Roll the Dice - A Better Story on Hive

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It might be raining now and you are thinking about your bags, but don't be a pussy, relax with a drink and soon enough, boom - you'll be a whale.


It is Independence Day in Finland and it is also day 6 of my daughter's Christmas calendar. Today's gift as "Story Dice" - Dice with images on them to be used to inspire a story. My daughter has a good imagination when it comes to storytelling, but once being constrained by the dice, she ends up simplifying far too much, essentially naming things on the dice.

Stories are powerful.

Like the very simple story above, currently, there are a lot of people worrying about their holdings, worrying if they have missed the bull market, lamenting that if they have, why didn't they sell at the top and, counting their losses, despite them ,most likely being up hundreds, of not thousands, of percent this year alone.

What people are doing is, speculating.

Speculation is literally looking at the information one has and predicting what is going to happen in the future, which like the dice, is am informed story. But, not much information is needed for much of the trading stories and while people are told to do their own research, most do not - rather, they make the decision on the most rudimentary of information, mostly coming from third parties and hearsay. And the premise of the story is very, very simple and asks one question - is this token going to go up, or down?

What do you think?

If you were to go through all of the tokens and bags you hold, what stories of the future do they tell? Can you even tell a story about what you hold, or is it that you know so little that there is not much to tell? I think that this is something to think about, because if when the tokens you hold have no story for the future, what are their chances of surviving into it?

For example, I think that most people have a pretty solid story about the future of Hive and the funny thing is, it doesn't really matter if they believe it is going up or down in my opinion. The reason I think this is because it means that people are actually thinking about it because they are here using it. Most "projects2 are less project and more just random token created to take advantage of people hoping to make gains from it - while the real gains are made by the project creators, who sell into the hype.

Hive has never really had that much hype surrounding it, yet it is one of the most used blockchains in the world, especially if you consider the kinds of people it is used by -who are people like me - relatively normal. It isn't some random token of promiseware, it is something that has a highly diverse userbase and many facings that are actually working to service them. For those who are here using it, it makes for a far better story.

However, it is price that attracts many investors at the moment and as we can see from the current prices of Bitcoin and Ethereum, people like to buy high. This is going to be quite interesting for the future of Hive, as what is possibly going to happen is that once the spotlight turns toward socially-powered and play-to-earn blockchain experiences, the interest in HIVE tokenization models increases by magnitudes.

I know that for many, "my story" for Hive looks like pie in the sky, but markets don't have to make sense as they shoot upward, but lookin back, people will explain it away as "inevitable" because of yadda yadda - Often the same people who were skeptical in the first place and told a very different story at the time.

The most interesting thing about the story of the future of Hive for me isn't the potential for a massive increase in price (that'd be awesome) however, it is what happens after that. If you imagine that most project shoot up in price and then retrace with essentially no floor because there is no reason to stay in the project at all, Hive is different because there are at least some reasons to stick around and use it, if not hold some HIVE POWER.

For example, while it might only take 50 HP to be able to interact here adequately, that is about 100 dollars on the open market today and that might be too much to pay for many people. However, with coming Resource Credit delegation, millions of people can be enabled for far cheaper than that through various subscription models, giving holding HIVE POWER the potential to become independent SaaS models of a kind, earning additional income on top of curation, interest and airdrops etc.

As Splinterlands has shown, there are many ways to monetize tokenization models, whilst still providing value to the userbase and I think Hive projects are going to get increasingly good at both empowering and building wealth from and for its users. Of course, not all will be massive hits, but the sheer range of possible combinations will see relatively many over the next few years make inroads into the mainstreaming economies of the crypto ecosystem.

This is my story, and I am sticking to it.

I am not sticking to it because I have been here so long telling the story, I have been here so long because of the story. The reason that I am and have been so active so consistently on Hive is because from my speculation, Hive has one of the best stories for the future, one that has a past that has been doing on a smaller scale what it could do en masse as we move forward.

With a little bit of price action combined with the growing discontent with the economy and wealth gap, as well as the drive into the Web 3.0 gig-economy powered by crypto, and everything on Hive changes and people across the world will be looking to join or replicate its success.

Replication is great, but one of the super powers Hive is going to have with the increase in price will be, highly motivated and active staked users and, a very valuable Hive Development fund that can be used to encourage all kinds of development activities. Used well, and we can support all kinds of application development on Hive, from games to service structures that bring immense value to the ecosystem at low entry points for the development teams.

People always seem to be telling the story of Hive as if it is always on the brink of ending, but that is not the case at all. Despite the history behind us, we are just beginning this journey and we are ell ahead of the cultural curve that is going to increasingly make Hive more relevant in the public narrative going forward.

Hive is full of amazing stories already and there are going to be far more to come, as people start to build their digital homes and empower their practical lives. When people speak about Hive, they are going to tell a far better story than, I bought low and sold high because they will still be here on Hive - earning and creating value for themselves and others.

And I think this is one of the main attractions of Hive - unlike the buy and sell of tokens, we are in this together. It is challenging, but it makes for a far better story.

Roll the dice - create your story.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It’s always fun to tell people “I told you so” for things. I’ve been trying to get a close friend of mine on hive for years and he’s been a prick and laughed at me for one reason or another. I sent him a screenshot of my worth, which is relative and mostly powered up of course, with a note of “you could have had a fraction of this you ass” but got no response lol.

I wonder what’s going to happen as hive gains popularity, how will the attacks on the network increase. These tech companies don’t like competition that’s for sure. Will they try to go after the main witnesses like blocktrades and others to shut down their servers or connections? That’s going to be where one of the next significant forms of censorship will occur in the future, in my opinion. Shutting connections or subscriptions that places like ours has, with companies like Amazon or others.

Good part is, our piggy banks here are growing daily! I quite enjoy curating posts and adding 4 hive at whatever price it’s currently at, into my holdings each day.

but got no response lol.

:D :D

how will the attacks on the network increase.

There will be many ways people will try, with most coming through ways to get access to the rewards pool. However, I suspect there will also be "media attacks" backed by the platforms that aren't able to offer the same - Instagram, Facebook and the like.

Will they try to go after the main witnesses like blocktrades and others to shut down their servers or connections?

Yes. I think so. However, it is going to be very hard to take down completely, even if shutting down AWS and the like. People will host from home - are they going to kill the internet?

Dont be a puss lol. True words, cant be. Good story, good words. Keep rockin. Cheers to Finland. I follow a guy named Eric Krown on youtube, who lives there with his girl. Im staking my bits every day for the long run.


I don't know Eric - I am guessing if that is his name though, he probably isn't overly Finnish :D

This is why I didn't start a powerdown to get some liquid Hive during the pump. If we are just beginning, shouldn't I at least work towards a 1000 hp goal purely from support before trying to get more Hive to power up with from the exchange... It was tempting to do it and double some of my hp, but I had a feeling that the pump wouldn't last a full month.

If we are just beginning, shouldn't I at least work towards a 1000 hp goal purely from support before trying to get more Hive to power up with from the exchange...

Depends on you, but for for me, I have been powering up for five years already, so I don't mind taking a powerdown or two to see if I can take advantage of the markets. But., there is always risk in this, as if selling too early, it is going to be a net cost of potential :)

I hope the real pump is still to come and then, the new floor is above where the weakest hands sold.

That definitely sounds good, and if this wasn't the real pump, I'll be quite happy that I kept my HP where it is. If the price goes under a dollar again I think I'll swap HBD for hive. I should have done it in the 80 cent range.

And it's that story the world is looking forward to hear. And for those that dont want to hear it now,will realise as time goes that it's the punch you did not see coming that hurts the most #Hiveloading

And for those that dont want to hear it now,will realise as time goes that it's the punch you did not see coming that hurts the most

Indeed. It is the same as crypto as a whole. So many people said "I will never" yet, now they are.

And delay in this space is painful, you always endup buying the top and feed those that have been at it for a while and investing slowly and steady

As said, people love to buy the hype. It is peer pressure - when everyone is doing it, people want to take part. It is the one who is willing to take part before this that is the rare bird.

we are just beginning this journey and we are ell ahead of the cultural curve

I think that is the real strength of Hive, we are building more than a financial structure, we really are building a new form of culture on Hive, that is the way I see it anyways.

I agree and at some point, it is going to start affecting "IRL" cultures too more heavily. I think at least for me and a small circle of friends, it has already affected us, and they aren't necessarily on Hive :)

It is like Hive is re-teaching common sense and manners. Bringing old school respect and integrity back, making them important parts of life again.

Value is everywhere within Hive platform, some come to share then find so much more to learn.

Courses on writing, photography, coding heck and so much more has become available within the blogging side alone.

Moving together has proven the theory this is able to work!


I think that given a couple million active users, the amount of diverse content that has value here could be immense.

There are some exceptionally good pieces coming through, the more people arrive and share more quality content should become apparent.

I agree and, it will start to get rewarded better too -as people adjust their votes to what they like to consume, not just what people think they should vote.

We are inquisitive beings, sure to start delving into new topics or games, watch new videos presented, rewarding only where merit is due when realizing value.

"Just buy low and sell high."

It's so simple!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It does make it simple, which is why I think a lot of people stay away from Hive :) However - it is also pretty lame in terms of building the industry.

I certainly have my story which began with hive, there's no structure here yet.
I know it's coming, I've not been in any crypto space and this is my first ever blogging and investment which I am just catching up to with a short way to go that is absolutely far.

A big kudos to you all, your stories made our stories have a beginning that is yet to begin.

How has it been coming in?

My arrival was back in 2017 and I feel I know less now than then sometimes, as so much is changing!

It's been smooth sailing we're here for the Long haul.
The torrents have not effect, lol.

It feels good to be here, it's been a learning experience so far.

2017, that's a long time.
Much has surely changed but your guidance still counts alot.
New starts from old, if you dig.

Welcome in and good luck with all you do here :)

Yeah, thanks a lot

Haha, I just wrote a post this morning wondering if I had missed the top of the Bull market. I get it is hard to predict any of this. I know the importance of looking to people who have been through it before though. This is my first time, so I am kind of just learning as I go. I hit the tail end of the last one, so there wasn't as much to learn.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Top or bottom, the game is still going to be pretty long. I don't believe we are near the top yet - though markets don't care much for what I believe :)

Indeed, markets don't care...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For example, while it might only take 50 HP to be able to interact here adequately, that is about 100 dollars on the open market today and that might be too much to pay for many people.

In return, there are many ways to make money here for the savvy, the hard-working, and the engaged. And that's what's needed here!

Deep post, deep thoughts!🙏👍

In return, there are many ways to make money here for the savvy, the hard-working, and the engaged.

Exactly. It isn't hard to earn it back for someone who has even a modicum of skill and brain.

I like that - we are in this together

It makes things much nicer and in time, at least with some, it definitely does feel like a family operation :)

Your daughter will enjoy this little message sent to me today.
Yesterday is History - Tomorrow is a mystery - Today is a gift and therefore named THE PRESENT

Indeed hive is more than blog and earn, it a big families with lot of communities, the growth of Hive will encourage more user all around the world. .. Happy independence celebration to one of the great country in the world "Finland".. what is the plan for today's celebration @tarazkp. Ecotrain community and Sportstalksocial are coming for the

what is the plan for today's celebration

No plan for me! :D

Happy independence day and have a successful year.

Thanks :)

I think a massive increase in the price of HIVE might damage the quality of blockchain, I mean the posts.

Happy Birthday to your daughter.

Umm. it will damage quality to some degree (already has), but it will also better reward a narrower selection of posts that deserve it. It takes time though.

Hive to me is a one big family and a second home as well, where you can not only earn but to learn from every individual in the platform to continue the trend of also making the wonderful place to be. Happy independence in Finland I hope is a wonderful celebration at the moment.

Are you part of any communities here?

I engage in sports

Exactly. If each day the user base here grows, then eventually the token price will follow, along with a better ecosystem.

The ecosystem is getting better by the day here - though many people don't seem to be paying that much attention, other than to what they earn or don't earn.

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Saint-Nicholas challenge for well-behaved girls and boys
Feedback from the December 1st Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - Winners List


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once the spotlight turns toward socially-powered and play-to-earn blockchain experiences, the interest in HIVE tokenization models increases by magnitudes.

I agree that this day is coming. Web 3.0 is going to explode when the general public start to realise that they can monitise their content much more effectively than web 2.0 and then there's the gamers who will flood towards games they can earn with. Much like Napster was a defining moment for the music industry and paved the way for a paradigm shift, blockchain and tokenisation will be the same for gaming and eventually all the major game titles will have tokens and ways to earn for all players.

The futureus bright, especially for projects like Hive with proven and evolving use cases.