Besides, it's our national beverage - we call it liquid bread in Czech. And in bars, it is cheaper than water. And I am not kidding this time, beer actually is cheaper in many places.
Those who had this in the early days where tagged "the rich ones".
Now see where technology has brought us today and I'm looking forward to see what it would be like in 2 years from now with all the AI tools here and there and the invention of more of them.
own try to explain kids what is a cd nowadays lol
Or this....
I am poor now, I was poor back then. Lol always had the rip off versions lolol
The name brands usually arent worth the money so the rip off are better deals.
Ohhh yeah for sure they did the work
I tend to buy imitations and off brands whenever possible. No reasons to spend money on the name on a label or whatever.
Who am I trying to impress? Nobody.
My kids think they are frizbee or coasters lmao. We use them in the PS4 so they still have some exposure
So was papyrus.
That is true. We have come a long way technologically from those days.
How did they feed that through the copy machine without it tearing?
Feeding it through copy machines is an easy one comparing to using toilet papyrus without touching the dark side.
LOL I see what you did there. Pretty witty for the weekend. Your brain is still on high alert.
My brain's all hoppy as it is beer Saturday and I am sampling an ale that's really heavily hopped. Thanks for the compliment though ;)
That might help with the wittiness. Beer is a miracle drug....fixes a lot of what ails you.
It also manifests a great deal also, like scratches on car and prison cells.
Besides, it's our national beverage - we call it liquid bread in Czech. And in bars, it is cheaper than water. And I am not kidding this time, beer actually is cheaper in many places.
btw in Ancient Egypt, they combined copy machine and 3D printer into a single device.
Here's 3D printing of a pyramid:

Hi-tech for its day.
You should have seen the file cabinets in those days.
Except they didn't call it Hi-tech those day, rather Greetings-tech. Or Ave-tech, if there were Romans around.
Speaking about latin, did you know that "file" as a word comes from "filum", the latin word for a thread?
LOL no I didnt. The knowledge on Leo is intense.
Threading makes you smarter...enhances the file in my mind.
Those who had this in the early days where tagged "the rich ones".
Now see where technology has brought us today and I'm looking forward to see what it would be like in 2 years from now with all the AI tools here and there and the invention of more of them.
It is the path of technology.
Technology is in the early phases is expensive and buggy. Yet, over time, the products get better and comes down in price.
We used to rent those 😀
Yes, i still have it in india and it works :-)
Other one, i still relish is the Cassette player recorder and radio.
DVD compact player and cassette Walkman died a long time back.
Pack rat? Might need to cull stuff out. LOL
hahaha... i too have one ...
I do not. I dont even have a disc drive in my laptop.
It's still very in use in most homes today, even myself still buy video CD at times.
Very much so fer it's time. !BBH