I have been selling some LEO - even though I believe that the project is going to increase a lot from where it is and what I am selling is probably going to be worth a lot more. I am selling, even though I don't use the value to live and I already have a fair bit of HIVE. So why sell if I believe the project is undervalued and will realize more of its potential in the near future?

Only just over 2% of LEO is liquid, making the market very thin. While scarcity is great for an increase in value, I have seen what happens on blockchains when that value is too concentrated in the hands of a few, especially when it is this stake that is responsible for token distribution. Essentially, I want LEO in more hands so that more benefit from it and as price increases, there is a wider base of support to stabilize it.
But, I am also interested in earning myself through my content, which I think in general isn't the worst on the platform and is relatively unique in flavor, not something generic that anyone can produce. I put a lot of thought and effort into my content so that it is interesting, useful and engaging, as well as I put a lot of effort into making sure that I engage with my audience the best I can.
I appreciate the comments and the votes I get a lot, so don't think that me selling some LEO is something I do without thought or because I don't value it, it is quite the opposite. Not everyone can earn their way in, but the higher the price climbs, the more people will be priced out of the market and no longer have the will to participate. I believe that having some stake in a project matters a great deal for the motivation that drives interaction and positive experience. I also think that buying stake has more motivating value than earning it, because it affects the sunk cost emotional response in the brain.
While some people can earn on Hive, they might struggle to earn on LEO, as it is a niche community for content. However, this shouldn't stop them from wanting to be an owner of the LEO network. However, the higher the exchange rate is, the less likely people will exchange, plus, the less they will get. I understand, I understand... we all want a very high price (for me on both LEO and HIVE), but we also want sustainability of that price and more importantly, the community in general. With a niche experience, we don't want to make the mistake and lock people out too early to the point that they feel they can no longer own their position.
This of course puts me in two minds, as while I want to increase my stake, I also want others to have the opportunity to build theirs too. I don't see the value in having a large stake in a platform with a very narrow userbase, or have something that resembles early Steem. However, I also think that it isn't down to distribution through content production alone, for as I said, some people who only earn this way do not value their earnings, as we have seen for almost 5 years. I like that people are willing to buy into projects, yet I am unsure how many are buying into LEO with fiat in comparison to buying in with Hive. I don't mind people buying with Hive either, as this builds a stronger bridge between the two projects and shows how valuable the community connection is to a project built on Hive.
While with my 10,000-odd LEO, I am far from the largest holders, it is still a significant position and makes the movements in price valuable, meaning that I want it to go up, but an increase in price due to scarcity alone at this point isn't what any holder would want long term, as it would mean if anyone does sell a significant amount, the price would plummet. Instead, we want to get into the position where there is a high volume of trade combined with a large number of reasons for holders not to sell. This means that small amounts of selling would be possible and valuable, while still being able to hold a lot to take advantage of the various staking benefits.
While the marketcap of LEO is a very healthy 2.2M - the volume on Hive-Engine the last 24 hours is only $2600. Considering the exciting swings in price, this isn't very high at all, which makes the market cap a little irrelevant, since if a large holder was to sell, it would decimate it. Sure, it would be bought up by holders and the scarcity would continue, but it doesn't bring the stability we would be after, it would likely just narrow the holder pool further, which would likely become a negative for future investors.
I am pretty much the definition of a long-term holder, and I have to force myself to sell anything, as it goes against my nature. There is the temptation to keep building stake, but I think that it is more valuable to have significant distribution at this point, where the people who hold the tokens value it highly. With the way I value LEO, I do not know how long I will keep trickling liquidity into the market, but I have been actively doing this for the last few months (powering up about half) so that more people have the opportunity to get in, even while I know that it is costing me based on my view of the future value as I know I am selling "cheap".
This is a little outside my area of expertise, so perhaps on community feedback I might change my approach again and just start stacking completely. Yet, I do think that for the health of the LEO community to thrive long term, it has to be rewarding for participants who offer value from the content creation perspective, as well as for the investors who underpin the value of the token itself. When these work hand in hand, the sky is the limit and the growth of the token value will be tied to the real interaction on the chain, rather than trying to engineer a community artificially - which we have seen several times, doesn't work well and rarely as intended.
I am very interested to know your thoughts on this.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
While I wasn't around in the very early days of Steem, the current distribution and liquidity % of LEO does remind me of it.
The circumstances are obviously much different: Steem had a year-long power down, which means only a very small amount of Steem was able to be sold in the beginning, while LEO was initially airdropped and has a much lower power-down period.
But I do see the danger as well in LEO right now being in the hands of too few, who either unknowingly or knowingly "manipulate" the liquidity to pump the price (as we've seen before). However, sooner or later, some stake has to be sold and it's yet to be seen whether buy-pressure will be enough and whether the distribution will be decentralized & healthy enough.
I wish them all the best, though I'd prefer less hype and more acknowledgement to their Hive roots.
I think that one of the risks of too few and very large holders is social, where unhappy people can act in less than useful ways, as we have witnessed many, many times. The larger the holder, the more they are likely to be affected behaviorally at market and social movements. They might be well-intended, but that doesn't mean right.
I think that LEO is doing a great job of building and supporting their community and I really hope that they understand the value of HIVE connection and the future potential of building evermore layers upon it. There is a chance for many such similar projects and they can all benefit from becoming gateways into each other, to build an intertwined framework that benefits all and stabilizes all.
At this point, I don't mind the hype, but there is the potential that people might get too cocky too soon and miss the real potential to come. there is a massive amount of value in building and populating the ecosystem that can generate value in so many more ways, as well as open up new opportunities to each round of early adopters of the niche experiences.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Also just be honest. You are just salty you didn't buy cheap. You missed the 0.1 train. The 0.5 train. The 1 train. The 2 train. Etc etc. And sorry I have bad news for you. You won't build a large Leo stake for free with a bid bod service that parasitizes on Leo and promotes plagiarists. You will have to pay.
P.S: how is koinos going for you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn dude you didn't have to kill him. LMAO! 😂
True because leo stakeholders care about leo :D
Steem power down was initially 2 years! And people complain about 13 weeks :) I've always said that Hive (and Steem) would benefit from a bigger 'middle class' to help spread the rewards. Only a few will ever be whales. LEO needs to work on this too. I've accumulated some, but it's extra work for me to optimise my votes with each token, so I don't fret too much about it. I care more about rewarding others than my own curation earnings. Some of the tokens may seem set up to favour a chosen few and do need to be called out on it. Everyone should have a chance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I literally have all my tokens delegated to one account that votes all over the place through trailing @curangel, leo.voter and myself. Definitely very far from optimized. But, I haven't optimized my own Hive voting either, I just vote as I please, when I please.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LEO has linear curation, which does make this a bit easier. A vote is basically a tip. You get 50% of that vote back regardless of when you vote/who voted before you.
We're working on a new platform to handle delegation lending for LEO POWER. Should be ready around Q1 2021, but I think that people will optimize the voting power that they care about.
Some care only about HIVE voting power. Some care only about LEO voting power. Some care about both.
If you can optimize and utilize your VP, then you're good to go. Otherwise, it might make sense to lend out your VP (as you're doing with your HP delegations to @curangel and @leo.voter) 🦁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that the linear curation has been a good test case for reintroducing it into Hive, so thanks for that. I think part of the reason it is so successful on Leo is that it is niche and people are active and interested. On Hive, it is a bit different as there are many "dark corners" out there. I am not sure if it would really be that much of an issue, but some people take it seriously.
I don't worry too much about the optimization of my own curation, partly because I can't be bothered chasing it and partly because I am comfortable for now producing content consistently, which I really enjoy. I don't enjoy the optimization of earnings, but I do like the different strategies and potential paths to earn. This is the best game on the internet and it has something for everyone to play with.
I know some people have an account for each token. I guess you can set something up to have them vote as appropriate. Most of my voting is manual anyway. As you get more voting power there is some pressure to use it well, but each to their own.
Hey wolf.... how many users did you onboard on Hive in 2020? ...1, 2, 3?
LEO has more than 500 onboarded, more than 60% active!
I have seen you to many times playing smart, for a whole year, and close to zero added value.... probably more damage from your side...
I tried to contact you on discord and twitter to add dCity on your project hivedapps (that you ask for funding from the proposal btw), and you ignored me completely .... from what I'm hearing I'm not the only one... probably you want to hang only in close circles...
How do you think to add value? By being a lonely wolf? .... it takes more than one to build something...
Did Ethereum boys get mad when some eth token is doing fine? No they encourage it and welcome more projects to build on the chain....
Hey dalz, I'm great, thanks for asking!
As I wrote in my latest post, I worked my ass off in 2020 so I could launch what I've worked on early 2021. Does this mean I'm not entitled to an opinion, because I didn't launch yet?
Sure, I could have launched a buggy/bare product and release updates gradually, but that's not my style. Didn't I show more than often enough that what I'm doing has quality? https://hive.io Developed in less than a week. Now imagine what I'll deliver with more than a year work-time.
Reg. hive-dapps: thanks for the accusations but I was busy and probably missed your request. I'm not using twitter for messaging and there is no request on Discord.
I'll take care of it this week.Another accusation. Be careful how far you take this.
I'm a solopreneur but not lonely. So no need to worry mate.
Did any ETH tokens belittle ETH? Did any of those token compare themselves with ETH? Did any of those tokens display arrogance towards that what made them?
PS: To be very clear and before you accuse me of something else, I don't have any ill wishes for LEO, I want it to succeed, but HIVE comes first. Also, what I've built is not a competition. It's something very different, with its own business model & plan.
Hive.io is essentially a list of links and some info about hive. Wow. Much impressive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I didn't mention it to impress. I mentioned it to make a point.
But feel free to do it yourself.
I doubt you have any idea how much sweat people put into Hive before launch to make the deadline of the fork.
I can outsource it for 500$, possibly less, and have it ready in 48 hours. End result will probably be better. Big deal.
It will be a template and it won't be customizable.
I think the proof is in the pudding is it not? LEO has essentially achieved more in a year than Hive/Steem has in at least 4.
If I were in a handful of top dawgs at Hive, I'd be messaging Khal and asking him how he did it!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
See, this is exactly the wrong mentality. LeoFinance build ontop of Hive. It benefited from blocktrades and others dedicating dev work into making Hive scale and to massively reduce node size. But you're not talking about that. The only thing that's talked about it is how LEO bags were mooning.
This is 100% not how you want to be talking to people when they already don't like you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm criticizing LeoFinance and some dude thinks it's time to attack me personally, instead of trying to have a rational debate. I don't need to be liked by someone like that.
We should find ways to work together, not against each other.This is not helping nobody, @dalz. Not cool.
I agree that we should work together @oliverschmid. This is probably the first time I'm engaging in some sort of drama and politics on Hive (excluding the tron thing).... I hope the last as well...
But wolf has been repeatedly talking bad of leo (in gloves) ... its to much.... I bet there is some truth from his side as well, but his delevering is terible.
Anyways appreciate yours effort to calm the situation.
I can't see how you interpreted his comments as talking bad about Leo? Criticism is fine, everyone does it all the time about all coins, including those that they own.
And if you don't do that, you're just biased.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Pick any tribe, this is true for almost everyone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey Tarazkp, even though I didn't comment a lot (compared with others at least) I just wanted to say that I read your content regularly and I appreciate it a lot. I appreciate the thought and effort that it takes to write such long pieces like the ones that you produce.
Let me correct you in something:
While this is true and only 2% of the current supply is 'hanging around doing nothing', the market is a lot deeper than it seems.
Why? Because you should also count the 19,24% of the supply allocated to the liquidity pool. These tokens are 'liquid & locked' at the same time. You can use this tokens to 'get out' with ETH but at the same time, these tokens represent a commitment from investors who decided to allocate an equal amount of value in eth into a uniswap pool.
This makes easy for anyone to step in/out.
If you want to sell your rewards LeoDex is more than enough, but with the Uniswap pool you could sell literally 1% of the total supply moving the price 'only' a ~5% (which is nothing, If you ask me).
Have a great day!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for that info mate. I was wondering about how it works in this regard but wasn't sure. I think for a lot of people who might be coming in from Hive, H-E / LeoDex is their likely gateway to begin with. I will have to look into it deeper.
Thanks again for taking the time to explain it :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're welcome! Any doubt, just shoot ;)
good to know. Thats what we also need for Hive!
I don't write much financial content, but I do occasionally read, so that was the incentive for me to buy some LEO with my liquid Hive. I only have 1000 so far, though, so not much of a vote or curation earnings. Will top it up a bit more soon, I think. Appreciating those selling at this point.
I think this is where the future of all of the niches are, in the consumption. You are able to earn a bit by investing into what you enjoy reading, or what reading helps you. For example, LEO writers might introduce you to possibilities you wouldn't hear of otherwise, while you are still able to reward and earn on the content.
I will likely kick myself one day :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Like you said LEO is pretty much a niche community, but one of the largest niches on HIVE as it seems a lot of people are interested in learning about crypto in general. For content on LEO I really only have my monthly reports for self tracking that fit the community, but I still want to participate in earning LEO as I also think it is going to go up in value.
As I mentioned in a previous comment I think the LBI token is a method to invest in the potential future growth. In about 3 months, dividends will be starting and I will have a better idea of how Index funds work on Hive-engine. I am hoping the price growth will continue with LEO, the dividends as I understand it will be in LEO-Tokens so I will be earning LEO on a semi regular basis if things work out the way I think they will.
Like all things crypto, it's all a crap shoot I guess, but still a learning experience.
I am going to have to start trailing my comments with my baby account, to add some LEO on comments too. I think it is valuable to be able to reward comments and I write a lot for leo too.
I don't know anything about LBI, I should look into it. The last almost year has been a challenge and I have cut back on my learning - which is costly in crypto :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
With LBI you buy it with LEO, it gets locked up and then invested back in LEO and a few other things I think, We all, (the holders of LBI), voted to extend the no dividend account building phase to 3 months, the account will grow a little bit more and the hopes of everyone is that the dividends will be higher, which will be paid out in LEO. I worked over the last month to get to 100 LBI to try and test the investment out @lbi-token is the semi main page that talks about it, it has only been out for one month now.
This touches on one of my reasons for only blogging sparingly. I could earn quite a bit more than I do, by posting more frequently, but we don't need more bloggers.
We need more voters and commenters. If I'm spending two hours on a post, that's two hours I'm not spending reading other people's stuff, voting well, thinking through the implications and commenting. Buying needs sellers, and writing needs readers.
The geyser model for LPs is fascinating. (I have around 2/3 of my LEO in the pool, the rest is staked)
Splinterlands has done something similar except that it caps out after a few months. So there's a bonus for leaving it in; but max bonus isn't too far off for anyone looking to get involved.
It is definitely true about needing readers. I have issues with this myself as I really enjoy the writing, so I think that makes me more an author. Dunno what is best for the community, but I wouldn't enjoy myself nearly as much if I didn't write, at least for now.
I should have got into the pool stuff, but feel I missed the boat.
Last I looked, leo posts had the most engagement of all communities on hive. It is important that social chains be actually social
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wish everyone commented more. I think the benefit on Leo is that comments get rewarded without the curve trim. There is also more chance for an account to get noticed on Leo through comments. On Hive it is harder these days to get attention through comments, but this is how I find most of the people I follow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It helps that on leo there is no curve trim. There's no disincentive to vote or not vote on any particular piece of content.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am hoping that they will remove it again on Hive too.
I also try to spread the Leo into more hands through curation. I believe the trending page, although very good will lead to a tendency to reward more the established writers especially now due to the flattening of the curve and the lack of the curation game. I do however like that there has been a good return to voting on comments.
I agree with what you write above and am also confident the team and the whales will heed your words as it makes a lot of sense.
There is no trim on the comment voting, right? Just flat.
I think at this stage the whales are doing a decent job of it and the content is okay on average. As you know though, under pressure, habits can change and if there are only a few large holders, it can get ugly. I would like to avoid the ugly of the past.
I don't think there is a trim or dust tax on comments, which is a great thing to help others who don't write big posts feel part of the community. I still believe this was a bad decision on Hive. Dustbuster helps but I think people are less inclined to vote for comments including myself.
I agree that the whales are doing a good job. I Just think the trending page has a bias toward certain authors especially those who have large upvotes getting them there.
tokens.That is a great way to look at it. I totally understand what you are saying. I bought some LEO just yesterday, but it was a really hard decision given the 3 to 1 ratio right now. The value is definitely there, but the price is going to be a sticking point for a lot of people. As it rises we will probably see less and less casual investors. I agree we need to spread the token around as much as possible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's one way to look at it. You only feel this way because you've been around for a while and remember how it grew to this point.
For an outsider who stumbles into Leo, the value won't matter. However, if the investor wants Leo, he/she has to buy a shit ton of Hive, invariably pumping your Hive bag, and then putting it into Leo, which also pumps your Leo stake.
Investors only see value and pay the price based on what they see. We need Leo to continue building and give us a product that's worth the hype. So far so good, things are looking up and I think things will get better in the long run
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am not sure if it is the right way to go, especially from a personal perspective. But, I do feel that there are community benefits to having a few more people get in early, to benefit from the less casual investors later.
Spreading the token should be a big part of the early model, but it should still require a hurdle of some kind, whether that hurdle be a buy-in price or providing some kind of value in content or development. We have seen what happens if the hurdles are too low.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It helps that you still have enough where you aren't hurting your stake too badly. I guess time will tell right?!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm still a little fuzzy about Leo to be honest. I mean I know it's a platform for financial stuff with crypto but I can't say what it actually does.
There are various things. Firstly, it is a front end of Hive with relatively specific content. Then there are the liquidity pool for wrapped Leo and Eth. There are several applications like hivestats.io and the Leodex, which has lower transfer fees than Hive Engine. They are always adding more functions and applications, as well as a sidechain I think.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the reply, a pity you can't get Leo by commenting as far as I can see.
You can get it from commenting, it is just that Leo stake has to vote on the comments. My stake is delegated to another account that follows mine, but doesn't vote on my comment votes. I will look to change this perhaps so I can reward comments with both.
That would be awesome and greatly appreciated :)
I think what you are doing is good for the long term health of the project and I think more should adopt your attitude. I don't see Leo shooting up super high as being good for Leo or Hive at this point, we need more users on both, and having limited distribution is one obvious reason for that.
It always comes back to the same thing for me these days, all Hive related projects would benefit themselves and the whole ecosystem by focusing on more effective outreach and retention first and foremost.
I think so. And price is never good at retention, as it is not only volatile, once a project is up and running, it can be very hard for a new account to get traction - which means that they are less likely to buy in also. For most of the larger accounts on Hive that have bought significantly, first they needed the social proof of the community that it was worth it.
I think the witnesses should take you in as an adviser....
Then again I do feel $0.12 is too low. It hurts retention too because its just too much of a drastic decrease from what we are used to and puts a strain on the community, but I think it's all because we didn't do enough onboarding or retention that we are where we are. And I'm sure we can recover because we've handled worse.
I don't care much about the price right now, I just want to see some growth on the social front, and I think we can do much better on that front with $0.20-$0.50 hive. Right now we are very vulnerable to dirty whales (old or new), manipulation, and projects that don't care about draining the ecosystem.
I booked profits with LBI but not regretting as such because I am holding it also. Unless you completely exit the market , you are good.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, I am not planning an exit, I am still powering up bits and pieces and hold 10K already. I would like it if there were many more holding 10K too :)
Circulation would be important, but I don't think it's the time yet. I feel you should keep stacking for a while, till the platform gets a bit more popular
Yeah, I can stack, but so is everyone else. If it ends up in very few hands, it becomes too much of a risk that bad actors emerge and have a massive impact on the entire structure.
Distribution happens over time. Plus you failed to mention the liquidity pool on Uniswap which is where any trading should actually take place. Also, the worry about scarcity creating value as a bad thing is a bit strange to me since that is exactly what creates value for bitcoin, and it seems to be just fine.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Scarcity isn't a problem, it is a driver of value. But if there is narrow distribution and scarcity, the price can be high, but only a handful benefit. I think that leads to social problems in the community, much like it does in real life.
Yes, distribution happens over time, but it doesn't have to be like it was on Steem. There are millions of people holding Bitcoin, it is a little different. Plus, 20% of the tokens are locked up for life, through lost keys. That could happen on Leo too of course.
I didn't mention the pools as I don't know enough about it, which you will find from some of the other comments here. Also, the pools are a bit different to use, so cater for a narrower audience perhaps.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anyone holding LEO benefits from a higher price, just because some benefit more is irrelevant and is what will always be the case unless everyone is holding the exact same amount. On the whole, sure a wider distribution might be "better" (whatever that means) but aside from those good feelings, it's just a talking point and not something that will prevent LEO from going where it's going. In fact, I think it's overwhelming positive for LEO that the stake is closely held. It will allow for higher prices because it's held by those that believe strongly in the project and those higher prices are going to ultimately attract a lot more users. Something that would have been harder to accomplish without the higher prices.
I would have thought you'd been around long enough to understand the risks. Conditions change, beliefs change, behaviors change. Relying and trusting on the benevolence of people when money is involved will often lead to bad outcomes and once the positions are set, it is very hard to come back from it, as we have seen before, quite recently.
There is a trade-off with just about all things in life, risk vs reward. In this instance, I think the potential benefit outweighs the potential risk.
Selling your stake at your desired price is a voluntary thing. As an individual, you can increase the supply in the market by selling, like you're doing but I don't think it is connected to the fact that a group of strong hands decide to lock up majority of the Tokens. If anything, I find that to be reassuring because, first of all, these people are believers in the project and will protect it all cost. Secondly, it was a free market when it came out and we all had equal opportunity to buy up the token anyways.
All I'm saying is that on one end, Leo keeps building and has ardent believers holding their stake close to their chest. It is all voluntary, as most of them don't "work" for Leo. So anybody that wants to get in, through blogging for example, can simply just blog and earn. However, if someone wants to be a part owner, the price of the token won't matter and if anything, knowing that majority of the token is staked will even encourage the investor to put their money where their mouth is.
Earlier today, I also wrote how Leo activities will inevitably rub off on Hive in the long run since Hive is the path of least resistance to enter Leo as an investor. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic but I think regardless of how you see it, the success of Hive engine tokens is a success for hive...with all cockiness considered of course.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, but this is definitely not my desired price. I think LEO is going well up from here.
This isn't always the case and after 4 years, I have had it proven time and time again to me. Also, yes, it was free market at launch, there was a drop to Hive stake etc - but that doesn't hold up long-term for the project, which is what is important. With the same argument, it can be said that early steem was a free market too, as anyone could have mined it - but was it the case?
As said, I have been around the block a few times with these things and while people are excited and willing to support now, that can flip very fast under various conditions. Making sure there aren't repeats of the past requires understanding what happened in the past.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
if Leo can get an exchange listing and some buzz in the crypto world, it won't matter really about the distribution, but what will matter is the price. When the price of something is high, peoples perceptions of it are the same. Leo could do something crazy in price if it can get an exchange listing. Which it absolutely needs otherwise it relys on Hive being the liquidity, and the more layer 2's there are on Hive with no USD pairs the more Hive will be binned.
I take it back...
Congrats on 500K!! 🎉
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It won't matter for price, but what about for the future of the community? I think we have seen the type of damagewhat some antisocial whales can do.
What do you think will happen with Hive long-term?
Also, I am super annoyed at you. I have been waiting for months to congratulate you on crossing 500K (I know the vests don't quite add up to whale at that point) but you keep sitting just below! :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
haha thanks but im fine with 500k. Although i could sell my Leo miners and bag another 400k which would be nice. Think ill stick with it as it is, Leo at 1 dollar is just a matter of time. Long term Hive? no idea i think if it keeps on with development then it will be ok. 3speak thing sounds good, we just need more of it. I really need Hive to hit 1 dollar though, it can happen and i think it will once everything starts to rise up. Things don't get left on the ground when people have made a ton of money they want to gamble with. This bull has only just started so Hive will lag. Just be ready is all i can say.
Hive will lag for a while I think, but 1 dollar is my minimum perhaps for a real sell. I think there will be some spikes well past that in time though.
That is a lot of miners :)
It is great that you want to provide liquidity for Leo and your motives are pure. But there is a pool for the purpose of providing liquidity. The WLeo/Eth pool makes another 20% of the Leo supply liquid. This liquidity pool has already done amazing things for Leo, but its especially amazing right now. With the upcoming airdrop for Leo Power, we would likely see nearly all the Leo powered up leaving even less than 2% liquidity. Fortunately, the brilliant Leo team had the foresight to create this liquidity pool, so HODLers can be rewarded while providing liquidity.
I do appauld your efforts to provide liquidity. You are doing a great service as having liquidity on Hive-Engine is of great value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@empoderat mentioned this too and I was unsure how it worked. I also wonder how many newer to crypto people would work it out.
I was ready to take part as a LP and literally hours before I was going to, the hack happened. Then I missed the second round. As I was saying to mattclarke, I kind of feel like I missed the boat on it and the geyser, so I have just stayed powered up and delegating to my token account for voting and trailing (I have all my tokens on that account).
Now, in your opinion, do you think it is better for me just to keep powering up now instead of selling a bit for liquid - it is not like I need the HIVE and I am not selling for anything else. Also, should I perhaps powerdown and take part in the pool or should I just keep it poweredup for the drop?
As you can see, I have been Hive focused for so long, that I haven't planned much in way of secondary tokens :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Curation returns are just as good as the liquidity returns. I think you should keep powering up and enjoy these great curation returns. It's never too late to join the liquidity pool, but you are't missing out as long as you have Leo Power working for you. So my opinion is you should keep on powering up and curating. Of course that is just my opinion and not financial advice.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As for the liquidity irrespective of the fact that its about 2% I still feel a whole lot of people are selling Just like you're selling too, in the long term, maintaining healty scarcity is really necessary. Im selling some and keeping a lot through staking, while buying with some hive sometimes, I believe individually we have our own ways of contributing to the long-term goals of leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Long term, scarcity is needed just like it is now for price, but it is the amount of participants demanding and selling that is important at this point. I think that we can all assume that having a million LEO users is better than 5000, 100M better than a million. At those numbers demanding, there would be plenty of scarcity, but if it is "too scarce" it makes it unattractive, especially early on.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well scarcity early on isn't ideal like you said, needless to say, I hope we still maintain that attractiveness that would enable people to want to hold Leo, it's important for its future.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just got through with all the comments, this is one of the reasons I like your content. People respond to it, I get more information, and I get to see a tiny bit of drama, and I get to learn about other peoples thoughts and ideas on the subject.
This post had a fantastic and interesting comment stream, for me.
I had a feeling this one might bring in an interesting conversation and, I learned stuff in the comments too :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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