I dont think the Chinese are liking Biden as President anymore than they liked Trump.
Biden just banned any investment by Americans in Hauwei.
We will see how this works out. The US better kick its tech game into high gear.
Oh one point, China manufactures like 85% of all the semiconductors in the world. So piss them off too much and they might not send any out.
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I think they liked the orange man more, if you flashed enough money at him we would agree to almost anything
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Actually Biden was the one bought. The Chinese gave Hunter and Joe baskets of money.
Trump was paid off by others. He had no use for the Chinese.
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I find it hilarious that the Dems are now so aggressive on the trading front after kowtowing to the Chinese for years before Trump finally called their bluff. Now they are out there swinging the hammer with no regard for consequences. Simply amazing. That said, maybe this means the Biden/China connections alleged during the election cycle were actually fabricated. That, or now that he's president, he doesn't give a fuck about a meaningless $10 million. Probably more accurate....
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He is a career politician meaning he is as trustworthy as a scorpion. That means watch your back. The Chinese investment in him was money not well spent.
And he is back to blaming Russia for shit again. So basically they are looking to start a war with those two so they cowtow to Brussels.
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Well I don't know because we all know Biden is a puppet. With how his own cabinet is, I wouldn't be surprised if he flip-flops back and forth. I mean they even threatened the nukes.
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Hopefully we will be okay in spite of our political leaders. I am fully convinced they are all corrupt and a little bit crazy.
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