A couple times we asked how much is the Internet worth? That is an impossible question to answer since there is no way to figure it all out. What we know is the medium is a central part of the lives of billions of people. For that reason, the value is unquestioned. However, putting an exact number on it cannot be done.
Something like Hive is always going to be a lot smaller. For this reason, when we look at the potential impact the ecosystem might make, can it be worth $1 trillion?
This is not referring to the market cap of the HIVE token itself, although that is a part of it. Instead, we are looking at everything that is tied to Hive.
It might seem crazy but the numbers surrounding cryptocurrency can get very big.

Ethereum As An Example
Few can dispute that Ethereum has a lot of money tied to it. When we look at what is taking place there, the numbers are incredible.
To start, the market cap of the token itself is about $400 million. Of course, that is only the starting point. When we start to look at what is built on there, we see how the numbers can get much bigger.
We also can presume that this will only grow over the next few years. Prices suffered a major pullback, putting them below where they were just a couple months ago. At the same time, projects are expanding each day, including issuing out more tokens as compared to the day before.
Just think about all the ERC-20 tokens and the projects they are related to.
To start, we have the different stablecoins that are worth tens of billions of dollars. While there is some dispute about the exact number issued, we cannot deny that there is a lot of value changing hands through the transactions. That alone substantiates a high price.
We also see the different DeFi projects. Ethereum was the epicenter in this and still has the most TVL. This gives a great deal of value to many of the projects that are being utilized.
Naturally, we would be remiss if we did not mention NFTs. Certainly a case can be made that the market is ahead of itself. Nevertheless, this does not take away from the overall potential of what is being developed nor the value that will be created down the road.
In doing a quick skim of the market caps of Ethereum related projects, we see projects that, at the moment, are worth $4 or $5 billion (or more). When we total all the different ones up, we can see how the total market cap can rival that of the base token.
It becomes evident the second layer will surpass the base layer in value. The only criteria is that enough is built.
Splinterlands Providing The Model
With Hive, obviously the numbers are much smaller. However, we can see the same concept being applied.
In going through Hive-Engine, we can see what Splinterlands is generating.
Here is a list of some of the values related to certain assets tied to that game.
DEC $6.5 miillion
TRACT $83 million
CHAOS $3 million
SPS $23 million
PLOT $43 million
VOUCHER $1.2 million
That is over $150 million in value that is presently contained in this different assets. We also are not including the decks people are holding. Who knows how much that equates to.
The point is we can see, with continued growth, the numbers for Splinterlands going up many times over. This $150 million can easily turn into many billions of dollars. In fact, if the trend in virtual land holds, these numbers might get explode.
Regardless of the exact figures, we can see what Splinterlands is building can result in enormous valuations.
And this is only one project.
Creating A Network of Splinterlands
The goal is to create multiple Splinterlands. Hive needs to keep developing where an assortment of projects duplicate the success. This is not going to happen overnight since Hive is still flying under the radar. However, over time, as our own network effect starts to take off, we could see other projects becoming viable in their own niches.
Reaching this point means the growth in value will become exponential. Each little crevice could see an increase, radically affecting the overall.
It is a concept that might be difficult to comprehend at the moment. For many, it seems as if Hive is spinning its wheels, not really going anywhere. This is compounded since many are only looking at the base token, not factoring in the potential of what else is being created.
We often state the key for Hive is to get half a dozen Splinterlands going. By this we mean projects that have appeal to a particular audience and gets to the stage in development where it starts to attract a fair number of users. In the last year, we can see how Splinterlands accomplished this. For now, we are awaiting a second one to appear.
This is not always going to be the case. With the work being done on the Hive Application Framework (HAF), the goal is to make development on Hive as simple as possible. Instead of having to learn blockchain, coders simply use what they know. The integration is the same as any other database. That means a second one will appear at some point.
A Trillion Dollars
It is possible that Ethereum, with the assorted projects, is nearing this level already. If not, another significant step higher in the markets would result in it exceeding this level.
So what does that mean for Hive? It is only logical to forecast that the entire cryptocurrency realm is going to keep expanding and, thus, appreciate in value. More utility is consistently being created which will enhance the network effects. Hive is a microcosm of the much larger whole.
A point to consider is whatever the value that is created by the projects tied to Hive, what part of it are you going to receive? Are you going to be able to enjoy life changing money based upon the growth of the entire ecosystem.
A trillion dollars is a lot of money. That said, we are going to see many systems that are worth far more than that. If, for example, Ethereum is somewhere around $800 or $900 billion with all the projects taken into account, a 10X, not totally unreasonable, would have it closing in on $10 trillion.
The key to keep in mind is not so much what is here today but all the development that will occur over the next 5 years. What projects will we utilize in the middle of the decade? Here is where the numbers can get very large.
Could the entire ecosystem around Hive be worth a combined $1 trillion? What are your thoughts? Is this something that you are going to share in?
Let us know in the comments below.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think we'd need 100 Splinterlands to get there, but if we could do that, sure.
Wouldn't it put Hive at $200? That's stupid money, even with how much inflation is going on! I don't even hope for that much right now hahaha. Let's get to $10 first and let me take it all in first!
lol no... don't be ridiculous.
That would be
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'd basically be creating a quarter million dollars in upvotes a day.
That is if the trillion dollars was all in the price of $HIVE.
The point was to have $1T in total value, base plus Layer 2.
We would see $HIVE lower in price but still worth a ton.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Omg, I’d become a real estate mogul or something like that.
NO!!! forget that!!! Imagine blocktrades or theycallmedan with that kind of voting power.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
for that case remember me :P
Hard to say. One breakthrough application can be worth a fortune to an ecosystem. This is something that people seem to overlook.
We saw a number of projects on Ethereum worth billions of dollars almost overnight. That only added to all else that was there.
It will be interesting to see what else can capture some attention in addition to Splinterlands.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One breakthrough app like #project blank??? Maybe we are closer to the 1 trillion than we think
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL you are thinking like I am.
Personally I feel #ProjectBlank is the "killer DApp" people discussed for years. It is simple and a low learning curve. To me that means we can easily convert some decent numbers of users.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The first Splinterlands can attract the next 99.
It can do a lot of the ecosystem. In fact, it already is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are correct it’s not about the native token it’s about what’s being built on the blockchain. I have such high hopes for hive considering the community we have. I am invested in much bigger projects that have half the passion and tech but are worth hundred Ed of million more. It’s only time until we unlock the true value of hive. We need more streamlined UIs, training, onboarding and marketing to accelerate this cycle.
It all comes down to what is being built. There are other projects, in addition to Splinterlands, that are seeking to gain in value. We will see what can be accomplished.
We certainly need more development (applications) to pull in more users. That is where we are right now. Hopefully a few breakthroughs can take place.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree 100%. I'm excited to see what the next gen of hive P2E games looks like.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A trillion dollar is quite a huge projection. We'll need a whole of world breaking dapps and development to get close to that
You are right. It is going to take a lot of applications/games that really take off and garner a lot of users.
However, what if Splinterlands gets to 5 million users? How much does that affect the value of what is already here? Keep adding a couple more games, a few huge communities, and we can see how things are flying higher.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If Splinterlands can hit those number of users, that will help facilitate our growth process and value much quicker
Without a doubt that would help Hive in general. A portion of those players would end up drifting towards some other applications/games. It might be a small amount but if each app did something similar, we could really see a massive amount of growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The pace at which we see different dApps being produced accross hive blockchain as well as more number of users joining this platform, I see it possible in the coming 5 to 7 years.
That is actually a decent timeframe to project things.
Could we see enough development in the next 5 years to reach that point? What kind of projects will be built which can capture people's attention and get them involved?
We shall have to see how it all unfolds. A lot of things starting to vie for that title.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh yeah.
But so far, so good :)
I'd be interested in seeing a breakdown of the marketcap of all the layer2 coins. Some like Leo are quite big now.
We'll know this eco-system is a success if all the layer2 coins exceed the value of Hive.
Some are getting rather bit. Of course, the big issue, for now, with the layer 2 is that it isnt quite accurate since there is little liquidity. Hence when one tries to undo a position, it ends up being lower than listed.
But over time, as more wealth appears on Hive, that could change. There will always be non-liquid assets. Some of the bigger ones, though, will not have that problem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really this is surprising and am just knowing about such amount involved in it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, with Ragnarok coming soon, the 3Speak Airdrop coming, The new Whitebook from LEO Finance with updated Roadmap & Project Blank looming + another project called Chifibots which just quietly raised $100,000 and should be launching maybe quarter 3, I'd have to say we're off to a good start this year. I'm sure there's other projects and developments in the works that nobody has announced yet. Oh, and I forgot Listnerds which is yet another way to interact and bridge with HIVE from the "regular" internet. Exciting times!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is a terrific list forming, that is for sure. We still havent really seen any communities form that explode in a major way.
Consider the fact that a community, online, can easily have 50,000 members.
We had nothing like that emerge on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Splinterlands already did a ton for HIVE - and in my opinion it is only a matter of time until other projects pop up that have some growth as well. Trillion dollars seems extremely optimistic, but across all those interesting projects showing up, the layer 2 tokens.. Mmm, I'd definitely have my financial freedom secured if that was to happen!😂
No doubt about it. That was a major breakthrough for Hive. Now we need to see what comes next. We can expect Splinterlands to continue to build. But what else will step up?
That is a question to ponder for a while. Time will tell what can enter the fray.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Marketvaluation or bookvalue for shares was and is always a topic of intense discussion, due to the lack of liquidity. For crypto we are going straight into a new area for the most things, and also for this metric in my opinion. Whether I have Facebook (Meta) shares or not, I can use their service and my appearance their is not linked in any way to the amount of my skin in that game. This will (has) totally change with crypto. You did not mention the amount of HIVE that Splinterlands has accumulated in your little spreadsheet. In the not to distant future that may contribute a lot to the value of a project and simultaneously/vice-versa may stabilize the underlying chain. It is not only an investment, as it comes with a lot of utility (voting power, witnesses voting power, RC, account creation tokens, interest) building the kind of interdependence that is essential to a developed ecosystem.
Thank you for your regular food for thoughts - it is easy to miss the potential impact of the epic changes we are all part of on a day to day basis.
Well the value of the $HIVE held by Splinterlands is contrained in the overall MC for Hive. So that is factored in there.
Could that have an even greater impact upon the project? Certainly. However, we are going to see, in my opinion, values for $HIVE jumping simply because of the need for RCs.
It all factors in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
1 trillion is a bit far off for me, maybe half that price but then again it is possible if there is a lot of liquidation.
One thing I'm always looking at is the number of valuable and quality projects built on hive. A trillion dollars is a lot of money to envisage, but since there's no limit to how far crypto in general can go, all these permutations are actually realistic in terms of the growth we're envisage.
There are a lot of quality projects on Hive. What will become of some of them? That is where we all are trying to forecast. Some will end up breaking out in a big way. I believe we will get some insight throughout this year.
It will be fun to ride a few of them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes, it is going to be fun to watch and anticipate some of these big break away that will happen to some of these projects. Its exciting to permutuate, this is why it's Important to participate in almost every project on hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To me, that is not possible. Instead, I feel we have to focus upon some strong projects and build heavy positions. That is how huge money can be created.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, it's Why I said "almost" from my angle here, Splinterlands became a necessity, including leo and some other projects because its crazy out the there and inasmuch as the future isn't certain anything can happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The value of a blockchain is given also by the projects run on it and we see more and more such projects coming to the space. Let's see the impact of Project Blank, Speak Network, Ragnarok or PsyberX on this ecosystem!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All good ones to watch with terrific potential. If two or three of them explode, we could see something similar to Splinterlands.
My bet is that ProjectBlank is of major impact. Hopefully we see that by mid-year.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo Finance could be that 2nd Splinterlands if they can push Leo token back to it's peak. Just my opinion. Leo is extremely undervalued
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leofinance holds great potential. It will be something to watch. Will the LEO token be the first of their ecosystem to benefit?
It could be that CUB and Blank end up taking off first. I guess it will come down to what is developed and how it all unfolds.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are at least 10 other assets associated with Splinterlands you didn't mention, only 2 of which have less than a million+ market cap, and one of which isn't even tied to the game, but is a community token where people can discuss the game, lore, fan fic, etc., and I think that's just the beginning.
Each card has a potential storyline that can be written by anyone who happens to feel like developing the character, and each of those stories can manifest into a tribe with it's own token.
Then each one of those stories can inspire who knows what? New stories, new games, new television programming, podcasts, movies, and the list goes on and on... all manifested by people just hanging out with bros and bffs and spinning whatever we like to spin.
It wasnt meant to be an indepth look at the entire Splinterlands menu. It only serves as an example of what the potential is.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm aware. I just wanted expand on what you're saying. That's just one project, hardly out of it's infancy, if even. Its potential alone is beyond measure and it's really only a proof of concept.
A trillions dollars worth of assets on Hive is absolutely possible. I can think of two major aspects of the chain that will help propel the value. Social network built on the premise of Web 3 where leofinance, hive and project blank will shine and Defi that will flourish on p2e and other trading projects. As you mentioned in the post, the stablecoins aspect of the valuation will also have its impact.
It will be fun to watch which ones take off.
If Hive does become an epicenter for a Web 3.0 summer, then things will really get fascinating. Of course, that might not happen for some time.
In the meantime, we just keep building and supporting the different applications that are on here. A lot taking place, more than any single person can follow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Exactly, I am not aware of any technical development that is happening on Hive. I don't have the technical knowledge how the system works. It is would be beneficial :) for everyone to be aware of projects with potentials so that they can be the early adopter.
Have to follow the different projects individually and see which teams you trust.
The technical information is always a bit hard to follow for those of us who are not inclined that way. It is why trying to dig through what Blocktrades posts is vital. It is base layer stuff.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I tried to read through Hive Dev posts without success. I have read your commentary around base layer protocol and stuff. You know a lot better.
It is impressive that there are so many games, and communities are being created on Hive. P2E and Defi/Indexing are taking the charge. How many times should I say this? I am patiently for Project Blank to happen. That will change the face of the game if marketed properly.
I think Hive is just getting started, there are very few volume apps. But I think this is changing, the liquidity of layer 2 tokens and the development of HBD I think they can give the chain the push that it needs.
Bingo. I agree with you completely.
That is something that we are going to see, I believe, down the road. We will have to have a great deal more built out but we are looking at a lot of money being developed on Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This would be a Great Money
Gif Source
It would be a lot of value generated.
We are going to need a ton more development plus enormous network effects. It will take a while but we can keep moving in that direction.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
What would that make the price of Hive about $230 each? Yeah I'm here for it lol
I really want to get more devs in here and start building applications no matter how small they might be at first. Been running into issues with that. Are there any tips or training for dev/coding on top of Hive? I'm more of the investor get the team together and fund the project not the code myself.
I think for sure the entire Hive ecosystem could be worth over $1 trillion. Taking into account all the dapps, Hive-engine tokens, Cub Finance, TribalDEX, etc... Surely there's at least $1 trillion
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is something to truly think about. You are right, with all the DApps, things can expand greatly. We are going to have to get a powerful network effect going. However, we can do that if the applications/games become somewhat popular.
It is all going strong.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ethereum's price tripled every year on average since its inception. So 1 trillion USD is on the radar for Ethereum after 7 years. Hive's market value made approx 14x in 22 months since it has become independent from Steem. Let us assume that Hive also makes 3x per year Like Ethereum. The actual market cap of Hive is 465 million USD. So we need to make a 2150x to go to 1 trillion USD :)
3^7=2187. So Hive needs only 7 years to reach a 1 trillion dollars market cap. (465 million USDx2187 > 1 trillion USD) All we need to do is triple the market value of Hive every year for the next 7 years. Ethereum community has managed to do that, it is not impossible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is if you are basing the trillion dollars on only the market cap of $HIVE. Since we are dealing with all that is built upon it, we can see how it could happen that much quicker.
We do have the ability to see the MC of Hive itself growing at a strong rate though.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I believe Hive is generating much money from splinterlands because many people has engage on it.. for Ethereum the network is always high.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No doubt that Splinterlands is generating a lot due to the users. That is what is needed.
We can see how that creates a strong network effect for the entire ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's true
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Anything is possible and over time this may seem like nothing. One app to go viral would do it and who says that won't happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is certainly true. We cannot predict what can happen to one application. It sounds like a cliche but it only takes one.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is seriously interesting to read, that the theoretically possible landmark that you have showed here,can expand that much in monetary value, who knows!!
It might be bigger than that.Yet, etherium currency and other crypto's potentially holding more markets and establishig solid foundation. This visual maybe achieved some day,but looking at the projected growth, I can see a fair chance.
Headline was quite impressive, 😮,literally!!!
The key is the market will grow so much that even if existing projects hold their share, the growth rate will astound.
As for Hive, it is all about what is built on here. This is going to be key. For now, we saw the success of Splinterlands yet more are going to be required.
Let us see what else steps to the plate as they say.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah,it is true and I have seen splint to grow so fast overtime.
Thanks for the gentle reply. Nice to talk to you.. :)
It's definitely possible! We need many more communities like @leofinance and many more projects like @splinterlands, but it is certainly in the cards. DeFi projects will help. I'm always an optimistic Hive fanboy!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL I hear you.
There is a lot more that is required in these early stages. What will be produced that will help to drive things forward? That is going to be the challenge over the next 6-9 months. 2022 is a big year for Hive.
We need to step up and take advantage of what is brewing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Love the potential behind Hive.
Since I've gotten a bit into developing I'm starting to see the "cost" to developers here. It isn't free like I used to think.
It MAKES you money! !LOLZ
All the Hive you need to stake to run a big project can also be put to use curating and earning a return.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The letter H
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/10)@taskmaster4450, I sent you an on behalf of @lolztoken
That is true. It does help to offset any "investment" that is made. One can earn 8%-10% per year through curation on any $HIVE held as HP.
A concept not really discussed a great deal but one that is not duplicated many other places.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that for the Hive ecosystem to hit a trillion dollar valuation some commonly used second layer applications have to gain a lot of popularity. For this to happen it would help greatly if capital gains tax did not have to be calculated on small transactions. There is a Bill right now that sounds like it makes crypto transactions under $200 tax free. I hope this passes because I think it would be very helpful to getting to that trillion dollar Hive ecosystem valuation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not sure the bill will affect things too much since it is US only and crypto is global. However, it would make life easier.
If nothing else it is bringing a lot of attention to the crypto world so that is a positive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's definitely going to take quite a bit of time IMO - the best developers are still on the other big L1s, and from what I see, Hive doesn't have that much draw for them to come over yet. As a developer, I feel that there aren't enough tools for good devs to step in and shine just yet - AFAIK there are no commonly agreed on standards for tokens like ERC-20 or ERC-721 for NFTs on Hive yet. Hopefully, this will all change soon!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a good point. We are still lacking in the foundation. Most do not realize that infrastructure is still lacking.
You are right, hopefully some things will roll out soon that push it forward. From what I read, the Hive Application Framework (HAF) is going to help developers.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Wouldn't surprise me if it was already at $US1 Trillion. At current we are only capturing market data of actual blockchains but blockchain technology is just like any other industry. It needs to be supported and has a lot of branch off industries and employment that aren't properly captured.
Electricity, the blockchain is powered. Computers, ASIC cards, catering, repairs, logistics, consultants, developers. There are thousands of industries that support blockchains whose potential isn't even realised as yet.
Blockchain is hyped enough today to be able to carry most people through the current economic downturn. New industry will bring new investments, new businesses trying to move into the space etc. lots of economic stimulation not all good, some bad but that is with all things.
Everyone races to be number one and spend a lot of money in the process.
This is an electronic gold rush, try and find the shovel to supply to the miners and don't be one. That is the key to success.
not financial advice
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Few projects are making significant impact on the hive ecosystem and Splinterlands is surely one of the biggest name. I think you should be amazing to see hive having a trillion dollar market cap but I believe this will take many years.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will take a lot more projects. Fortunately some are being built.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
These projects are already here, some of them are hidden gems some already made some steps to gather momentum. Looking at only the gaming sector of hive:
Rising Star, Hashkings, Rabona, Ragnarok, Psyberx...
Chifibots raised funds for their game with the hive community although the game will be the first game on the Aspire blockchain keeping up bridges to hive. I have found inji.com that lets me mirror my hive posts to twitter, with integration of ETH and HIVE NFTs. We have Leomobile and so many more projects.
The network effect will boost all of these projects, if they want to be a success they can do it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are correct, there is a lot already on Hive. However, as you also stated, the network effect is required. Unfortunately, how many projects are onboarding people. This is an issue I believe.
Time will tell how all this goes. The only hope is we keep growing at a consistent pace; the ones who sign on get active.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To achieve such mark with focus on HIVE alone will clearly take many years. But should all the second-layer projects increase their development and growth pace then it will be much easier cumulatively.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will take time and no telling how long it will be.
However, there are a lot of projects that could help it along. A couple breakout and become popular and we can see things explode.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Good thing is that play-to-earn and NFT projects are slowly expanding and gaining momentum on Hive. If well-promoted outside the walls of Hive then we are sure of increased Hive traction. This two might help in increasing the overall market cap.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
it would be, 1 Billion of Dollar is posible, because we have a lot of development here.
by the way, we lost the ETH Train but here we are in hive this give us the posivility to get the freedom financial liberty.
well if splinterland go to the moon, we need to buy at less one land or plot to get prepared for been involved in our own metaverso.
Best Regard.
Splinterlands has the potential to really increase in value. It is something that is growing and development is taking place. This is going to be reflected in the price of the assets at some point.
There was a pullback due to the bear market. When the bull returns, I expect Splinterlands to advance that much further.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A trillion dollar Blockchain? Very possible. Based on the activities of second-layer projects we can hope for the value of the chain to grow exponentially in the coming decade. It is already happening. I do believe we might hit the $5 mark (for hive) soon enough given all the projects that will be launched in the first quarter of the year. I see some second-layer tokens doing x100. This is why I feel second-layer dapps are crucial to the growth of hive and this is where I am more invested in currently.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We know that Splinterlands is already in the hundreds of millions of dollars with all they have with their different tokens. Could we see the same from other projects. It is certainly probable.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes I do think HIVE can reach $1 trillion eventually but I don't think it will get there anytime soon. Realistically, if we add in all the tokens on HE and diesel pools, I think 1 trillion is well within range. Of course, it will require quite a few more Splinterlands type applications bringing in value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Let us not forget that Splinterlands is not done with its forward march. There is a lot higher levels for that ecosystem also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hive at $1T MC isn't hard because MCs can't actually be liquidated for the implied value (at best 50%... and probably more like 10%). The only thing a market cap tells us is how many people are entering and exiting at the given price.
Also you didn't do the actual math:
1 Hive would be worth $2500, lol.
Such a weird thought.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The article didnt deal with a $1T MC for Hive.
It was outlining at total for all that is built on here. The value is spread over many different projects, not just $HIVE.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Fair enough.
Tokenomics are a big part of WEB3.
Many won't build their own project if they can't tokenize it.
I still think Hive will actually have a $1T MC in 10-20 years.
I am not going to disagree with you on that one. This will be true if crypto starts to take over much of the established system. If real estate and stocks end up on blockchain, then all will skyrocket in value.
Hive just needs to keep building.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
(5/10) gave you LUV.
H-E tools | connect | <><@pixresteemer
you are right nobody can figure how much is the internet worth in this global generation.
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Had to update the title since obviously people were missing the point of the article.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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It makes me happy, I am in this for some time :-). There are a lot of really creative people here - I'm sure something will come out of it. Cheers
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So much is progressing right before my eyes. In the few short months, I have been playing Splinterlands that game has changed, and continues to grow and change. It boggles my mind to think where we will be in Hive 3 years from now.
An excellent post as usual @taskmaster4450! An interesting point of view which I for one, hadn't considered calculating! Wouldn't it be epic if Hive's value (however calculated) reached a trillion! You never know... if we keep this up! ;) Upvoted and reblogged with pleasure, Lee :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta