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Time for some sleep, but tomorrows Friday!
Drop me a comment about your weekend plans and let me know what you're looking forward to.
#weekend #friday

I'm hosting a boiler room tomorrow at the studio and the band I finished producing is launching their album on Saturday. Stoked about this #weekend full of #music

I will thread. How about you?

It looks like #terracore is down and the developer is asleep. I guess I won't be able to claim anymore SCRAP tonight.

I have like 20 ready to claim and I can't lol

Yea. It kind of sucks to see that everything is broken.

Oh, sorry to hear. Hope it gets back soon before the night ends.

It looks like things have smoothed out a bit but I think the server is lagging from all the activity.

Ah, I misread which comment it was for. I'll just worry about the SCRAP tomorrow.

Seems like a lot of that going around.

Yea. LeoFinance is struggling to stay live also.

It is ailing it appears. Seems the updates didnt do much for scaling.

At least they are getting some data.

Plant Power Vegan rewards earned from May 30 to June 5, 2023 (100% benefit to our delegators)

#vegan #gosh #liotes #community #posh #foodies

Wen $LEO at 69 cents? #cryptoThursday

The fourth thursday after the sun passes by the anus of the great hyena.

I concur. The anus tells all.

Most are not willing to get down and dirty and that is why they miss the signs in life.

Never be afraid to get down and dirty. That was my motto in high school. Probably also the reason I stopped getting invited to parties

I was always clean and well showered.

So that wasnt the reason I wasnt invited to parties. I guess it was because I was a jerk after all.

You can't wash away the asshole lol

Soon it will be .1

No rush #whitelions

Give it a year? It's going to be a while before the bounties can kick it up that high. It might be earlier if Khal starts the ad-buying

It skipped it altogether😅

soon enough we’ll moon hehe🙂

I decided to learn Jazz guitar. As a rock musician, one of the biggest challenges is assimilating the jazz "accent". I'm taking recommendations on good jazz guitar songs if you have any

I will keep an eye on your post to see if anyone will give suggestions. I don't know much about this style despite it pleasing my ears a lot. #whitelions

Having some Yoshinoya cravings on this #foodiefeiday morning. And there ain't any in town.


Wow that looks delicious, if only you could have it delivered to you? 😃 #brownlions

I wish it can be but I'm 80 kilometers away from where it is😅

hey you are in the #brownlions team, good to know

That sounds delicious! #whitelions

Delicious indeed :)

This looks so yummy and tasty. But why is there not any in town? No restaurant prepares such?

that looks tasty! 😍

This look so 😋 yummy and mouth watering

This is definitely #whitelions food! YUM!!!

wow, that´s is just amazing, it is food time

🚨🚨 Major announcement: 🚨🚨

I'm going to take my talents to the #whitelions pride.

Let's get this bread!


A fantastic choice! #whitelions will eat you up... I mean, happily have you join the pride. :D

That's a good thing right?? ;)


I like the way you think! I think I'll now call you The Great Dane. :D

Haha just Dane is fine.

Thank you. Thank you lots! Let go get the bread💪

Hi team friend!!


Check out Gandalf over here...


Now I've written 2 tweets using that tag...

...I realise I sound like a nazi.

Fuck though haha.


Big if true

I'm trying to have a conversation with @taskmaster4450le but this keeps happening #feedback

you just have to wait, the #threads is processed and then it is published #blacklions

Sometimes it takes a little bit of time to load the thread. Give it a couple of minutes and refresh, and it should work. That's just from my personal experience thus far. :)

On those just hit reply in your notification feed and answer there. It should go through. There are some problems with some things not being indexed.

Noted. I answered a few, I hope they show

This one did. We will see. It is likely on the blockchain so you will have the numbers there.

I just cant read them. LOL

It usually takes a few minute for it to index. Just use notifications to answer.

I started the HBD savings account last fall and have finally saved about 300 HBD. Do you use HBD savings account? What do you plan to use it for once you have saved up to your goal amount?
#blacklions #poll #HBD

I have a goal of savings 1800 HBD. I working on it.

1800 HBD is a great goal. I think it is an amount that could be considered a fine asset. Let's work hard together🙂🔥

Yes. It is a big goal but I will try my best.

I started using it and reached the value of $29, as a first goal I want to reach 50 and then 100, after that I think about letting it accumulate a little more. #blacklions

I understand...the goal amount keeps going up and up! I don't have a goal to buy anything in particular either, so I may just save up.

I believe I'm in that too, for now just putting together and taking advantage of the high return I have. In case I need it at some point, I know I'll have a reservation there! #blacklions

Indeed. For now, my HBD savings is emergency money.

That's good! I've been saving before but the $LEO staking made me withdraw them. It was a good decision I think 😅 I may need to start saving again.

I see! I think that was a good decision😍
I too am wondering how to raise $LEO for the next LPUD...

I was using the HBD savings but I ended up withdrawing. I plan to return soon to take advantage of the great returns.


It's good🙂The interest rate is good and I would like to invest as large an amount as possible before withdrawing.
However, I don't know when that will be since I haven't set a goal for now.

Yes I do. It is great.

I first started using it last fall. Even though I knew of its existence before that...I should have used it sooner.

You can only go with what you did. Go from this point forward.

Exactly🤣I have many regrets, but I should be thankful that I'm here now.

You are still an early adopter. There is a long way to go before the masses are here.

Thank you, I feel positive.

Yes. I have some long term goals and short term goals for my HBD savings. Short term goals include buying a new guitar later this year and a family trip early next year

Wow, both are great goals! It's going to take a lot of HBD for a family vacation, but if it comes to fruition, there's no better use for it😍

Yes.. kind of... we are goin to a place where the dollar is very strong compared to the local currency, so that helps a lot haha

Long term goal is having passive income. That is the topic of one of my upcoming articles.

Yes, it is! That is something I have been dreaming about vaguely as well. I wish I could get money every month like a basic income.

It's possible. Takes time and a lot of work, but it's possilbe

The new UI for notifications, including the reply feature, are very smooth. This is probably one of the best improvements I've seen on #threads. Kudos! Positive #feedback from one of the #whitelions :D

yes, although I find it funny and a little confusing that sometimes I have several pages open and it notifies me again of something I already checked...but it looks very good and has come a long way in such a short time. #whitelions

The team's hard work is certainly paying off already. I hope it will help #threads continue to grow! We'll see what happens beyond these 36 crazy hours. :) #whitelions

I really have no idea how they will calculate this later, with points, so we won't be able to know before the final hour. All we have to do is write to exhaustion....

Not worth the exhaustion, frankly. I'm just doing it as long as it's fun. The #whitelions must be wise in their doings. ;)

I totally agree. And i believe more upgrades and UI improvements or enhancements are coming.

It makes engagement much easier. I live in the noti tab now.

If you're able to generate initial engagement with some #threads, then notifications is the place to continue. Definitely a great development.

Without a doubt. That is why it was a great addition. It allows for conversations to take place and enable to be engaging.

As I never used Twitter, this is something about which I'm curious: did that platform ever have this type of notification/reply mechanism? Or is this unique to #threads?

Not that I know of. It is more in a feed form. It is a much better feature on Leo from what I can see.

I went for a short walk earlier... with my umbrella😅 Do you do such a thing too?

#fridaywalk #whitelions

Thank goodness you went out with an umbrella, the sun was quite strong!

Yes, the heat is quite too much. Do you do the same thing? I mean going out with an umbrella


at least I always have a small umbrella in my purse. #whitelions

Sometimes I forget, I'm not in the habit of doing it, but I should start doing it, it's very sunny where I live too. Where do you live?

A wise idea for #whitelions made out of ice. Don't want the sun melting you. 😂

Yes, wouldn't wanna melt when we are on a battle😂

The #whitelions wouldn't want to lose a member, yeah?

Indeed, melted lions end up as carpets in wealthy people's homes. XD

But not the #whitelions!

we always have to walk like this, always with umbrellas because the sun is very strong, especially at noon. #whitelions

Good to hear. At least we know how to protect ourselves from the excessive heat. And #whitelions would melt they say so😅

ahahahaha that's right, we could melt the white lions with too much heat.

This photo turned out great! But I understand, yes, sometimes when the light is too strong, I also protect myself! #whitelions

Thank you. Was a point-and-shoot capture, lol! And yes, #whitelions know how to protect themselves the the UV rays.

Most of us (in the US) use an umbrella only when it rains! But if we are a #whitelion, white as ice, we should, hehehe, !!!

That's something good to know of how you do it in the US. But yes, #whitelions must be careful😅

No. I don't use umbrellas unless it's raining. A hat will do for me

How much do you think the $LEO will arrive before the end of the month?
My prediction is 0.10$ #blacklions

In all honesty, I think it depends largely on overall market conditions. If nothing substantial changes in the world and US economy, I'd wager on somewhere between $0.07 and $0.08. Thanks for the thought-provoking question. :) #whitelions

It is good information, it depends on many things, but since we see the rise that is hitting, we are doing well. #blacklions

Pon esto en tu negocio

Seria genial encontrarse un negocio que las acepte todas!

El mío en Santiago de Cuba de venta de vinos artesanales 😉

No sé cual es la de la esquina superior derecha ni la de la esquina inferior izquierda.

Esquina superior derecha: Transfermovil (medio de pago de los bancos cubanos)

Esquina inferior izquierda: Qvapay una pasarela de pago que funciona con criptomonedas y una red P2P. Está muy buena.

It is always good to see the Hiveverse spreading. Payments are important.

Lets keep it rolling.

Yes indeed, at least I am accepting Hive and HBD in my business of artesanal wine in Cuba.

That is awesome. We need more of that. #hbd's future is in places like Cuba. We must get it going.

1/ This campaign has been the best that leofinance has done, not only for the awards, but also for many other things #threadstorm #blacklions

2/ Not only the awards, we were able to witness the process and the updates that threads brought over time, and this is not over yet. #blacklions

3/ We were also able to realize that threads, more than anything, is a community where everyone is welcome, I like that, at first I entered out of greed hahaha, then I liked it and I plan to stay. #blacklions

4/ I think I speak for many here when I say that literally threads changed a lot for us within hive, now we can express ourselves what we want and even beyond that we can be rewarded. #blacklions

Certainly, this is a new way for us to express ourselves more easily and interact in a more direct manner. I really love it! #whitelions

If we want to make someone just see our threads we just tag them and if we want to say something we just do it is great. #blacklions

It's been amazing. Shall it conclude with a bang

If I miss to reply to your comments, please cut me a slack for today. My network is being challenged and I'm experiencing some application errors too😉 Thank you.

Me I won’t cut you a slack😂, but you can decide to pay or for missing mu reply

Oh, that would be arranged😅

How much will you be paying?

An unforgiveable sin unbecoming of the #whitelions! >:(

Absolutely kidding, it happens to everyone! We're all human... I hope.

Haha, and I thought "whaaat"? Then I saw the continuation. We're good, #whitelions are definitely good!

It's very slow here, and I'm not sure if it's due to the website traffic or my internet. #whitelions

Might be the traffic. Hope it gets better soon for you. We need this for the #whitelions pride.

Its not easy for you but we will understand. You are a great lioness with strength and agile. Bad Network and applications error take us down. We will excel.


Don't forget the tag.

I wouldn't worry about it too much but it sure is rough when the UI is lagging as well.

That's right though. But it would be nice to continue with certain conversations and not miss them.

It's ok there's tons of replies going to be needed over this weekend :) I'm not sure if I can keep up with them all as well


Well, it's Friday tomorrow here! Less than 48 hours, and I'm working tomorrow! Arrgh!!! #whitelions

It's friday here as well :). I'm working too so don't worry you're not alone but I will sneak here to keep the #blacklions going

That's comforting Shawn😅 Thank you and enjoy threading and the battle too.

:) your welcome. Yes I will enjoy this battle like my life is on the line. Maybe it's time for you to rest up over the weekend?


That's more like it. Don't worry, I'm off to lunch so you know😅

oh I've had lunch already. I had fried rice at home hehe. What do you plan on eating?


Oh that's yummy! We had rice noodles😅

You're outside now?

Good night, sis! Until tomorrow!!! #whtelions

Yeah the site seems to have them all over the place. Might not be able to handle the activity. It isnt just you.

This thread is only for the daily #zapfic serial #ghawg

No other zapfic goes here. Use container threads from earlier for quest-related zapfic.

Only comments go here (no zapfic except mine for #ghawg)

New entry in reply below 👇


I looked around, and I saw the patient who had touched me. He was an older gentleman bound to a wheelchair. Only this time, he was on his feet gently dancing The Twist. We looked at each other, and he gave me two thumbs up.👍 👍

Threads is giving me so my troubles right now, so I'll take it easy, finish some things I have to get done, and do my best in the morning hoping my pc has rested if it is the problem, or the UI stabilizes if something is going on there

I see you are on the brownlions team :( why aren't you using the #. You have to support your team but it's ok if you want #blacklions to take over. Anyways you can also try control shift R and that might help fix the problem

Using the tag means nothing for the team so I just use it when I feel like it

oh wait really. I think I misunderstood the battle then :P but it's ok it's good to se who are the active ones and what they are saying so we can respond to our team and help increase the engagement


I'm having some application errors too. Have a GN and see you tom :)

It's running a bit slow for me as well. Khal needs to work on scaling the servers more.

I think it’s good now. Am using it on mobile and it seems to be working fine

I would say it is the site more than your PC at this moment.

Can we have a "view previous thread"? I tend to get confused when receiving replies not knowing what it is for😅


I get confused when not receiving replies. So it is now natural for me.

I would agree with this as well. I go to peakD to figure out the previous

#whitelions If you a fan of Starwars, remember this?

“Do or do not. There is no try.” – Yoda, Movie


Yes, we will DO! Wise words. "Try" allows for the thought of failure in the back of mind. A winning mindset is essential. #whitelions #hive #threads

We are fighting on different sides of the force, who will win?


Let's see in less than 48 hours, hahaha!!! #whitelions

Do It! Yoda always with the insight


I am a #freelance lion.

What will you offer me to join your pride?


You can be part of the dark side. Join us for victory. Can offer you a super supportive pride. If you expecting monetary gains well, perhaps @underlock can hehe


You get a good name. A good name is better than gold and silver. Join the #brownlion

We are pet friendly sou you can bring the dog along

Milaan scammed me out of my LBI.

Can't join a team where I have to help that numptie.

Oh sorry to hear. How did he do that?

I was trying to give them away for 1:1 LEO.

He made multiple accounts to get them all off me.

I even sent them to him on credit because he didn't have the LEO to swap straight away.

Then he puts them all on the market for like 20x the price!

Just a dick.

Sorry mate ;)

Nah all good.. that was indeed a dick move

I'll give you an upvote if you join the #WhiteLions!

Haha, hit me with that 100% and I'm in.


#whitelions #whitelions4eva

I offer you a pizza 😂 #whitelions

I got a Snickers bar.

And drugs?

No drugs. Just Snickers. And weed.

I'm not a cop bro.

I promise.

I'll take "Things a cop would say" for $1000 Alex

Fun conversation or engagement :)

Wanna join the #whitelions?😅

A nova interface do #leothreads está muito legal, mudaram bastante e está bem intuitiva! Incrível ver tantas mudanças em pouco!

#hivebr #blacklions

That's really cool, isn't it? I'm also loving the updates! #whitelions

Wow, it's improved a lot, I didn't go in for a few weeks, it's really cool and there's a lot of information that helps to see more clearly what's going on! #blacklions

Yes! It's been incredible! #whitelions

Now that I've seen it, did they remove that option to automatically vote at 5%? Damn one of the best things I had lol #blacklions

Eu tinha problemas de acesso, mas troquei de celular e parece que normalizou.

Agora ficou bom então, vai poder aumentar o seu network pela leothreads! #blacklions

oh dang I love a good southern style recipe!

👨‍🍳👨‍🍳👨‍🍳 welcome!

I would like to invite @saydie @captainwhoco @ak08 @aruchard @certain @poplar-22 @treytrillionaire @s0nikkukun @arveno to join the blacklions. Come on and be part of the team that will be #1 at the end of this competition :)


Good jobs done friend. Let’s get to this together 👍. Together we stand, divided we fall. #blacklions

I love this phrase, I get goosebumps all over, together we will win! #blacklions

wow! Glad you love it. We continue to protect our pride as always. Nice having you. #blacklions

Thank you man :) We need all the people we can get. You are right about that gotta get them all on the discord and hype it up


Best of luck Shawn. May they come and join us.

No no lol Don't be stealing #blacklions recruits ok

Today’s Actifit-Y not only included our usual OTF HIIT workout, but it was in New York and included city walking #movetoearn #travel

ARCHONM Hive payouts are back up again!

Cool, great news! I will check if I still have some of those

Zealy isn't loading for me, anyone having the same issue?

#question #whitelions

Ok for me! IFG you want to join discord room for make strategies for #whitelions?

Invite pls? Let me try if I can logon to discord. My network is pretty bad today.

Discord ain't loading and just keeps "connecting". Network is pretty bad.

no problem... just let them engage!

Ok, thank you. What a day😅

Seems to be working okay here

Thank you, it's okay now. Just my network.

Sometimes when my internet connection is weak then zealy not loading for me.

Is you have strong internet signals

Oh. That might be the reason. I'm in the car and signal isn't strong here.

Me he aficionado a esta dulceria que descubri hace poco tiempo cerca de mi trabajo... Si sigo asi creo que voy a engordar 😁 #foodiefriday #spanish

Wow, that sounds delicious. It's making me hungry, but I'll go to bed with a growling stomach tonight haha


Oh, me recuerda la panadería de cerca de la universidad. Solo que yo compraba cosas saladas pero igual. Lo poco que compraba yo en la calle era en esa panadería. Todavía funciona igual, lo cual es raro aqui xD

Esta es nueva yo pense que eran salados los cangretitos, aqui le decimos cangrejitos al mas alargado, pero eran dulces, y muy sabrosos!

Alright, off to bed for me. Tomorrow's going to be interesting with the lion war in full swing! I know some of you are up and at it already, so keep Threads nice and toasty warm for me as I slumber.

Goodnight! 🌜

It's almost my bedtime too. Every warrior needs rest hahaha

Have a good rest 😉

Le dejo una espectacular obra creada por un artista de #hive, los invito a visitar y disfrutar del arte.

#art #painting #gosh

1*Italic*000298269.jpg#blacklions at the top, we won't let it go down the battle will not be easy

Definitely, we are moving higher, no slowing down at all, it just have to be us, wr have to keep on pushing and moving.


That's right, we must continue doing everything possible to move forward, we started well, we just have to stay #blacklions

Definitely, that's one of my principle, it's not how we started,but finishing strong and better is more vital and that's what am on course for right now, we just have to keep pushing harder.


Today we can be calm here, but tomorrow we will do everything to win that battle hehehe #blacklions

A new drawing to participate in a Zealy mission for the LeoFinance adoption campaign. I hope you like it and find it interesting! :3


Another simple harvest from the garden. Indeed a food from garden to table.

#hivegarden #foodie #threads

We made tacos today and I totally forgot to snip some green onion from our modest little balcony garden... maybe I can redeem myself with leftovers tomorrow hahah.

Awesome sis! Nothing beats homegrown food.

We are the first one showing up @brownlions, but I would rather we all be the ones laughing at the end haha keep it going!

Nice! #brownlions take a peek over the horizon of Trending... but let's not get complacent! There are a lot of PowerThreaders in the other two prides.

de hecho les tengo tanto respeto a los otros que siento miedo de quedar en última posición al final del día

jeje, oye pensamiento positivo, ni pensar quedar de ultimos.

mi pensamiento es positivo, por ello sigo haciendo threads, no te negaré que no está facil

Exacto. Hay muchas otras personas con las que habría querido hacer equipo también. Es una competencia bastante fuerte

hay que esperar por la información, pero esto fue hace varias horas, no está actualizado #brownlions

It's great to see that the #brownlions hashtag has become visible so quickly!

Oh yes. i do not give anything for granted. The fight isn't over until the clock says 12:00 UTC on June 10th. Until then, let's have great conversations

we dropped....It is time to gain back the top stop

nooombreee, espero que esto no sea la sal jajjajjjaja, ser los primeros nos hace objetivo militar #brownlions

Jajajajaja por eso yo prefiero vernos subiendo mañana por la noche, no me interesa mucho ahora xD

Si ya veo la etiqueta, acabo de entrar y pense en buscar la etiqueta y cuando miro estaba visible #brownlions

Jjajajaja pero yo creo que no hay que dejarnos guiar por el trending sino enfocarnos en hacer buenas interacciones, siguiendo las reglas del juego

Si por supuesto, pero es que por ahi busco mejor a los del equipo para poder esponderles, porque como no los conozco a todos...

You're doing a great job!


Great! Good luck, it's going to be a fierce battle!

We are the custodians, and we must till last breath, let's keep fighting


Here is the #tm4450 container for this evening.

I will be placing some threads in here for people to comment upon.

@tokenizedsociety @jfang003

You are still up? I thought you would be asleep already

Trying to get a good start on my project. Going to be tough to blast 1K in about 12 hours so I am trying to reduce it tonight. Then hit it hard in the morning.

Are you sure you can get up early tomorrow if you stay up? You are getting kind of old

I am beyond getting. Already reached it. LOL

Going to be tough. We will see how things go.

Yea. I always feel tired in the morning because I end up sleeping late. The only times I don't is when I sleep in for a bit more

I will push through. Dont have much to do tomorrow but to thread.

@anomadsoul kicked me out of the contest before it even started. I figure I will do 1,000 threads...before bed.

Just kidding on the before bed.

You could easily win against all 3 teams. I'll send you an ice cream from Brazil if you join our team #whitelions haha

Not allowed but can I get the ice cream anyway?

Of course! It's just a shame that it might arrive melted, if you don't mind! #whitelions

Yeah. Likely. Ice cream doesnt tend to travel well.

hehehe, it's true, a thousand is little, you could up to 2 thousand #blacklions

If I do 1,000 in the next 24 hours, I will be impressed.

in the end you are not in any of the were very dangerous .... if I were eric I would have put you in all 3 teams

He just doesnt like me. Nobody invites me anywhere.

😂🤣I invite you to become a #whitelion, and to grab a beer. 😂😂

I a ineligible for both. Not allowed in the contest and society is better off if I dont drink.

I believe you on both! 🤣😂 Well, I send you a tea ?

I guess, he doesn't want you to break threads, you can automatically stand on your own, I guess that's what he did, but good to see how well you have being doing boss.


Well he does want it to be a competition. He might have put khal on another team but he doesnt do anything.

Definitely, with khal on another team, that's a no going area, I don't see him having 400 Thread in 5 day's self,but for you I can bet on you having 1000 threads in a single

Yeah he is a slacker. I am not sure I can do 1,000 in a day but I will try.

Exactly, that's more reason you're not on any team, cause you will be an added advantage to any team you're with, like an 100% advantage

haha! you're a machine on this chain. Well done man it has been a few years now and you're still smashing those goals. A true inspiration

A great show tonight with the #cryptoholics.

Will we do this again in the future? Stay tuned in.

Definitely will hope to see something like this too very soon, it was indeed a very good one, lot of things were touched and talked about


We will be back. Might make it a somewhat regular think if everyone enjoyed it.

Good to here,I guess for now, attention will be shifted to your next money talk too.


Monday. I have to get a topic on that day. Have the weekend to think about it. So much to cover. How are you liking the show?

Interesting and loving, though I do miss it at times,but I don't miss recording, cause getting back from office can be very stressful, so I listen to recording on most occasion and it's helpful,

I don't know Why it's not included as one of the show for the Quest too, but maybe next one, I think we should definitely have your show too included


always try to keep up, I really enjoy listening to them. #whitelions

Try to bring quality content to people.

Would be great if it happens again.

We will put you down for a yes.

It was a great show. It looks like you guys were just jumping from topic to topic though.

Had no plans so was ad hoc.

I hope there are others! It was a really good show. Some very nice ideas came out of it

The #mets sucked again I heard @tokenizedsociety. Damn this is awful.

I am really loving the SimplyAnalytics. It is great to see and chart the activity, even if it is raw and perhaps not 100% accurate.

It's enough to estimate how things are going and that is good enough

Another major announcement. GM is joining the Tesla supercharging network.

Another win for Elon Musk.

A win indeed. Ford seems to have joined too.

Yes Ford was part of it as of last week. So the big ones in the US are on Tesla's network.

I keep seeing more and more teslas on the streets around me. I have never owned tesla stock but I am considering buying into some. Maybe 10 dollars a week or something.

I got in a while back. It is something I am highly optimistic about. Most of this channel is Tesla related. Go through and see what I have to say. That might give you some insight or things to check into.

I actually read it after I commented. I’m going to jump in a little.


A great conversation about AR/VR on the show. It is an interesting piece going forward.

It's just too far out. I think apple is too early and they will suffer like Zuckerberg

Hard to tell. Apple is saner I think than Zuck. However, it is going to be tough to make the market if the #technology is not ready.

Yea, but I think it just sucks away money until the technology is ready. I don't think it will be that useful if nobody else gets on board.

There will always be earlier adopters and we need them. They are the ones who fund the second and third generation which is cheaper and works better.

Yea. I will wait till it's cheaper and leave the rest to those rich people.

Reports on leaks from suppliers is that the baseline production of Cybertruck should be 375K.

That is an interesting #tsla update if true.

Is COVID still affecting #tsla sales in China?

Ross Gerber believes it is.

For me, I actually don't want to believe so, though I always have this believe that COVID really hit them and wrong figures were given in terms of numbers of casualties,but for Tesla, I think something is wrong and not COVID

Well they appear to be on track for record deliveries in China this quarter so if this is wrong, most companies want to duplicate it.

Definitely, let just wait and see what happens in days to come, I honestly hope for something positive

I think it probably is because they are still afraid of it.

I think so also. They dont go from totally lock down and not have a hangover from it.

It seems dumb to lockdown everything just for a single case

Well they took an interesting approach. But are they any dumber as compared to what the rest of the world did. It lost its mind.

I don't see how that will help anything but I guess they could always fudge those numbers

#tsla up $11 after hours.

Fuck I knew I should have bought at $170 when I had the chance to add more.

You can still do so :) price may even go higher.

She won't shut up and I doubt she ever will

LOL no she wont. And she is the same no matter what the topic.

Not even a lawyer, but a law school professor.

As usual, those Congressmen are doing things without doing the proper work. They tend to be years behind in knowledge and they are just partisan hacks

Yep. That is about what we have with party politics. None of this shit matters. It is the party that runs everything.

Yea. They keep gutting the average citizen to give themselves more money or power. I think it's more like a uniparty out there with all the neo cons

Is Twitch going down? There are options out there and it seemed that Twitch did some things to piss off their users.

I am over 125 comments for the day so far. Got a late start because of the show going so long. Trying to make up for it now.

Over 9200 pages so far. We are not even 12 hours in.

If SimplyAnalytics is accurate, that is huge.

People say the chinese are de-dollarizing yet their currency is down 6% since Jan against the #usd.

I am not sure these are still adding.

Just testing something...

test again

Why do I suddenly see your thread from 18 days ago? 😅

Probably because it was a very good one.

Sure had some good engagement there!

Its actually gonna be hot tonight....

Engagement is not all about writing or positing a thread alone, but making sure that you are communicating with other users is really important always.


Absolutely. Talking to yourself is never fun, and we need to show people that we are genuinely willing to engage.


Definitely, that's why we should always make sure that we are absolutely communicating always


You are right. Sometimes I neglect that, especially with the long posts platform. It's a point I have to keep in mind on a daily basis. #blacklions

Did @khaleelkazi ask for 100K page views this month?

We are at 7400 in about 10 hours.

Are you getting this from Simple Analytics?

Khal says to wait for data, but to me the Google section looks broken still.

Yeah I am going from SimplyAnalytics. I dont know how accurate it is but it is something to watch. We will see how things look in the next few days.

Not sure on the specific data.

This ongoing battle is certainly contributing significantly. I'd be interested to see the statistics of today and tomorrow compared to other days of the month.

Well there were no others days, at least none recently. LOL

So we will have to see the next couple days versus next week.

Is june going to be yet another record-breaking month on LeoFinance?

Off to a slow start so we shall see.

Certainly, the numbers will be great in the next 36 hours. #whitelions

Yeah going to be more activity. Sad that it takes a contest for people to engage.

That's true, but since we don't have a very large base, it will be a slow progress. #whitelions

Could be. But it is something to build upon. The site is working much better than before so maybe more will stay.

Yes, the website has improved a lot. I don't have the habit of interacting too much, but I will definitely be much more active here after the campaign ends. After all, I am part of this ecosystem and I want it to be a success. #whitelions

That is my view. I think we are going to see people realizing they should have done more based upon the ad revenue.

That's super nice! Khal must be happy

Not sure. He didnt tell me how he felt. But then feelings arent his thing.

Page views of which page?


Thanks for sharing a tool of analysis.

I like analysis websites.

We will break new records this month, just you wait and see!


I will do my part.

I will do my part too, if we all do... moon!


That is the only thing we can try and do.


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(2/20)@hafiz34! to your account on behalf of @flaxz.

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.

Is not always about the beginning of a thing,but it ends matter most,

So not how well you started,but it's how well you finished that matters


And that's our goal, to finish as the winners of this battle!


You are amazing! They did very well! #blacklions

Can we engage in a bit of bribery? I'll send 1 HSBI for every person who joins the #whitelions and tells me about it. Permanent income as long as you post! :D

Edit: now 5 HSBI! The stakes are growing.

wow @underlock will double this if you join #blacklions :). It seems like its going to be pay to win now if this is the way XD

Let's make it 3 HSBI for those who join #whitelions then lol. ;)

O.O Sure then we top that with 4. At least make you go broke no worries. You want to pay to win will drain your wallet for it xD


5 HSBI it is, for the #whitelions!

I calculated the long-term benefits of HSBI anyway... I'll take it lol. :D

What do you mean calculated? O.O i actually never really understood what's HSBI


I'll have that post coming up within 1-2 weeks! I think HSBI is actually quite underrated in its value of user retention and long-term benefits. #whitelions

Well, I support that! I can assist with bribes! Haha, for every person who comments #whitelions and mentions me, they will receive $LEO!

Yup, this is going to become a pay to win contest. So much for integrity. What have I started lol? 😂

Oh, I love giving out prizes, so I'll take my hands out of my pockets!

Hahaha! Let's go then!😂

1/🧵This week I made one of the coolest posts about Hive. I think it's great content to share with someone who is just starting out. #threadstorm

I provide an overview of what Hive is, WEB3, and the opportunities that newcomers can find in this ecosystem.

AWESOME, their is definitely a lot of things to gain in web3 here, I must say new user's have a lot to benefit from joining wen 3 right now.

I mention the earnings that someone can achieve here on Hive, which not only includes financial gains but personal progress as well.


I give examples of how I improved my writing skills, made great friends, and built networking connections that can be valuable for future opportunities.


I also give a brief review of various points, from communities to certain terminologies.


And of course, anyone who reads this content will find key words linked to Leo's Glossary, making everything more educational!


Be sure to check out this post and save it to share with someone who is just starting out!


This is actually a very well-written original post! It certainly covers some of the major concepts inherent to Hive and breaks them down in approachable terminology. Great work. :) #freecompliments

The posts about Hive and Leofinance are great opportunities to expose our knowledge and experiences to the public!


Exactly! By the way, your post turned out great too! #whitelions

I'm glad you liked it. I really put a lot of effort into making both of them.


I know it! All of your posts are great! #whitelions

I'm not sure about that, but I hope to always maintain great quality to meet your expectations haha.


You're very welcome! #whitelions

That is so good to hear. I'm sure the new ones and even the oldies can take valuable nuggets from your post. Let's have it shared (reblogged) for more eyes.

This is a great post bro. I will use this to share with any of my friends if they are interested in starting Hive! By the way if you haven't joined a team for lions please consider joining #blacklions

The #whitelions fell a little bit behind, but it's easy to catch up. And while tag wars are fun, remember: quality > quantity! #threads #hive

How so #whitelions are behind!!! Let's take the tag to the moon!!!!

I'm having so much fun with this tag war! #blacklions

Definitely, we should always prioritize quality as the first rule. We learned from the mistakes of the first mission and we will do it right this time!


Yes, that's very true. We gotta remember that. The #whitelions will do great.


How are you?

Are you ready for Today's Battle?

Let's go with everything! I hope we can win the victory! #blacklions

I also hope we can win the victory.

I think there are three armies in this battle.

Have you link of members of each army?

The post with the information and the initial team is here I believe more people can be invited like I went to #blacklions

We're going full steam ahead! Join us! #whitelions

Anyone can join any Army of the Battle?

In fact, I don't know about rules of this battle.

Just say that you want to join the #whitelions, and the link to check out the details is here: #whitelions

Thanks for sharing Link

I'm completely ready! I've made many threads since the battle started, but now I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow, we'll continue the work!


GM and yes! Roaring already😅🦁

Great .

Can you send me the online zealy thread spread sheet link.

I want to know that I am in which Army. Brownlion or whitelion or blacklion ??

La siguiente daré más pelea XD

¡Allá te esperamos!

HAHA let's invade this all the #blacklions say come join the darkside

🦁✊ we are ready to resist and win! #whitelions

You can try your best but in the end it's destiny #blacklions

light and shadow complement each other, but in the end it is always the light wins. #whitelions

#whitelions Here!!!

that's the way I like it, like a good student las mentes malvadas trataran de arrastrarte pero no te dejes provocar 😂 #whitelions

¡No dejaré que las Mentes Monstruosas me secuestren!


Eso es! Defiéndete! #whitelions 😂

Aye! Aye! Present💪

I am present. It's going to be a long weekend...and I don't know how much I can put in

Put in what you can! Yes, it takes effort, but you have to have fun doing it too. So do what you can.

Yea. I will just do what I can but it's tough.

✊🦁 strength little brother, we understand #whitelions

It turns out I'm white one


Success! You mined 1.0 HBIT on Wusang: Isle of Blaq. Sorry, but you didn't find a bonus treasure token today. Try again tomorrow...they're out there! | tools | wallet | discord | community | daily <><

Check for bonus treasure tokens by entering your username at an H-E explorer or take a look at your wallet.
Read about Hivebits (HBIT) or read the story of Wusang: Isle of Blaq.

Welcome to the team, you will be a great asset! #whitelions

I'm wondering what about all the rest of the people haven't been mentioned innthe post. Can they join teams?

All right! Another member of the pride for the #whitelions. Let's go team!

Great!!! Let's Go!!! #whitelions

And #whitelions rock and roar loud🦁💪 Let's go!

White Lions! White Lions! White Lions!


I am also a white lion. Let's see how things go from here

If you could choose an useless superpower, which one would you choose?

Being able to make someone instantly bald is a more powerful superpower than you can possibly imagine! There are entire industries dedicated to preventing this lol.

Creative #polls, good job. :D #freecompliments #whitelions

That would indeed be great if other people became bald instead of us. The beauty industry would appreciate it!" #whitelions

What means 75 levitation? I think that´s the least useless superpower

It would be almost like levitating, very useful for doing some household cleaning haha #whitelions

hahah that´s the one that I picked!

Well am already bald so will it hurt to be bald again 😂

Well, then you should choose another useless superpower, haha." #whitelions

Haha I was gonna say all the other useless ones are too useless in my opinion hehe

There are 3 pages