The Consistent Reality of Hive Dreaming

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I haven't written one of these posts for a while, so figure for the first day of Autumn, it is as good a time as any.


Firstly, just a little powerup this month.


many times before, consistency is a key factor to building an audience on Hive and pretty much anywhere and engagement is the glue that holds it all together, because it is through interaction that we develop relationships.@arcange runs which is a handy site to check some more fun stats about our journey through Hive and I use it to keep an eye on my progress from time to time. As I have said

A lot of people want to earn the capital, but they do not spend the time to build the social capital required - people matter.

Just last night a very random name came up in a discord chat that I remembered from years ago. This chat has a couple other "oldies" in it and I said, "I remember that name" - so did others. What is interesting is that the account in question was a random, very small, hardly known account - yet people still had a connection to it in some way, enough to remember it. These people are active Hive users who have built up social capital through their content and engagement, and it shows in the conversations we have as to how wide they have roamed these waters for years.

I joined Hive (before it was Hive) January 29, 2017.

How many months ago was January 29th 2017?

55 months

How many weeks ago was January 29th 2017?

239 weeks

How many days ago was January 29th 2017?

1676 days

How many hours, minutes and seconds ago?

40,210 hours

2,412,611 minutes

144,756,670 seconds

So. Consistency is key.

Remember, I am definitely not the most successful earner on Hive (I do okay), but I am probably among the most consistent, without having anything automated or delivering low-quality content - which is always debatable based on preference.

These are metrics that say how many weeks I have written a top-level post on each day (blockchain time) of a week and a month respectively.


This means that out of 239 weeks on this chain, I have "failed" to not post on a day during 9 weeks. Out of the 55 months I have been on, I have failed to not post on a day of the month during 3 months. This means that all of those 9 weeks I didn't post on each day of, all fell within those three months. All of these were in my first six months on the platform, as I haven't missed a day posting since mid-2017.

I used to post a lot more than I do today, but I made the very conscious and hard decision to post less. I enjoy earning, but I love creating content a lot, so making a move to post less hurt a bit - however, while I could do it when earning small amounts, as my earnings per-post grew, I scaled back and lengthened my posts even more.

This was good on the way up for price, but meant that the time and effort to earnings ratio was very bad during the bear markets and especially when combined with the bidbot era, as there was little active stake out there voting on actual content. But, consistency is the name of the game, so consistency reigned - regardless of earnings.


Still, I have a ratio of about 10:1 in comments:posts and while this isn't a huge amount, it is pretty high considering the amount. You can imagine that even if I spent only an hour on each, it still amounts to 198 full days or, 594x 8-hour work days. Posts take me longer than an hour to write.

Then, adding the 44,000 comments on top, if the average time I spend replying is 2 minutes (sounds reasonable though I suspect it might be more), that amounts to 1483 hours spent commenting, which is another 61 days or, 183x 8-hour work days.

A working year at a full-time job is about 225 days in Finland, so this means that my Hive content is the equivalent of 3.4 years of a full-time employment doing 5 days a week. But, Hive isn't five days a week - it is seven.

Hmmm. How's that hourly pay looking now?

Not great, but considering that I partly do this so that I have the financial opportunity to invest, it means that this is "disposable" income, though I do not dispose of any of it. This is my future retirement plan, I don't want to throw it away.

not matter?Now, someone who does earn a far bit more than me is @taskmaster4450 and he joined in August 2017, about six months after myself - Was I wrong? Does consistency

let's see how consistent he is:



He runs a couple accounts and while his comments are pretty low on his main, he has a lot on his LEO account. In fact, because he runs two accounts, he is earning a large amount - but this is the way of the platform. If people believe you add value, you earn value. People matter.

My point is, that whichever way you look at it, being consistent and offering value to the audience consistently, is what builds the relationships on the platform and in life in general. If you are an asshole in the real world and give nothing back, you might earn a bit in the short-term, but it is unlikely that people keep giving you value in the long-term. This means that if you don't use what you earn well, long-term, you are screwed as you might not earn anymore.

This points at the other factor involved in building relationships - trust. On Hive, trust is very important and while the reputation system is not a very good indicator, trust can be built in many ways. People can trust the content, the engagement, the behavior and the transactions. Since this is a stake based system and people correctly assume that the value of their stake is correlated to what other people do with their tokens. Powering up comes with risk, but it also shows faith in the platform and that stake can be used to support other users.

Yes. your tokens, you can do what you want with them,* but being a socially-powered platform, there are social ramifications. If an account takes and doesn't give back, people stop giving to it eventually. No one is entitled to receive votes, no matter what content they add to the platform, but the votes they get can be affected by how they behave in ways that matter to people who vote.

People often assume that larger accounts get votes because they are larger accounts, but that is actually rarely the case, or at least, not the main reason. Generally, the larger accounts have exhibited the types of behaviors that the voting public appreciate, so they show their appreciation. Some accounts have one or two large voters who always hit their posts - some accounts (I think mine is pretty spread in general) get votes from many accounts. I think another good indicator of value added is the spread of accounts commenting on the posts themselves. It would actually be interesting to see what kind of spread there is over the space of a month for example.

But, this post is getting long and most people are tuning out after 400 words - however I think a lot of people want to be successful on Hive and earn significant amounts, but they don't necessarily see what it takes. Just like most platforms that offer some kind of earnings in some way, it takes effort to earn - but for those with skills and gumption, Hive is probably one of the easiest places to get something significant and it is still hard - at least in my experience.

But, it isn't my point to put people off, rather the opposite. The potential to earn on Hive for those who put in the effort is very good and for those who are willing to reinvest their earnings and risk it on the future, the potential is very large indeed.

HIVE is at about 55 cents now and my earnings are far from great hourly, but far better than when it was at 10 cents at the start of the year. The value of the tokens I earn don't matter (they do in some cases - another post perhaps) until I sell them, meaning that when I earned 50 cents six months ago - that is now worth 2.50. My account at the low was worth about 20,000 - but I have been buying and powering up, as well as earning and it is now sitting at 150,000.

Time makes a huge difference in investments.

And it is because of this that consistency matters, as it is an investment into building an account that is able to attract value, in the same way that building a business requires, ideas, investment, work and time to get the business model running. Poor business models generally lead to business failure - not earning. If you want to earn on Hive, do you have an account model that supports earning? If not, why not?

Be very wary of people who give advice on how to be successful at online learning and be careful where you put your money, as there are a lot of people out there that talk a big game, but don't have the ability to back their words up. One of the benefits of Hive on this blockchain is that the track-record of an account is there - every transaction. This means that those who behave well can breathe easy, those who have not might live in fear of being found out. Some like we have seen in recent history have been very high earners but caught double-dipping and self-voting on multiple accounts and instantly, losing all the social capital they have built up. Maybe it was worth it for them, maybe not.

Oops - this post has now got longer.

I better go and do some real work that pays me more. Well, until time makes the difference and the work I do here outstrips my IRL earnings 10:1.

Hive Dreaming.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Lol, everytime I read your post of consistency and data of the last 5 years, I think about what is possible if I keep consistent here for the next 5 years.

These post of yours motivate people( at least motivated me) for the long term behavior😀

Before, I wasn't much concerned about how much hp I have, or how consistent I was here. Like most people, I was just seeing big upvotes and payouts.

As you have mentioned here and multiple times before, having skin in the game matters most. It shows you trust the system.

Just a month ago, I started with almost 0 hp. Adding a little bit, I am about to reach 100hp.

I am saving most of the returns I get from my investments on games and tokens in HBD savings. It gets me 10% apr. Waiting for hive to go back to 30-25 cents to buy 1000 hp.
If it doesn't go back, and just goes up, even then it's all good.

Small increments feels good. 0 to 100hp. 1000hp next year. 5000hp by next year end.
And maybe 100k hp in 5 years if I will be consistent here.

Money is good, but the best feeling is seeing years of your work pay exponential returns. And that's what you are talking about here😎

These post of yours motivate people( at least motivated me) for the long term behavior

I hope so :)

As you have mentioned here and multiple times before, having skin in the game matters most. It shows you trust the system.

It is also means you pay attention to what is actually going on with the platform. Man don't.

The wide spread of votes, and engagement is the actual value no doubts.

Getting a constant heavy vote from one account can be all good and lovely, but what happens when it stops? Prolly powers down to sell in bull season?

That's well all the value that seemed much on those accounts which received the votes vanish...

I've not actually seen any field where consistency don't play a vital role, it's always one key factor, the most impactful if we're being real...

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Getting a constant heavy vote from one account can be all good and lovely, but what happens when it stops?

Tears of it isn't fair! I have seen it many times. They sell in the bears too.

On Hive one of the most important things, (at least to me) is the Integrity of the account or the person. People like to fool themselves. They think normal people are not going to see there actions or weigh the consequences of their actions. So they try to justify their actions, and think they can always come back, (Maybe it was worth it for them, maybe not.)

is the Integrity of the account or the person

We were talking about this tonight (work event)

So they try to justify their actions, and think they can always come back, (Maybe it was worth it for them, maybe not.)

You have seen a lot of what I have seen happen on the chain and I think unfortunately, some do return without taking much of a hit. It is changing though now, as there are more options and people creating good content.

I think the curation reward change will eventually have a huge effect, people no longer need to chase the highly rewarded accounts to earn a decent curation reward. Once that really sinks in, I think we will see a good shift toward rewarding post and people because of content or the history they have shown, and more effort put into finding good content/people.

this post is getting long and most people are tuning out after 400 words

What? Are you saying there's a limit on human attention spans? I gotta stop writing long posts then.


For many, they would have opened this up and not even started. Some of the comments here are from people who I am 90% sure, skimmed 90% of it.

I wonder how those sort of people read books.

Don't be silly - No one reads anymore.

These are some strong stats and I must say that even if my journey on HIVE has started also mid 2017, I've lost myself on the way through the sea of information and the market fall in 2018. Even if I posted at that point also, part of the motivation fell of as that was something in the human nature.

Still I got back on my feet and continued my journey fast enough to continue establishing myself within certain communities (omnipresent on Leo Finance), try new things and keep on posting as much as I could. Nevertheless, it is great to see examples as yours and aim to do the same or better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even if I posted at that point also, part of the motivation fell of as that was something in the human nature.

Yep - it is human nature and it wasn't always easy - especially seeing what else was happening on the platform. All in all though, it was good training and I learned a lot. I am glad that so many made it through :)

It’s amazing and exciting how your writings and contents are so relatable. This is because, I was thinking, how long will I be consistent on hive? I love hive so much. But reading your article gave me the confidence that if you can do it, I can do it too.

You definitely can do it. I know many who struggled early - the trick is to learn to love the writing and thinking part itself - then all the rest just flows into a daily habit - like stretching or exercising should be. I say should :D

This is so true

I think taking breaks from time to time is important but I am always afraid that I am going to lose followers when I do. It is really hard for me to be gone on vacation for a week. I just sit and think about whether people will still be reading my stuff when I get back... It is an addiction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It depends on your needs - but when I have had a chance to take a break, I just post more casual content and have some fun. Writing is now part of my process of living, so it fits into whatever I do.

It can be addictive, especially if earning - but learning to love the process can make it a healthy habit, rather than something compelled.

I have days where it doesn't come as easy. I guess that is just part of the process.

I joined in May, this year, and since joining I have only managed to consistently post everyday of the month in the month of August. I have line up of posts to be made this week already, I was planning to take a rest a bit after Sunday, and go back to posting thrice or twice a week. But after reading this, brother, there's no slowing down for me anymore. Lol, I think I'll still like to continue posting at least once a day as long as I remain here. Lol

Except I become too busy to ever post again.

Consistency is indeed the name of the game and you are surely a master in that game.

Wow! What a record!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To really remain consistent long-term, it probably requires making a habit out of it, where the writing is a reward itself. This is what helps me a lot.

You wouldn't imagine that I'm making a post right now, I mentioned what you said here in another way, only to come in here and see it. 😀

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Sadly, some people don't care about social capital. Hanging around the Hivewatchers Server, it has become obvious how many are solely in it for the money.

It is depressing being in there at times, isn't it?

Yeah. I'm not going to lie and say rewards are not nice; for me, they're complementary. If I were in it for the money, I'd be chronically disappointed by now. 🤣🤣🤣

Being consistent is a quality I do not have, one of my biggest personal weaknesses. I admire you greatly, Taraz!

I hope you are keeping well mate :)
It has been a while since Krakow!

It's been a long while indeed ! I hope we'll get to cross paths again in the not too distant future!

We just need to be able to travel first! :D

Generally, the larger accounts have exhibited the types of behaviors that the voting public appreciate, so they show their appreciation.


Everyone makes their own decisions, one way or another.

That's exactly what I have graphically hinted at. :)

Many don't like the decisions others make, unless it benefits them directly

Yep! seems like it's already hard coded in the DNA.

A long post from you again. Its obvious that you haven't missed posting a day. It should be hard to deal with. Consistency is key as you said. Even if we don't often post, we can contribute audience on Hive by commenting and upvoting.

Have a good month.

Yep - commenting is very good for everyone too. It often gets overlooked.

This is all quite compelling. Time and time again I keep hearing what it takes to find success on here, and this is more of the same. I haven't fully grasped it all just yet, but with this post I've learnt just a bit more.

Some people will tell and sell you lots of things - I have only seen a few of those things help.

That's is what I also found out that it is consistency and engagement only can make you meet more people and build your account well.

Is this what you have been doing?

I started the act not too long ago and I can see difference

I respect how you manage to post everyday even after working full time somewhere. yes,consistency is well fit with hive where earnings comes. I am still learning good blogging from you and hopefully i follow your post in every hour.

Just practice a lot and in time, it becomes second nature.

Consistency does matter.
I joined mid August, so far, I can say the going is good. I've learned consistency. I've learned to be active despite my busy schedule.

To achieve good result on hive, you need to be active.

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Yes. In two years from now, do you think you will still have been consistent?

Thank you for sharing.
This is a very interesting article.

Hope it is helpful. One of the things that people also have to consider is, whether their content is original and exclusive to Hive.

That's very true, we must prioritize their original content.
we must support them with the efforts they have put in.

Hive blog is about the best writing and passionate site I have met that has reward

Good to hear :)

your first paragraph is infact nothing but the truth, something that I have been working on and it is real I must say. In fact the consistency part made me to see Hive blockchain as a worthy investment.
The more time I spend on the Hive, the more I understand and love the ecosystem. I would really love to be very functional on the blockchain till forever.

Lately, I have been reading a lot of books as I also take a lot of pictures and I learnt valuable lessons from them. When I read the laws of power it said something like we should never imagine that skill and talent are all that matter, never to spend so much time on your studies that you neglect your social skills.

Currently, I am reading the Richest Man In Babylon and I have learnt so much about consistency. Even In the fact that it emphasizes that nothing on the earth is new. It is the same principles for wealth over the past years.

I have decided to be very consistent with my photography on the hive.
It has been a very profitable experience no doubt, I intend to keep it that way and even make a lot of friends in the discord group that I belong, we talk about photography and props

When I look at your account, it motivates me knowing that you post alot everyday and it is very profitable and I intend to so with my photography and reading especially books related to building finance.

The more time I spend on the Hive, the more I understand and love the ecosystem. I would really love to be very functional on the blockchain till forever.

Wouldn't this be nice? Have a place to call home and to always have the possibility to expand it outwards and adapt to the changing word?

never to spend so much time on your studies that you neglect your social skills.

A lot of specialists miss this lesson. The problem is when they have to compete against people who have some social skills as well. Online, it is very important.

Just make sure what you offer is generally something that is valuable to you, as well as your audience. It makes a difference in your experience and it shines through to theirs.

How is it that this is the first time I'm reading your posts, your advice on consistency and interaction are top notch

as I haven't missed a day posting since mid-2017

This is really mind-blowing, to think I find it difficult to post every two to three days.

This post has given me some inspiration. Who knows if I keep being consistent who knows what I can achieve

Thanks for taking your time to write this

It takes some getting used to, but it is like exercise - the more you do it, the more you can do it. Using the brain to create is one of those exercises that can be done for an entire lifetime, and still not hit the bottom of the well.

Thanks for this wise words🙏

Nothing wrong in having hope as if anyone deserves for this to pay off you do. The hours are crazy but the reward outstrips all of that in my opinion and time does create value. Just stay healthy as our health is the most important aspect of everything. I had a health scare as well this week and back on my blood thinners after more blood clots so we do need to take care.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great points about consistency. I wonder how consistent I've been in my 4 years here. Without checking, I think I've had periods of being very consistent, but then periods of not so much. The fact that my posts still only make a fraction of what many people make (and even less if you remove the sbi) may tell that tale. Tho I would prefer to think it tells me not so many people care about haiku (which is usually what most of my posts are about). Ah, le sigh, poetry is such an unappreciated art.... What a cruel ignorant world where such beauty is oft ignored! haha allow me to cling to my complaint. Anyway, good points!

very true friend we all hope to have good rewards unfortunately for reasons of time and inexperience did not start my publications from the beginning also opened my account when I was not hive, and here I am trying to get afloat from the bottom, with a little hope and enthusiasm enough, I hope to continue, if the rewards allow me, I have not yet touched or a hive for my benefit, I hope soon to do so, success ....

Just started to post on HIVE and i do believe like in all things it requires real work and consistency is key indeed. Reached 500 recently and feeling proud of myself so far. Seeing it is therapeutic also it is a win win situation. Very motivating to read this to be honest...

This is wisdom in black and white. I was talking to two new guys I introduced to hive the previous week and I told them that hive is not so easy but it is definitely worth.

Unlike your country, what you earn on hive might be higher than what a consultant earns in a 9-5 job.

And I went on to tell them that if you are on a platform that gives you something without putting in money why not build it so that you can stop looking for people who have built theirs.

All I can say is the hive like every other thing pays for consistency and only the consistent ones have a chance of winning the race.

I have seen different people reap from consistency.@d1homid please take time to read this post.

I just saw some stats and I'm pretty sure you were the second or third highest paid from content. No complaints. Top curators seem to make more because the earnings are more centralized (content creator rewards are surprisingly spread out these days) As of now it seems that there are only 10-20 people who could earn a living from Hive in a country like Finland or Japan, and for most of them that'd only be live-able with no dependents or expenses like outstanding debt, not exactly RICH but still worth the effort if they enjoy their time here.

None of that is counting POB and Leo or other Hive based tokens which could probably triple or quadruple the amount of people who could earn a living...and then there are many who live in cheaper places. I think a $1.50+ Hive in the next year is realistic, and things will look much better then.

Still I don't complain with my $8-20 payouts. It's slowly piling up into a very nice investment, and if Hive triples and I count tokens, I'll be earning more than my other work.

Cool, keep up the good work here on HIVE and sincere congratulations for all your achievements on this blockchain! :)