I heard this one taking off today. I was too lazy to go out and look. Of course, with SpaceX sending stuff up, a rocket launch is getting to be likes living near an airport.
This is a smart way of doing it. Let them pay you to launch their stuff and then put a few of your own satellites on it. As long as the rocket is going up anyway, might as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
space x securing the bags. Plus more companies can get their satellites to space at a cheaper rate which seems like a good deal.
I like the idea of reusing parts of the rocket for future launches. This saves cost
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's smart money-wise. Get paid for what you are already doing just like the companies getting paid using government funded money for things that benefit them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well SpaceX is getting a lot of government money so we dont have to worry about them on that part.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very smart on SpaceX's part. I wonder how long it will take before organized crime gets their own spaceships and starts pirating cargo heading for space?
Oh, it will happen. Maybe not in my lifetime.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL They are still targeting the high seas.
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