Schiff acts the way he does because he sells gold on his websites (and makes a healthy commission).
The sad truth is people actually listen to what he says. His calls for $5,000 gold is now about a decade old. He said to buy gold instead of stocks in 2010, something that didnt work out so well.
Of course, the case with Gold versus Bitcoin is much worse.
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To be fair gold has outperformed S&P500 since 2000. It just had that nasty correction from 2011 till 2016.
I believe this recent gold bull is just getting started but will never put 100% of investments in one area.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Um... say what?
"Since 1990: gold lags the S&P, +357% vs. 831%, both on a price basis
Since 2000: gold beats stocks by a wide margin, +560% vs. +124%
Since 2010: gold hasn’t been great vs. stocks, +65% vs. +195%
Over the last year: gold trounces stocks, +22% vs. +8%"