It is a generational thing. There is no way around it.
I saw a lot of FUD about cryptocurrency but never from a Millennial. It was always one from the Silent or Boomer generation attacking it.
That shows me how much difference there is in the generations and how they think.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ha! I had not considered that too much.
To be fair I have seen an even amount of skepticism across generations but yeah I would have to agree with you that there is a generational component in what we are discussing with the laws and such.
I mean most of the actual FUD does come from the same folks that said email would never be useful, the internet itself (in its entirety) was a scam and numerous other highly laughable assertions lacking any substance... so yeah crypto fit the whole 'boogieman' narrative quite well.
That is true. They do not seem to want to acknowledge how slow they were to embrace things yet now are tasked with making laws about stuff they have no clue about.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta