Half a mind to...

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I finally got a chance to talk to my sister for a few minutes and she mentioned something I have written off long ago - my Australian Superannuation - which is the compulsory contribution while working for retirement. While I didn't work that long in Australia (until 23) and only full time for about 4 of those years, there should be something in there - unless fees have eaten it all away. I actually suspect that fees have decimated what little I did have there, as I have read stories over the years of people losing it all, even though they are paying into them.

What a brilliant compulsory system they have set up!

My sister is going to have a look into it for me anyway and I said to her, if there is anything in there, buy crypto with it. I am sure they would love that.


Due to what has been going on for the last week or so, I haven't been able to do much by way of trading, though I did manage to buy some HIVE in the 5-600s and sell at over 900 - now I am just waiting for a buyback point to trigger. The amounts aren't huge, but it is always nice to have something bubbling along in the background, so I don't feel completely left out of it.

This year was meant to be the year I "may" not have to worry about money again, but it isn't shaping up that way, since there are several unforseen certainties that have arrived on the doorstep. Yeah, the markets themselves are one thing to consider, but I have put myself in a DeFi position that will deliver a ticking over of income that might not replace a job, but can provide a little bit of support if needed, but more importantly, some potential to take advantage of depressed prices if they arrive. I should have been more cautious and collected more stables earlier, but something is better than nothing.

The things that have more direct impact is on my work-life, as I am going to immediately suffer a financial setback from my own business, as there is no insurance and I can't hold sessions at the moment. I have sent messages out to my key contacts, but they are under no obligation to keep my services, so I have to hope that I have built strong enough relationships with them.

While it might not be what I want to be thinking about at the moment, I have been forced to run through an inventory of income streams and try to calculate various scenarios under different conditions and timeframes. I am in the currently fortunate position to not be wholly reliant on one income and also, not be the only earner in the family, but we are definitely not high-end earners and do not have much back-up, if things do go further south.

My wife is getting tired and frustrated with things not "going our way" and while I completely understand her and where she is coming from, unfortunately, this is just the way things go in our life together. I am not quite sure why as we haven't done anything particularly wrong, it is just the way it has panned out for us, with a fair bit of unusual and rare circumstances clustering together around us. In many ways, it is like a soap opera, where everything weird happens in the one tiny community of our family, while the families around us seem to be able to sit back and watch, glad it isn't happening to them.

One thing that I am glad about though is that we tend to deal with these things relatively well, as while they consume us and our energy, we are yet to just give in and give up at anything so far. If anything, we have been able to take on more activity than what we might have otherwise, as when things are going okay, "normal" seems pretty easy. Of course, when things turn again as they are currently, normal adds to the challenge.

I think not doing things just in case conditions change is an attractive option, but I feel that it would lead me into not doing much at all. There is always risk, and I think the risk of "doing nothing" is far greater than the risk of doing something. Doing something at least gives a person agency, while doing nothing leaves them a victim of circumstance and at the mercy of the world. I reckon it is easy to look at people try and fail and criticize the attempt or take the approach of "better to not try" and live a life of relative victimhood, still a failure.

Very rarely do human engineered circumstances improve without intervention, as they are not natural systems and the code is not self correcting. When things are going wrong, doing nothing will often lead to more wrong, because it is like a computer error that will keep breaking, no matter how many times it is run. While some will win the lottery, most people's financial situation will not improve "naturally", meaning it will take work of some kind, even if luck also plays a part.

While my body can heal somewhat naturally and my head will improve as the weeks go on, the level of improvement is going to be heavily dependent on whether I push myself to improve. If I want mental opportunity, I have to lay the foundation and build the resources I require. This is much the same as having financial availability, where sitting back and crossing fingers in hope will unlikely lead to having the economic resources and processes in place when needed.

This is all pretty obvious for most people perhaps, yet most people are also struggling in various ways and feeling they are suffering from limited opportunity. Irrespective of how obvious it is, without activity, knowing it is useless, other than as a reminder of what was possible once upon a time.

Even though it is sometimes difficult to feel like never having stability, one of the benefits of constant disruption means that there are always new things to consider from different perspectives. Yes, I would like a little more certainty at these times and it would be great to have far more economic availability so I could concentrate on other things, but it isn't the worst thing to spend time thinking about either and it could lead me to making some discoveries I wouldn't have found otherwise.

There is value in taking the journey for improved independence and I think for those who really are looking to provide for themselves more, rather than just survive this life, there is a lot of personal return. It might not work out, it might be a constant struggle and life can deliver unsurmountable hurdles - but that is what makes the journey meaningful.

If life was guaranteed good, I do not think we would appreciate it much. And if everyone was going to survive, I do not think we would appreciate each other either. It is the uncertainty and risk that keeps us moving, not the finding of stability.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Sorry to be a Debby Downer but I think the minimum no. of years to pay in for UK state pension is 5 - hopefully different down under!

I think it is the same for the pension, but I might be able to take out what (if) is there since I do not live in the country and haven't for so long.

True. My family is quite big. We argue a lot. Fight with each other a lot. It used to frustrate me. Sometimes imagined about running away from them. Never to come back.

Then I realized that a lot of people don't have anyone in this world to call family.

I was doing some renovation in my house few months back. The amount of money and time it consumes used to frustrate me(I am sure you know some of that😜). Sometimes, I thought it's better live on rent. No headache about constant renovation. You can just change places. Also, move to a new location.

Then, I realized that you don't get to see it as a home. A personal thing.
Also, during the last year, I have seen a fair share of people who cannot come up with rent.

Sometimes it saddens me that I don't earn enough. Or I am not doing something remarkable as I used to dream about during my teens. I have given up half a dozen safe income opportunities to pursue a better life. I question those decisions often.

Then, I get to try so many different things in my life. Most people I know, are stuck in a single income scenario, whether business or a job. They will be lost if they lose that income opportunity.

On the other hand, I can come up with 5-10 new ways I can earn more money. I have tried so many different things. And failing in one thing doesn't scare me much now.
Only thing that I get to decide is which one to pursue. Which one to spend my time in.

Life may be a constant struggle. There is no end to it. There are just ups and downs.

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Then, I realized that you don't get to see it as a home. A personal thing.

I reckon we are made to build a home of some sort and even though it might not be what it was before, we are still looking for a place to call our own.

I have given up half a dozen safe income opportunities to pursue a better life. I question those decisions often.

It isn't bad to hold a normal job, as long as you keep pushing in some areas of your life. Sometimes, the stability allows for risk in other areas. Too many though, just end up settling at every turn.

On the other hand, I can come up with 5-10 new ways I can earn more money. I have tried so many different things. And failing in one thing doesn't scare me much now.

This is really important for a good life in my opinion. Not only being able to find "food" but also be okay with failing at times too.

No guarantees no matter which way you turn, a nest egg is a comfort not always the complete answer.

Some risk has to be taken in most avenues, support from family/friends or within strengthens us.

Never count on anything, it too can get swiped from right under your nose.

Never count on anything, it too can get swiped from right under your nose.

My biggest fear after losing my body at 16, was losing my mind. Here I am, grateful it wasn't a complete loss.

Health comes way before wealth, one only realizes when something goes wrong... Hope you getting stronger by the day and keep positive!

I can relate to that. I don't think I have had a normal or stable year. In my short life, I have lived in three different countries (6 years in the states, 11 in Venezuela, 2 in Brazil, and counting.
I like how you see it. It is worse for most of us who have a really hard time seeing the good side of problems.

If life was guaranteed good, I do not think we would appreciate it much. And if everyone was going to survive, I do not think we would appreciate each other either. It is the uncertainty and risk that keeps us moving, not the finding of stability.

I like that

I know that you are stronger for it in many ways, but I also hope that people like yourself an find periods where you can build and create some kind of home. It might not be necessary, but it is worth the experience too.

I totally feel you on wishing this market was going a little differently that it has been. It was pretty exciting for a month there and now it just kind of feels like we are back to 2019 or whatever. Even though we all know we are not. I hope things turn around for you. It really seems like you deserve that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was pretty exciting for a month there and now it just kind of feels like we are back to 2019 or whatever.

Funny isn't it, considering the market is so far up :D we are spoiled.

Yeah, totally! Compared to a year ago we are very spoiled :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

10x from here will do me.

Slowly sr slowly, the money come every penny count
and my father say when you have a problem, stay preparer because after one come the second, and if you do not prepared for that the third problem that come could kill you and get you a deep hit that you do not could controler by yourself.
is same to the times for fat cow and thin cow, if you have good times, prepared for the bad times they come.
i hope you are in good situation and your healt gone good in the future.
i hope your retirement plan get you a little pennies, remenber al penniees count.
Best regard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They say things come in threes and bad news travels fast. I am expecting some more rain to pour, but who knows, perhaps lady luck swings the other way and I get three good thing too.

I think your dad has good advice.

hehe, i have an £100/year pension in Romania, to get it when i retire25 years from now.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Don't spend it all on candy. :D

I have read stories over the years of people losing it all, even though they are paying into them

Sounds like a scheme.

This year was meant to be the year

I have said that so long with my project that I just gave up after a while and just keep the slog going on as best I can XD

Year's not over yet, maybe later this year, or maybe next year will be the year :)


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