sure that was COVID, because it was a very weird illness that fit the description.
In conclusion.
Watch this video:
When we look at everything that has happened individually, it seems reasonable, and we can explain it away. However, when we stack up all the information together, it becomes completely ridiculous.
It's very very obvious that these institutions are lying to us, and they have a financial incentive to continue doing so. The real question becomes: do the ends justify the means? Is it okay for "parents" to lie to their "children" in order to get the desired result? As a left-leaning libertarian, I say 'no'. You don't lie, because lying is a short term solution that damages your long term reputation.
When the "parents" are the government and the "children" are the citizens, this is even more relevant. Stop lying: the ends don't justify the means. It's that simple.
So is Mass Formation Psychosis real?
You tell me.
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I would like to go on record and say that watching Alex Jones try to profit off all this by selling vitamins and shit makes me want to vomit.
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I do think people are exaggerating a lot, and fear has been huge.
I have caught COVID more than once and have been fine, however, I have lost loved ones due to it.
Also lost friends who literally called me an idiot for saying they died from COVID and that the virus doesn't exist.
I still think getting vaccinated is best, but there's not much reason to be as afraid anymore. We have lots more data than we had in 2020 and Omicron, despite being more infectious, is a lot easier to treat and kills a lot less... I just wish it had been Omicron that my uncle had caught, not Delta.
I'm waiting for my third shot, I'm not betting on my life because of politics, and it's insane seeing parents throw their kids into this and not giving them shots despite them being vulnerable. Deaths have gone up in my state because of this mass anti-vax hysteria.
I'm sympathetic towards your position, but I would say that you are betting your life either way.
I would also say that it is known that children are not vulnerable, and I haven't seen anyone make the argument that they are.
Arguably, it is way more dangerous to give kids an experimental vaccine than not, given the current data.
I don't see how my life can be in danger because of the vaccine. My mother works with healthcare and I've researched a lot into it.
Of course I'm willing to read anything new, as long as it's a credible source.
Some of the claims people (specially old dudes on the right) are making are just outright ludicrous, so it's really really hard to distinguish fact from fiction.
Okay, so then you've listened to the Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Malone then?
I'm still listening to it right now.
Super interesting stuff.
Nothing crazy about this conversation whatsoever.
I'll do it then, as soon as I get home!
I've never really had much against Joe Rogan and most of the people he's interviewed are actually nice afaik.
I know it's on your post but my mobile data is almost over, thanks for the recommendation still.
Yeah I linked it, linking again:
Are you serious? Are you suggesting there has been no side effects or adverse reactions? There's been more adverse reaction reports about COVID jabs than all the other vaccines combined.
The virus does not exist and you are literally an idiot...
Sure sure buddy. My uncle died of nothing.
Won't even argue.
OK fatty - have a nice cult life :)
Lmao, you're trying to bully through hive?
God, who let the kids in?
Have a nice day, you strong muscular man.
Reuters "Fact Check" is a joke and that goes for most "fact checking" outlets.
In the case of Reuters Fact Checking on Covid, a good question to ask yourself is "Qui Bono".
Reuters CEO from 2012 to 2020, James C Smith is a board member of Pfizer. Does anyone really believe that any thing other than the sanctioned narrative regarding the pandemic will be published in Reuters? Another board member is Scott Gottlieb the former FDA commissioner and another former FDA commissioner sits on the board of Moderna, Stephen Hahn.
I wonder who's benefitting from all this confusion. It's like the crowd conditioned by one faction of media is being trolled by what that particular faction might call 'mainstream' or 'corporate' media.
What I'm seeing is a line being drawn in the sand to intentionally keep at least two main groups/groupthink at odds with one another. This all creates 'markets' which are then exploited for profit simply by telling either side what they want to hear.
Of course I could get shot for saying that because you either stand in line with one of these teams or you'll look like a total freak show.
How interesting is to observe, as an outsider, watching one massive group saying something doesn't exist, while the other group points at them and says they're under the influence of it, claiming it does exist, not realizing they too are under the exact same spell.
A few months back while trying to wrap my head around everything, I was calling it 'mass hypnosis'. Comparing society today to cults.
Media is media, regardless of source. It's manipulative and it goes in both directions, at the same time, all at once, affecting many the same way. Same stories are told, but a different way. Same effect on the populace regardless. Still being pulled along by the same stories, just going in the direction that feels most comfortable. No different than society on a highway acting as one, picking a lane, and reaching their destination, even if going in opposite directions.
If there truly are puppet masters, what makes people think they're not being conditioned to oppose them? If they truly are master manipulators, well that's what they would do, would they not?
What makes people think these masters of the universe are only just smart enough to be able to control roughly half of the people... ? All while their supposed influence plays a huge role in how the other half thinks, talks, and acts... and that half doesn't seem to notice either... ?
I dunno. Just something to think about I guess. Not taking a 'position', and I know in advance this all sounds absurd, especially to those who've picked a lane.
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with the idea that people are being divided into groupthink camps. I would argue that it's part of the divide and conquer strategy that proves time and time again to be an effective way to control large portions of the population.
For example, how colonialists in Africa would pit one tribe against another, or scapegoat one tribe, in order to place blame for their state of affairs while the colonial power maintains business as usual extracting wealth/resources out of said nation. In this scenario both tribes lose and the root of their misery, the colonizers, escape the wrath of the real frustration and anger the people are experiencing. The colonizers could care less about either tribe as long as they remain distracted and divided and unable to raise up and remove their true oppressors.
So, if puppet masters truly exist they probably do not fall into Tribe A or Tribe B. They may have a real preference for Tribe A but they are not really concerned with the plight of either Tribe as they can manipulate the situation to their benefit whatever happens. In the end they are the invisible hand dividing populations and pushing people into conflict with one another in order to maintain control and achieve their own particular goals.
It's a crude oversimplification of colonization (lol, colonizers are not totally invisible withering in the subtropical heat in their ridiculously sweat soaked imperial uniforms) but hopefully you understand the point I'm trying to make.
How interesting it is to be an outside observer, no doubt.
What's interesting these days, because of social media, all it really takes is one story, an angle; the people pick it up, convert it into several positions based around the same idea. If there's damage, the people do it to themselves. Far more intense than snowballing. The pieces breaking off are also snowballing. Before you know it, and of course months and even years later, the people affected are glued, saying the same things nonstop. A form of mind control/thought control. No time to think about anything else. Gotta win that conversation...
Even looking around this comment section, and not to insult anyone of course, but all this has been said, in some way, shape, or form.
And I understand what you're saying. I boiled it down to a simple equation, somewhat lightheartedly, recently. X ÷ Y = Z
The X's can see the Y's and the Y's can see the X's. They have the same walls in common but use them as an excuse to be different or better, or worse. The walls an illusion. Completely oblivious to Z.
Studying this whole thing, I've discovered it's difficult to enter the arena and offer this perspective. The X's think you're a Y and the Y's think you're an X; and they both have sharp spears.
And of course I didn't do any of this so, totally not a Z. Lightheartedly I just describe it as, N or G. And that's where things get really confusing... LOL!
Obviously yes but this puppet still gets no brownie points.
Does this scenario seem odd (it's happened countless times): Someone in the media gets 'deplatformed', people freak out and start talking about loss of freedoms, instead of noticing whoever got 'deplatformed' only became louder, and never disappeared... ? Or how COVID content is supposedly "censored", yet it's almost impossible to go on the internet and not see it... ? Even that video site linked above. "Banned" video. Seems to me the whole concept is just simple marketing, and people are falling for it.
What's really going on here... ?
I spoke on this in another comment on the National File this morning. In my opinion it was all in the plan from the beginning. This was my comment.
It's so weird how I can almost feel the shit, oozing into my brain, after spending only five minutes looking at it. It's like a worm that just wants to wiggle its way inside and make itself at home.
I need to get the hell out of here.
I know right. The other day an elderly lady who I still cut her hair at home was interested in a lot of the info I have because so many of her friends got the jab and are now ill. I really did want to stop before handing it to her and say "are you sure you really want to go there". It's like once you do you find yourself saying "how the hell am I going to get rid of these worms in my head!"
Do people seriously look up fact checkers because if they do that takes a seriously special kind of person in my opinion lol
I still can't believe people still watch the news or any other form of news as it's all a big stupid show anymore for gaining of power and money. News falls right into this as they now publish random outlandish things just to get readers to guess what... make another buck it's so stupid it's laughable but sad at the same time that so many people still follow like sheep.
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It was actually fun until it became deadly. I am glad I spent years watching these assholes because now I am able to see right through them when they are lying. They get to be like reading your family members, you just know when they are lying.
So, ah, not to be argumentative, but what's the alternative to fact checkers?
Like, what do you do if you want to find out if something is true or not?
Uh, you don't, that's kind of the point.
If you want to figure out the truth you have to find people you trust.
You can't trust some random "authority" because they say you should.
So now we are stuck with some bullshit where uncovering the truth is very difficult and takes hours of research and careful consideration... unless you can find someone you can trust to do that work for you.
So essentially normal people stand no chance.
No essentially unless you are awake enough to know a difference. Edicted in his statement above just ran down exactly what the problem is, it's people using information published then gleaning it to fit a narrative. No the insurance company did not say it was high payouts to those 64 retired, he said it's 18 to 64 working age people. So him being on the left they want that to fit in the narrative that it's just old comorbidity filled people dying instead of the right narrative claim that people are dying as the result of an experimental vaccine. So you see how that plays out and why it would be hard to keep up with.
lol correct.
But crypto is changing the game.
Because like I said money talks and bullshit walks.
When people start getting paid by these networks they will listen to the people on the networks.
If the people on the network say mass formation psychosis is a thing people will listen, because listening directly equates to their own salary and livelihood. The trust relationship starts with symbiotic value transfer of decentralized wealth. As it stands now crypto is just a "scam" because there aren't enough jobs being offered to the population. Just gotta build out more infrastructure and gain more trust. It's all about trust.
Which you just did with Malone. Lmao. I was highly skeptical of him from the get go when he said he took the vaccine. That's an instance disqualifier especially coming from someone who said the technology shouldn't have been used. When two plus two doesn't add up right from the get go there is definitely something up with that.
I was right as he was on Laura's show fear mongering to the masses last week advising that everyone was going to get omicron, comparing it to the measles in transmission rate. Then he shows up on Bannon the other day confusing people into believing there's a deadly ebola type virus emerging out of China, which Bannon runs with which he then says he's not sure, it could or maybe couldn't. Most people didn't hear that last part as next thing you know it's making headlines.
The next thing you know your out hoarding up more supplies because it's sometimes hard to distinguish between the truths, half truths and the lies. I mean really you have to ask yourself why he just didn't come right out and tell Bannon in no uncertain terms there is no ebola type virus emerging out of China as Bannn's going about how dishonest the Chinese were with covid, keeping it hidden and in that regard the potential for athletes to carry this new virus across the globe. Right? Don't you think Malone should have spoke up and said clearly that he had no direct knowledge of a ebola type virus about to emerge? Maybe, maybe not doesn't cut it. Sure there were also other underlying political messaging that could have been playing into why he said that but the plain fact of the matter is that you, we, whoever are at a point were we can't underestimate anything being said or not thoroughly examine all the options as to why it was said. That's because it's hard to determine among who are the players and who really aren't. Who's in the know and who's not in the know of how the game is going to be further played out.
I'll go watch his video because, like I said I blew him off from the start. Mainly because someone doesn't talk down a technology but admit to taking a shot using the same technology they are talking down. Second is because there's been a few players in this whole game that have an ax to grind, the mere fact something he initially worked on becoming a useful profitable tool could actually be his ax because he's behind the fold not in the forefront of the fold. Now that he seems to be doing regular appearance on main stream media I will need to get a feel for his body language, gestures and talking points to get a more accurate depiction to help decipher the language.
my own research from non paid sources are almost always better not 100% but they have no incentive. But honestly I simply don't care about any of that stuff because there isn't anything I can do about it. I've found most people get angry and ticket off instead of actully having any form of real discussion anymore so I just focus on things within my space and live a MUCH better life by doing so. Step foot on that ground and try and take it from me and my freedoms however then I'll defend.
Oh cool. When you say 'non paid sources' what do you mean? Like, isn't literally making money off everything they put out these days? I'd love to get to know some trusted sites.
Totally hear you on not worrying about the crazy stuff around us... there's definitely a peace that comes with just tending your own garden (sometimes literally).
Dr David Martin is a good one to listening to because most of what he says is based on filed patents over the years. He could literally be sued into oblivion if defaming someone by lying. His credentials are impeccable. Still though you still have to separate what is known fact he presents with indisputable evidence and those moments of giving personal opinion. Opinions though do boil down to that question of trusting what an individual says, if they gain your trust by sticking their neck out it'll go a bit further than believing people who don't have a shred of evidence to back up anything they say.
Dr Peter McCullough is another one. He does tend to show up on Fox News and be asked his opinion but his face clearly shows he's disgruntled to the fact that his opinion is limited to the scope of what Fox News wants people to hear, it will be the truth...which Fox only wants when it fits their narrative, but like I said it's pretty evident he's not allowed to tell all the truths he'd like to if given an opportunity.
If it makes it all the way through the world court, where the paperwork has already been filed both of them will be testifying before the court if called on the case of crimes against humanity.
Its near impossible at this point to fully trust anything regarding stuff you cant personaly witness or experiment on as the case may be. It is helpful to read actual research, not what the media reports about it or the abstract, the actual data as well as obviously having a critical look at methodology and so on.
While, obviously, academics can not be trusted, at least to some degree the hard sciences you can look into and test on, the social sciences... Well, probably look at data older than 20 years ideally if you want to know anything other than what their narrative is, really. Of course, what we are interested in looking into itself is... Well, theres been a lot of interest in violence against women and rape of women, and there is data to show that the vast majority of not just domestic violence (and thats exclusivly direct physical violence, there are other forms of abuse of course but that is the clearest thus weve got a bit more data on that) but the majority of intimate partner violence is done by the female partner as well as rape by women, espacialy of children, is quite common. Over 90% of sexual abuse of those children by staff in american juvenile facilities is done by female staff for example. Even looking at that requires some stepping back from many of our assumptions.
However, what we do have, what we can allways rely on are ethical principles. The truth of the matter here is irrelevant, the existance of a state and state mandates or restrictions are never justified.
Of course they do.
Everyone wants their echo-chamber of confirmation-bias.
Even the conspiracy theorists here are just looking for information to confirm their bias half the time.
So, ah, before I can offer an opinion on whether I think Mass Formation Psychosis is real... can anyone explain what it actually is? Like, I understand it in context... but is there an agreed upon definition?
Nah! Just make up your own definition like everyone else.
Can't I just get my definition of Mass Formation Psychosis from everyone else to prove I'm not suffering from Mass Formation Psychosis?
Is this not a good enough definition?
It was fine to provide context, but he kinda rambles on for a bit explaining it. I was looking for something clear and concise instead of something kinda vague... but if that doesn't exist that's fine. I just wanted to be able to explain it to other people.
I thought it was somewhat self-explanatory.
Mass Formation Psychosis is when a huge group is irrationally afraid of an imagined threat, and they will irrationally attack anyone around them that doesn't agree with that narrative (which is how the psychosis spreads; ironically like a virus).
Doesn't matter if the imagined threat is COVID or Jews or Witches or whatever else.
In every one of these cases there is an elite class that has a financial incentive to spread the psychosis.
In the worst case scenario of killing Jews and "Witches", all the property was transferred to the killers.
COVID vaccinations seem to be more tame and subsidized by taxpayers and insurance companies.
That second sentence is perfect, thank you.
So weird that everyone was saying it doesn't exist... everyone believes that 'mob mentality' is a thing, there are plenty of examples of that being real. This at least seems related, like, acting like a mob even though you're not physically surrounded by people being all pitchforky.
I haven't done enough research into Mass Formation/Psychosis to have an opinion on it, but you really don't need to know about it to figure out that MSM is a propaganda mouthpiece for the predator class and has scared the shit out of the population, cowing them into submission. I'm glad this Joe Rogan interview has gone viral and is hopefully waking more people up. Nice post!
FWIW, The Atlantic has an article about Malone that’s worth a look:
Okay, read that... 10 paragraphs dedicated to if he invented mRNA tech or not.
This is not the thing we should be focused on.
These articles undermining his character and contribution to the tech are largely meaningless.
Truly it just further proves the point that there isn't allowed to be a debate here.
Younger professionals that believe the exact same things as Malone are silent because they have to, to keep their license.
We can tell that these arguments against Malone are totally meaningless because of the way they are constructed. If the entire core of the argument has to revolve around picking at the weak points and totally ignoring the main overarching global topic... then what we are doing here? Okay, he didn't invent mRNA. So what? Nothing has changed. It's not a victory or a defeat for either side of the actual argument.
Next up, watch the McCullough one! I loved both of those for sure.
Then I have family that are of the mindset that Rogan is the devil because he says Obama was great. Can't please everyone, guy has amazing interviews.
Well some categories of us were exempted from the vaccination because of underlying health conditions which was listed among high risk individual.
Been at risk and still considering the level of exposure during the intense period of the pandemic, there was no symptom felt.
Except for now and with the changing weather there is a wave of flu and cold with similar symptoms, but who can tell if its Covid or omicron as there are no enough testing device and people here are even afriad to visit the hospital upon experiencing these symptoms.
A vaccine will just post more threat to me.
Brazil is more vaccinated than US, and there is just one explanation for this: anti-vax hysteria.
Brazil is more vaccinated than US, and there is just one explanation for this: pro-vax hysteria.
Neither of these two statements holds any weight whatsoever.
Your rationale is that there is no truth, but everything is just a matter of point of view and confirmation bias. You are a nihilist, but I believe in science and reason. Vaccines works, and has proved to work once again against covid.
My rationale is that there is an obvious ongoing persistent fear campaign happening to this day.
There is no argument in this regard; this is a fact.
There is also a financial incentive for the fear-porn to continue.
Again, these are facts.
Within this context, it is totally irrelevant if the vaccines work or not.
I made no claim in the original post as to the efficiency of the vaccine.
But you seem to think that this was the main point being made.
If you had actually listened to the Joe Rogan podcast you'd know what was going on here.
We must fear what is fearfull according to reason and scientific evidence. Fear is not always something irrational.
See how you pivot to a new topic and avoid the thing we were just talking about?
See how you make a generic statement like "Fear is not always something irrational,"
but then don't actually explicitly state that being this afraid of COVID is totally rational?
Seriously, watch the Joe Rogan episode.
You're out of your element until you do.
It is absolutely rational to desire being vaccinated considering all the evidence regarding this epidemic, this is my statement.
But why was the death toll from Covid in Israel right after Booster shot#2 the highest of all, even compared with the time when there were no vaccines available?
You are retarded right?
Not as those who say that vaccines make no difference to stop a deadly pandemic.
Do they work on imaginary diseases too?
Yes it is. It's almost palpable and thanks to this psychosis these "parents of ours" can manipulate the masses.
Luckily there are more and more awakening to this plamdemic and disobeying. It is indeed segregating society.
I don't know if I had Covid yet, although I exposed myself to large crowds of people for the whole time, but I know one thing, I'm not vaccinated.
That's for sure.
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I have no idea if it's real or not but I do think its something we should at least be open to it and decide after hearing both sides. Censoring people isn't going to convince the other side of anything. I haven't specifically watched that specific podcast but maybe I should because of all the drama on it
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Oh what: "The pandemic is manufactured, and the vaccine is fake" ... "As if they want to kill all of us" ... "What would they do then after we are all dead" ... "Who would they enslave then" ... "A global conspiracy is impossible, because these old rich fucks couldn't possible be working together"
Thanks for writing this edicted..
I listened to Dr. Robert Malone on JRE .. and again on another podcast by a guy named "Patrick Bet Davis" .... My wife is very "pro-vax" and is very worried/concerned about the covid "pandemic".. We got in a fight recently about Joe Rogan, and these folks like Dr. Malone..
Just like most other things in life, and every hard conversation i've ever tried to have with loved ones.. it went poorly, and she just turned her brain off after trying to start a fight.
Its pretty fucking annoying that these SJW folks who want progress and acceptance will do anything in their power to ignore folks with a differing opinion or point of view..
seeing you write this article just reminded me about how fucking pissed I was about how she made me feel when I brought up Dr. Malone, and how Joe Rogan used to be one of our favorite people, but now he is basically the devil..
Its a pretty fucking sad world.. these people cant just shut the fuck up and do crypto.. nah thats a scam.. and anyone who has an opposing point of view from the CDC, mainstream media, and government is a cook..
Malone is just the one mentioning MFP - someone else first brought it up and he was referencing him. I cannot remember HIS name and good luck finding it at this point.
Had to go to Duck Duck Go to find it but here is the person that Malone is referring:
The only reason why they are burying it is that so many people believe it now.
Funny how that works.
Ok I expected a light brain tickle when I read the title, but this went deep really fast. This brings up the narrative of corporations trying to profit from the pandemic (because they can and they know they'll get away with it). Then there's the other narrative you'd hear about there's really nothing we can do about covid but wait it out. I've never encountered the term Mass Formation Psychosis but I guess there's finally a term I can use when discussing the state of things with family and friends. On a side note, your article reminded me of the movie Don't look Up. I may be partially sleep deprived but these are my thoughts on your article haha now time to try and get some shut eye. Thanks for this!
Of course it is real. Never in mankind such a campaign has happened where institutions, politicians and most media spread almost identical messages (e.g. "pandemic of the unvaccinated", those unholy
gene therapiesvaccines as "game changer"). This constant brain washing, completely unique in it´s intensity, has formed the basis of this psychosis. Effect: people have stopped thinking by themselves, are afraid of a common cold virus (sure, it can occasionally also kill vulnerable people like any flu-like virus) and believe all the lies, starting with the meaningfulness of those PCR-testings.The real question is not if it exists or not.
The real question is if we can convince others that it exists, even after they've decided it doesn't exist.
If we can... can we use that to convince people that there are much better governance systems than a celebrity two-party system that can not compromise?
People will only listen to money.
Money talks and bullshit walks.
Ugh! We have to pay everyone now... you're such a lefty.
It is believe at this stage, it is as if you try to convince a believer, that God doesn´t exist. No chance. Because they can´t be convinced by facts. God is above science, and so is the Coronoism. Similar like all those climate doomsday prayers.
Wow, we agree on this. When a Baptist church lady/anarcho-capitalist libertarian agrees with someone who identifies as left-leaning, I think that means we are awfully close to hitting the nail on the head! It truly grieves me to see people so traumatized and defeated for NO GOOD REASON!! Since I do believe in a just God, I at least know that the liars will not get away with their schemes forever. In eternity there is finally Truth and no escape from Truth and no excuse for lies. Thanks for all the great links, memes, and metaphors. !BBH
And Dr. Robert Malone is a rock star doctor with balls of steel. Yes, church lady just said that, because she is tired of weak men (and women) who lie and bully and hurt normal people trying to live normal lives despite an engineered virus with a high survival rate.
great post :)
Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you.
. Keep up the fantastic work
I mean the biggest problem today's media, social media has is not being neutral and showing only 1 side.
People cant build in modern society their own opinion.
Think about younger generations that grow up in covid times? I think they are the most less critical generation ever.
Do what people tell you because it's the only way.
Don't think yourself.
Do I expect innovations from these minds? Nope.
Independent research? Whats dat?
Btw, allowing only one opinion is exactly what we see today. Feel superior if you pick the right side and hate the other. No matter what.
Don't talk, only hate.
Unpopular opinion, most people are retards and the only thing they care about, is what other people think about them.
Great Article! I love your writing buddy. And yes...! Who doesn't love Alex jone's manic energy xD
Do you think he is a gatekeeper?
Dude you gotta ditch your girlfriend, its gonna end in tears!
I think it's comical how many people think they have enough information to weigh in on my relationship and give me advice on it.
Well you do keep saying she is a believer, and if you are not, sooner or later that will have to be addressed...
This shit is going to blow globally this year.
But if you don't want to go there why post it all over the internet for cheeky punks like me to wind you up about it?
Hm, this year eh?
We'll see about that.
I'm a very accomplished procrastinator.
Here let me ask you this:
If you're driving on a street and there is a fork in the road a few miles down...
Do you prepare for the fork by driving into the woods and going offroad?
Or do you just veer left/right when the fork comes like a sane person?
How about if you had to have a graphine oxide death jab in order to get a driver's licence?
Would you be driving or working on overthrowing your oppressor?
Please sir give me permission to drive!
lol, you crack me up.
How the fuck you gonna overthrow your oppressors when you keep begging them for favors?
You're talking to someone that constantly mentions crypto city states as the obvious solution.
Whatever needs to be done during the transition phase is not really my problem.
This isn't a difficult landscape to navigate.
There are infinity loopholes, by design.
Also I'm tired of hearing about this death jab nonsense.
STFU till there are less than 7 BILLION scum sucking humans left.
Then we can have a beer to celebrate.
Don't hold your breath, it's not going to happen.
Am I not allowed to run my oppressor over in my four-wheeled death machine because I didn't have the proper slip of paper giving me permission? Shoot.
I'll say no more...
If it was me, I'd slam the brakes, turn around, go back to town, and tell everyone there's a fucking fork in the road and we're all gonna die.
Yes but you are a bit odd
LoL only a bit?