Maybe this explains why many grew up too fast, being more mature, having an inferiority complex because of how many times they have been told they can't have that.
I can relate and I didn't have it nearly as bad as some in terms of national issues. Though, my family was "unique" in many ways.
I have found that many of those who have become successful, have come from poor backgrounds. However, the vast majority of people stay poor, struggling their whole lives.
I studied this as well and it is still interesting to analyse why some overcome this while others do not.
I have also met people who earn quite good, above average. Yet they maintain the poverty mindset , acting like they have to buy the cheapest thing in order to survive. This shows how hard it is to overwrite the early childhood mental code. Maybe on a subconscious level the people feel unworthy of the money and this is why they continue a lifestyle which is no longer necessary. It is so complex I still try to wrap my head around my own issues, no wonder that many are not even aware. It is passed on from generation to generation