If I had a Dollar

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I was just reading an interesting post from @trumpman, which weirdly aligned with what I was going to write about anyway - retarded minds think alike!


In his post he talks about the amounts of value to hit different stages of global wealth levels, and it really is quite interesting, and perhaps a bit sad.

Worth needed:

$4,210 - richer than half the world's population.
$93,170 - richer than 90% of the world's population.
$871,320 - richer than 99% of the world's population.


If I was @trumpman, I would stop posting here - it is already getting too long.

However, as he was saying, none of these numbers are crazy and when tallying up his various Hive-related values, he easily is a 50-percenter, multiple times over. Similarly, my HIVE POWER makes me a 10-percenter. Factor in the collateral in my home, a few other tokens, and I am a bit higher than that, but I was a 1-percenter, at the last global ATH on everything, toward the end of 2021.

But, it is meaningless.

Not just because I didn't sell, but because comparing ourselves globally doesn't take into consideration the local economy and financial situations. For instance, Finland where I live is one of the most expensive countries in Europe, and the salaries are not overly great. What is okay here though is healthcare and schooling, and it is relatively safe, largely due to there not being a massive amount of wealth disparity in the country. Though that is changing as the world starts to take on more of the American approach to living - profits for the few.

However, what is interesting is how much value an active person on Hive could have made over the last few years, if they really wanted to. And what I mean by "wanted" is that pretty much everyone here wants to earn, but not everyone is willing to do what it takes in terms of their consistency, as well as how they carry themselves in the community.

Of course, there are skill and experience issues also, as while a person might be consistent, if they don't have the ability to deliver something interesting, engaging, and what people find some value in, they aren't likely to earn much consistently anyway. But, working under the assumption that a person is able to deliver if they tried, there are a lot of people who failed.

And, they failed for many reasons, with some of the popular ones being that the amount they were earning on their posts wasn't worth adding something of quality, or posting consistently. Or, they wanted to stay where they were comfortable, posting about the things that they like, in the way that they like to write and present, even if it wasn't engaging the audience.

There is no problem with doing what you like, but if doing what you like isn't getting the results you are after, perhaps you should reevaluate your approach. Because, when people are consistently complaining about their results, it isn't up to others to cater for their poor process. Good process doesn't guarantee results, but it definitely increases the odds.

There have been a couple people (more than a couple) that I have tried to help over the years in various ways to get the results they were after, but very few of them wanted to "compromise" themselves in order to get what they wanted. Instead, they just kept on doing what they did, complaining constantly, with more than one making me look like a dick, because I had been working in the background getting them some support - only to have people come to me and say,

"Why would I support this person when they act this way?"

You shouldn't.

Gandhi said "be the change you wish to see in the world" and in this world, a world that is driven by economic activity, where we spend our money matters. Spending money is giving support, voting in Hive is spending voting power that distributes HIVE and HBD tokens.

If you don't want to support the Ku Klux Klan, don't buy from them.

It is the same on Hive, where being the change includes supporting the behaviors that you want to see more of on Hive. That might be particular kinds of content and topics, but it is also the human behaviors that you want to see more of. If you would like to see more comments, support comments with a reply and a vote. If you want to see higher quality, don't vote shit.

It isn't so hard.

Having said this, what I am glad about is that over the years, there have been some people who have managed to build their accounts without taking it all out for their day to day expenses and when that magical bull run does come, Hive is going to have a lot of people pushing into the top 10% of the worlds richest, and many who are currently living in some of the poorest countries on earth, being locally, quite well off.

I am looking forward to it.

And, like @trumpman was saying, it isn't just in HIVE, there are also other tokens, like LEO, or all the Splinterlands assets, like cards, SPS and DEC that are going to see the gains of the bull market also. There will be tens of thousands of people on Hive moving up a bracket, at least for the period where the markets are swirling in the clouds.

Before they fall back down again.

It is going to be great! And for those who haven't experienced a full bull run, it is an amazing experience while it lasts. But, post-bull, when things calm down and it is back to business as usual, you are going to want to have Hive be the kind of place you can ride out the Bear markets too. And to do this, it requires supporting what you want to see more of here. Be a little discerning.

So many people over the years have had all kinds of complaints and excuses as to why this place sucks, yet they are still here complaining. I know a few who have been here seven years, and still they are complaining near daily...

Doing exactly what they want.

There are no rules on Hive as to what works, but there are pretty good indicators and examples that come from what works in any community or society. Doing what you want, normally isn't it. It isn't to say that you can't do what you want, but if it doesn't fit in with what gets you to where you want to be, review.

As I see it, there are a lot of ways to operate on Hive and like any game, there are rules of a kind. There are of course the technical rules of the blockchain, but there ae also the social rules, as well as the economic rules, and the personal rules. Finding ways to navigate it all might seem complex, but it really isn't that hard, if you make the game part of your day, part of your social interaction, part of your entertainment profile, as well as a part of your education, investment strategy and if you are game, a piece of your life.

If I had a dollar...

If a person had a dollar of HIVE a day for the last year, come the bull run, they will have over that $4,210 worth in their account. But, this isn't a charity, there is a REWARDS pool, and rewards are given in exchange for something - a service, a product, work performed, an idea, or a desired behavior. The equation is simple.

Offer something of value, to get something of value.

In other words: Earn it.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Some of us are over the top irrationally hypersensitive about "not selling out" and "staying true to ourselves" and all that other nonsense XD

But I would hope that those of us doing that would know better than to whine about it because you kind of have to "sell out" (aka adjust to an audience) if you want more than mediocre results as only some people are gifted enough to be able to attract attention doing purely what they are doing because that's what they do and it's probably safer to assume that we don't actually have that talent XD

Some of us are over the top irrationally hypersensitive about "not selling out" and "staying true to ourselves" and all that other nonsense XD

I have this issue for sure in terms of actually selling HIVE :D But, I think it is because I don't want to seem like I am letting the community down. Ultimately, if I sell some, my goal is to buy more back - so I think I should bite the bullet and try.

as only some people are gifted enough to be able to attract attention doing purely what they are doing

Gifted or just lucky that what they like aligns with the times. I think a lot of it is where people happen to have interest that others are interested in. The gift comes in getting people interested in what they weren't that interested in before - like Hive! :D

Glad you're able to convince people on that front, most of the people I know don't understand crypto and don't want to or know that it's a scam or doesn't work so hard actively and aggressively refuse to believe that anything else could possibly be an option XD

When @trumpman inspires you, you know you must be doing something wrong 😂

I feel ashamed.

I was just reading an interesting post from @trumpman

Well there's a statement I never thought I'd read!

Jokes, love you trumpman, please don't downvote me 😉.

Well there's a statement I never thought I'd read!

I never thought I'd be writing it.

I bet @trumpman didn't either. He probably had to check his eyes.

You can die in peace now. Don't forget to give me your keys!

It has taken six years, and here we are - I'm at your level finally.

Liar. I distinctively remember you loving my recent post about the first fully AI generated porn movie.

Oh yeah, that was a banger!!


If I was @trumpman, I would stop posting here - it is already getting too long.

That's racist!

The opportunity definitely exists for people to be able to get from Hive what they are willing to put into Hive. It may not exactly be a meritocracy, but it's closer than most opportunities.

Technically speaking- at least according to our local property tax assessor- we're one-percenters because in some fantasy world this house we paid about $225K for with cash is now "worth" $1MM+. But it means nothing because we can barely afford to live here anymore.

Such comparisons are always relative.

The thing I find telling is that the aggregate crypto market cap slowly grows, even in this bear Market. If we have another 2017 style run, we could be looking at at $10T market cap, making crypto a huge asset class on the global stage.

It may not exactly be a meritocracy, but it's closer than most opportunities.

I am not sure how many people would actually want to participate in a true meritocracy these days.

If we have another 2017 style run, we could be looking at at $10T market cap, making crypto a huge asset class on the global stage.

I think it might get close to that, especially considering the inflation of all the cash laying about. Come the run, some of that is going to move into crypto, driving that bubble very high.

Reading this here, it made me think of the video by task a few days ago calling people lazy assholes, if you haven’t listened to it, I recommend it it’s good lol. It’s on his main account not leo. This works well for this posts theme too lol.

Much like you’ve said here, and trump, if you are able to bring something to the table consistently, have it be somewhat entertaining or engaging and be out there in the community then you’ll be able to scrape some things together and eventually get a sizable stake. Things move forward from there for sure and I know that I’m looking forward to the bull run not for the fact that I want to buy stupid shit like a car but I want to have a good amount of stuff available as powder to help propel me forward and grow the account.

I think we have an amazing opportunity to move up a few rungs, even if it’s temporarily. It’s important to get a taste of the fruits of the labor that’s for sure!

Has TM been getting a bit feisty? About time.

but I want to have a good amount of stuff available as powder to help propel me forward and grow the account.

A couple of times I have been caught without learning the lesson. I swear... This time...

Not just because I didn't sell

Eh, debatable. 😀

I've powered down with the best of them. I've never been super serious here, but over the years I've made some good friends. It's all worth it in the end. I just really love the enthusiasm of Hive. (Despite all its problems.)

AND it's much better post hostile takeover.

It is better since the takeover and fork away for sure. I am looking forward to the next run - then I might powerdown a bit :)

I hope you do. Spend it on enjoying the family. You never get back that time. Most valuable thing on the planet.

I am a newbie, but I have read this over and over again and I must say it is enlightening☺️ Thank you for sharing this.

Glad it was helpful.

This is why I believe that it is very good to build your HP. It will help you perform more actions here and you can make more money when you vote on posts
This is basically what I tell newbies...

When price increases, it can become a significant source of income for some people.

Bull run, bear run, They will come and go. Hopefully I continue to meet some cool peeps along the way as we ride out the waves.

There are plenty of cool people. In the bull runs, they can afford to travel more :)

Instead, they just kept on doing what they did, complaining constantly, with more than one making me look like a dick,

I hope that I never did that, as you helped me a lot over my time here.

Sometimes :)

there is a REWARDS pool, and rewards are given in exchange for something - a service, a product, work performed, an idea, or a desired behavior.

My rewards are not bad but they are very dependent on one upvote. If that one person doesn't upvote my post rewards becomes very small. Recently he did not upvote a few of my Witcher posts so the difference is noticeable. I guess that is the price I pay for not being more sociable and not having a large group of friends.

Still posting on hive is much better than just posting on youtube. Because here I get rewarded without fulfilling some insane requirements like having 500 subscribers or watch hours.

I guess that is the price I pay for not being more sociable and not having a large group of friends.

Being sociable on the internet should be easy for the antisocial :)

I suppose going all in on the Hive would be hard. Because getting daily income out of the efforts that you put in here would be taking longer time. But if you use hive as a platform for your own product, service or even blogging habit, that effort would be serving multiple values. In such case Hive can speed up your efforts of growth.

Multiple values is the way to do it. Some early in people are able to live off their stack through curation, but it is hard now to buy in that much.

It's definitely subjective and I agree that being in the 50% category isn't much. The cost of living in the US is quite expensive and that already eats into most of what I earn. I don't need to power down or anything like that because my job covers me but it sucks to deal with all that work during the weekdays.

Yeah, I hear you. What I like about the bulls, is that the work I do to pay the bills is a choice. In the bears, it is a necessity.

Comments first, articles over time.
It all starts with a step, or a word.

Yep. For those who are a little more resistant, a few comments here or there engaging with people who engage back, makes a big difference

Last year I was in the 10%. I don't go in now. But damn it, I have a chance to enter the 1% :)

The 1% is coming!

Interesting post. I am building my Hive wealth!

I think it is worth it :)

To me, HP is the most important tool of HIVE blockchain. Every vote has a value because they are limited and have also a cost. Therefore, we should use them on good quality posts, which could earn us much more curation rewards.

well, it doesn't earn more curation these days, but voting on people who are just going to sell, doesn't help the price either. There is a difference between selling all one gets at 30 cents, and someone selling a bit of what they hold at 3 dollars.

I do manual curation and rewards of some posts are much more than my vote value.

yep. If you vote on something in the first 24 hours that gets voted by larger accounts after the first 24 hours.

I'm really happy that I have never powered down and never moved money off the Hive ecosystem. Okay, that's not entirely true I guess. I moved some stuff over to BSC for splinterlands and the Leo stuff.

The "all in the Hive family" is a decent approach. I have taken some out over the years to other places, but all is in crypto.

That is cool.

Yeah, the only stuff I have earned that has gone out to fiat, is through people I have helped over the years when they needed it.

Thoughtprovoking, but real facts....

personally, i am not concerned about getting anything from HIVE… except a means to let some of us, perceived as, poor suckers learn that we all are much richer than most of us realize:


Interesting topic to discuss.

Interesting on how we can have this kind of conversation on hive

👍 !PGM

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO - 0.005 SCRAP tokens

remaining commands 10


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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