New York is up there too.
And they are looking to lynch that governor but for different reasons.
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New York is up there too.
And they are looking to lynch that governor but for different reasons.
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Add Whitmer from Michigan to that list. I believe the reason from what I have read from different sides is that its our vice president killing off her competition. Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsom all have political ambitions so crush them out of the competition. I think Wolfe and the other person who I can't say off my head won't have any problems because they have no ambition.
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Yeah well Cuomo is making his own bed. In the cancel and me too culture, he should be cooked.
That makes sense although I think they are going to have a tough time retaining control.
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That was Trumps biggest mistake. He gave the opposition something to rally around. Now that he's gone, they'll go back to doing what they do best, eating each other. It's going to get messy.
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That is the thing about parasites, they have to feed off something.
Now that they have no Trump to target, they are going to look for something else.
Of course, they are softball with Cuomo up to this point.
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That's only because he hits so close to home. If he goes down, it just reinforces how tenuous their hold on their own positions really is. But the naked ambition will be too much for most of them to keep bottled up. Once the die is cast, the feeding frenzy will be gory and the holier-than-thous will come out in full force.
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