Would you take a hypothetical life extension treatment if it could lead to immortality?
This was a survey presented to a number of Americans.
A new study of about 900 U.S. adults has found that only 33% would use a hypothetical life extension treatment that would allow them “to live forever,” even if it were available today. About 42% said they would not use it, and 25% said they were unsure.
So would you do it if it was available? Or would you simply opt to keep on your present life path and die in the end?
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Well, my belief is that the "next" life will be far better than this one. So why would I extend my existence here and go through all the struggles? Don't get me wrong, I like my life and I have no interest in having it end early, but it certainly isn't easy. I wouldn't mind extending it a few more decades I guess, just to see where things go. But at the same time, the mess our governments are making of the world doesn't give me a lot of reason to hope that the world is going to be a better place in the future. So, put me in the 42% camp. I'd consider adding maybe 50 years but no chance I'd want to be "immortal". At least in this world anyway....
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Interesting. Do you think they were creating a mess 30 or 40 years ago? Or do you believe this to be a recent event?
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I am unsure. Honestly it depends on what is going on and whether or not I am satisfied at that point. Personally I think I would probably just opt into my present life and die in the end.
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Fortunately for you, at the moment, that is your only choice. However, this could be a question many are faced with in the next few decades. By mid century, there might be some viable treatments out there.
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Not a fan of life extension but I want to live a healthy and happy life.
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Why not live forever ? If I change my mind it would be fun to find the most over the top suicide method :P
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I'm curious, so I guess I will. Would I get to keep my body though?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do not know that I would wish to be immortal, at least in our current reality. I believe that the consciousness never dies but takes another form after death.
Our destination after our life is finished might be another dimension or what many term as heaven.
There is an old saying:
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