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RE: Leo Talk 4/29/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

It isnt going to be easy but it is a sound idea at some point. I think we do see CEOs replaced by AI. It has a long way to go but the decision tree is fairly easy to replicate. We can build upon the basic tree while expanding the capabilities over the next few years.

It will be interesting to see where all this goes. Wyoming is already approving regulations that allow it to happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Well do most CEOs do anything productive? Besides a handful like Musk, I don't even know their names most of the time so I don't think I would know the difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. Some are rock stars but most are probably not much. They get enormous compensation to make decisions that are probably done at a lower level, they just sign off on.

Personally I am ready for AI to advance to the point where it can replace a lot of jobs quickly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that's possible. It would be weird at first but I think the results would quickly show it's worth it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Shoot they would save millions in not having to pay bonuses, that is for sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They would save a lot. Most CEOs are glorified babysitters anyway. They get the reputation for turning a company around when it was mostly timing and they ride that way to a few different companies.

Very few mirror the success a second time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta