
You are still up? I thought you would be asleep already

Trying to get a good start on my project. Going to be tough to blast 1K in about 12 hours so I am trying to reduce it tonight. Then hit it hard in the morning.

Are you sure you can get up early tomorrow if you stay up? You are getting kind of old

I am beyond getting. Already reached it. LOL

Going to be tough. We will see how things go.

Yea. I always feel tired in the morning because I end up sleeping late. The only times I don't is when I sleep in for a bit more

I will push through. Dont have much to do tomorrow but to thread.

Lucky you. I still got work to complete tomorrow.

@anomadsoul kicked me out of the contest before it even started. I figure I will do 1,000 threads...before bed.

Just kidding on the before bed.

You could easily win against all 3 teams. I'll send you an ice cream from Brazil if you join our team #whitelions haha

Not allowed but can I get the ice cream anyway?

Of course! It's just a shame that it might arrive melted, if you don't mind! #whitelions

Yeah. Likely. Ice cream doesnt tend to travel well.

hehehe, it's true, a thousand is little, you could up to 2 thousand #blacklions

If I do 1,000 in the next 24 hours, I will be impressed.

in the end you are not in any of the were very dangerous .... if I were eric I would have put you in all 3 teams

He just doesnt like me. Nobody invites me anywhere.

😂🤣I invite you to become a #whitelion, and to grab a beer. 😂😂

I a ineligible for both. Not allowed in the contest and society is better off if I dont drink.

I believe you on both! 🤣😂 Well, I send you a tea ?

LOL Thank you but I am more of a coffee drinker.

I guess, he doesn't want you to break threads, you can automatically stand on your own, I guess that's what he did, but good to see how well you have being doing boss.


Well he does want it to be a competition. He might have put khal on another team but he doesnt do anything.

Definitely, with khal on another team, that's a no going area, I don't see him having 400 Thread in 5 day's self,but for you I can bet on you having 1000 threads in a single

Yeah he is a slacker. I am not sure I can do 1,000 in a day but I will try.

Exactly, that's more reason you're not on any team, cause you will be an added advantage to any team you're with, like an 100% advantage

That is true. Eric knows what he is doing.

haha! you're a machine on this chain. Well done man it has been a few years now and you're still smashing those goals. A true inspiration

A great show tonight with the #cryptoholics.

Will we do this again in the future? Stay tuned in.

Definitely will hope to see something like this too very soon, it was indeed a very good one, lot of things were touched and talked about


We will be back. Might make it a somewhat regular think if everyone enjoyed it.

Good to here,I guess for now, attention will be shifted to your next money talk too.


Monday. I have to get a topic on that day. Have the weekend to think about it. So much to cover. How are you liking the show?

Interesting and loving, though I do miss it at times,but I don't miss recording, cause getting back from office can be very stressful, so I listen to recording on most occasion and it's helpful,

I don't know Why it's not included as one of the show for the Quest too, but maybe next one, I think we should definitely have your show too included


I am not sure he is aware of the show. That is okay I am still working the kinks out of it. Taking a little while to get going.

always try to keep up, I really enjoy listening to them. #whitelions

Try to bring quality content to people.

Would be great if it happens again.

We will put you down for a yes.

It was a great show. It looks like you guys were just jumping from topic to topic though.

Had no plans so was ad hoc.

I hope there are others! It was a really good show. Some very nice ideas came out of it

The #mets sucked again I heard @tokenizedsociety. Damn this is awful.

I am really loving the SimplyAnalytics. It is great to see and chart the activity, even if it is raw and perhaps not 100% accurate.

It's enough to estimate how things are going and that is good enough

Another major announcement. GM is joining the Tesla supercharging network.

Another win for Elon Musk.

A win indeed. Ford seems to have joined too.

Yes Ford was part of it as of last week. So the big ones in the US are on Tesla's network.

I keep seeing more and more teslas on the streets around me. I have never owned tesla stock but I am considering buying into some. Maybe 10 dollars a week or something.

I got in a while back. It is something I am highly optimistic about. Most of this channel is Tesla related. Go through and see what I have to say. That might give you some insight or things to check into.

I actually read it after I commented. I’m going to jump in a little.


A great conversation about AR/VR on the show. It is an interesting piece going forward.

It's just too far out. I think apple is too early and they will suffer like Zuckerberg

Hard to tell. Apple is saner I think than Zuck. However, it is going to be tough to make the market if the #technology is not ready.

Yea, but I think it just sucks away money until the technology is ready. I don't think it will be that useful if nobody else gets on board.

There will always be earlier adopters and we need them. They are the ones who fund the second and third generation which is cheaper and works better.

Yea. I will wait till it's cheaper and leave the rest to those rich people.

Reports on leaks from suppliers is that the baseline production of Cybertruck should be 375K.

That is an interesting #tsla update if true.

Is COVID still affecting #tsla sales in China?

Ross Gerber believes it is.

For me, I actually don't want to believe so, though I always have this believe that COVID really hit them and wrong figures were given in terms of numbers of casualties,but for Tesla, I think something is wrong and not COVID

Well they appear to be on track for record deliveries in China this quarter so if this is wrong, most companies want to duplicate it.

Definitely, let just wait and see what happens in days to come, I honestly hope for something positive

I think it probably is because they are still afraid of it.

I think so also. They dont go from totally lock down and not have a hangover from it.

It seems dumb to lockdown everything just for a single case

Well they took an interesting approach. But are they any dumber as compared to what the rest of the world did. It lost its mind.

I don't see how that will help anything but I guess they could always fudge those numbers

#tsla up $11 after hours.

Fuck I knew I should have bought at $170 when I had the chance to add more.

You can still do so :) price may even go higher.

She won't shut up and I doubt she ever will

LOL no she wont. And she is the same no matter what the topic.

Not even a lawyer, but a law school professor.

As usual, those Congressmen are doing things without doing the proper work. They tend to be years behind in knowledge and they are just partisan hacks

Yep. That is about what we have with party politics. None of this shit matters. It is the party that runs everything.

Yea. They keep gutting the average citizen to give themselves more money or power. I think it's more like a uniparty out there with all the neo cons

Neocons are in both parties that is for sure. They want nothing but war. Hillary, Bolton, and Graham are the leading ones. They would invade Indiana if given the chance.

Is Twitch going down? There are options out there and it seemed that Twitch did some things to piss off their users.

I am over 125 comments for the day so far. Got a late start because of the show going so long. Trying to make up for it now.

Over 9200 pages so far. We are not even 12 hours in.

If SimplyAnalytics is accurate, that is huge.

People say the chinese are de-dollarizing yet their currency is down 6% since Jan against the #usd.

I am not sure these are still adding.

Just testing something...

test again

Why do I suddenly see your thread from 18 days ago? 😅

Probably because it was a very good one.

Sure had some good engagement there!

Its actually gonna be hot tonight....