With Eisenhower and Patton restoring the Allied front alongside the 101st Airborne Division, Allies claimed victory in the Battle of the Bulge on Jan. 25, 1945. As the Allies made advances from the west and the Soviet forces closed in from the east, Nazi Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, marking VE Day.
As the war unfolded in Europe, U.S. Marines made an amphibious landing at the Japanese island of Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945. The island was considered a tactical staging point for a possible invasion of mainland Japan. Just four days into the battle, Mount Suribachi was captured by U.S. Marines. Battles continued across the island until March 25, 1945, when Tadamichi Kuribayashi, a Japanese general, launched his final attack. After American forces declared the capture of Iwo Jima, soldiers spent weeks searching the island for Japanese troops who refused to surrender.
After serving as military tribune, Caesar was elected Questor in 69 B.C, Aedile in 66, and then Pontifex Maximus and Praetor Urbanus in 63. After his Praetorship, Caesar was appointed governor of Spain, but could not take that position until he satisfied his creditors. He appealed to Marcus Crassus for help and the richest man in Rome paid or guaranteed many of Caesar’s debts. Caesar stood for Consul in 59 B.C. and was elected in one of the most corrupt campaigns on record.
Gnaeus Pompey Magnus was born in 106 B.C. His father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo served as Praetor in 92 B.C. and Consul in 89 B.C. He died during Marius’ siege on Rome in 87 B.C. The son served in the army under his father and found soldering to his liking. Prior to Sulla’s assault on Rome, Pompey raised three legions to support him and forever earned the trust of the new dictator. After victories over the remaining Marians in Sicily and Africa, Sulla dubbed his young general “Magnus” supposedly in derision because Pompey had no political experience worthy of a title. After putting down a revolt following the death of Sulla, Pompey demanded that the Senate name him proconsul of Hispania. Fearing his rising military power, the Senate said no, but Pompey got his way when he threatened the Senate by refusing to disband his legions. He remained in Hispania until 71 B.C. when the Senate requested that he help Crassus with the war against Spartacus.
With the capture of Iwo Jima, American forces moved their focus to the island of Okinawa. On April 1, 1945, U.S. troops landed on the beaches of Okinawa with little resistance. As American troops moved across Okinawa, they encountered resistance in Southern Okinawa. Throughout the battle, both sides took heavy casualties. The Japanese took their final stand on the southern coast of Okinawa. With certain defeat coming, Japanese Gens. Mitsuru Ushijima and Isamu Cho committed suicide, ending the Battle of Okinawa on June 22.
Those who are familiar with the history of Rome know that the Republic was preceded by a monarchy – seven kings, the last three Etruscan. These kings had no hereditary authority and were elected by the assembly to act as military and religious leaders of the Roman people. The purpose of this post is to try and separate fact from fiction in the story of those early monarchs.
The early-mid Iron Age period circa 700 B.C saw radical changes in the structure of political systems around the Mediterranean. In Greece, for example, the collapse of the Mycenaean dynasty ushered in the Dark Age period which lasted until about 700 B.C. New monarchies sprung up but the kings were weak and had no hereditary authority so their weakness ultimately allowed the Polis to take hold. Monarchies on the Italian peninsula were subject to the same pressures as we see in the behavior of the Etruscans during the time they controlled Rome.
President Harry Truman: The 33rd president, Truman ordered the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945), ending WWII.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The cities where the first atomic bombs were dropped, ending WWII.
VJ Day: The official end of WWII in Japan on Aug. 15, 1945.
Severus was the most noteworthy and remarkable of the Roman kings. He reorganized the assembly by creating the Comitia Centuriata as an assembly of economic classes which mapped to each class’s role in the army. For example, the Equites, or cavalry, were the most wealthy of the groups because they had to be wealthy enough to buy their own horses. Severus is credited with the creation of the Roman Timocracy – property ownership requirement for the privilege of voting in the assembly. He also advanced the cause of the middle class as a brake against the power of the patricians. After forty-three years on the throne, he was murdered by the grandson of Tarquinius, also named Tarquinius. After new monarch evolved into a tyrant, the Romans began calling him “Superbus”, a derogatory reference to his arrogance. After a reign of twenty-five years, the tyrant was exiled and the reign of Roman kings came to an end
Throughout the Korean War, 146 U.S. troops received the Medal of Honor.
About 36,574 U.S. service members died in the Korean War.
Important Figures and Events of the Korean War
Korean War dates: June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953.
Inchon Landing (Sept. 15, 1950): Led by Gen. MacArthur, U.S. and South Korean forces land at the port of Inchon, forcing the North Korean Army to retreat up the Korean peninsula.
Operation Ripper (March 1951): The fourth and final Battle of Seoul. The battle began with the largest artillery strike of the war. The capital of Seoul was liberated on March 14, 1951.
Battle of Heartbreak Ridge (September to October 1951): A monthlong battle with a massive amount of artillery and airstrikes.
“I invite the reader’s attention to the much more serious consideration of the kind of lives our ancestors lived, of who were the men, and what the means in both politics and war by which Rome’s power was first acquired and subsequently expanded; I would then have him trace the process of our moral decline, to watch first, the sinking of the foundations of morality as the old teaching was allowed to lapse, then the rapidly increasing disintegration, then the final collapse of the whole edifice, and the dark dawning of our modern day when we can neither endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them.”
These words from two thousand years past anticipate the postmodern world we live in today.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur: Led the United Nations forces during the Korean War.
Gen. Matthew Ridgway: Replaced MacArthur and took command of the forces in Korea.
The Cold War
World War II had ended, but by 1948, tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union began to build. In June 1950, with support from the Soviets, North Korea invaded South Korea, leading to the start of the Korean War. The United States, believing the conflict signaled the start of communism spreading across the world, intervened. America used a containment strategy for dealing with the Soviet Union: Be patient and watch Russia to prevent its expansion of communism.
The U.S. strategy of containment set the stage for a deadly arms race with the Soviets. As the United States was developing more atomic weapons, the Soviets also were testing their own. Both countries continued developing increasingly destructive weapons, eventually leading to the development of the hydrogen bomb.
Not only did the Cold War take place on Earth, but it gave way to the Space Race. With the Soviets launching Sputnik, the U.S. launched its first satellite, Explorer I, in 1958. The same year, President Dwight Eisenhower created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA.
The Space Race pushed the U.S. into launching manned space missions. The first American in space was Alan Shepard, shortly followed by the Apollo 11 mission putting Neil Armstrong on the moon. The U.S. effectively won the Space Race with those first steps on the moon.
The story of the Etruscans is an interesting one -- interesting and obscure.
Their history is remarkable when measured by their accomplishments as merchants, craftsmen, traders, and influencers of Rome, but we only know pieces of their story. The emperor Claudius tried to help us by chronicling their history in twenty volumes, but his work did not survive. Meanwhile, the Etruscan language has defied our understanding and, other than some decoding of artifacts, we can’t read it. Still, three of the Roman kings were Etruscans who helped launch the Republic.
Ultimately, the Etruscan culture would die and fulfill an ironic prophesy.
Tensions between the countries calmed when President Richard Nixon took office. Nixon looked to use diplomacy instead of the U.S. military to solve the issues between the countries. This approach led to the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), which was a first step in reducing the nuclear arsenal. Even with Nixon’s efforts, the tensions later rose again with President Ronald Reagan taking office. Reagan’s policies led to more conflict in Central America.
Tensions began to ease once again when Mikhail Gorbachev took office in 1985. With his new policies, Russia looked toward a new relationship of political openness with the rest of the world. In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was destroyed, and the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, ending the Cold War.
Vietnam War
The conflict was rooted in the Cold War struggle between the Communist forces of North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union and China, and the non-Communist forces of South Vietnam, backed by the United States and other anti-Communist allies. The war saw significant U.S. military involvement, with American troops fighting alongside South Vietnamese forces against the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.
After the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam claims its independence at a peace conference in Geneva. At this point, Vietnam was divided into the Communist North and the anti-Communist South. By 1958, the Viet Cong began using guerrilla tactics in the South.
The area of Italy we know today as Tuscany was originally settled by the Villanovans, an iron age culture that had migrated from Northern Europe. The Tuscan branch is referred to as the Northern Villanovans but there was also a southern faction extending beyond Rome into Campania. The term Villanovan comes from their discovery in an ancient cemetery near Villanova Italy, eight miles from Bologna. The Villanovans were not a uniform culture or society, but more of a group of tribes with common interests. They were expert metal smiths and potters who cremated their dead and buried them in cone-shaped graves. The earliest Villanovan evidence dates from the beginning of the Iron Age and continues to 500 B.C. Through artifacts, we can document their social evolution showing the tribes transitioning into a socio-economic hierarchy.
What we see in the archaeology is the appearance of Etruscan settlements where Villanovan settlements once stood. Why? Perhaps they co-existed and eventually merged into one culture. The Romans called these people Tusci or Etrusci, creating the link to the region later called Tuscany.
The Etruscans were farmers first – taming the wild land of Tuscany to grow emmer (a type of wheat) which was husked and unsuitable for bread making until they were able to create new cultivars. Olive oil was unknown in Etruria as late as 581 B.C, but must have been imported from Greece. Home grown wine grapes, like olive trees came later. The Etruscans were skilled at irrigation, and the excavated tunnels suggest an organized approach and central authority behind the engineering.
Although Italy is not blessed with significant metal resources, what is there was concentrated in Etruria and, as metalworkers, the Etruscans excelled. They mined and worked precious metals, tin to make bronze, and iron. The photograph below shows an example of Etruscan craftsmanship.
Jewelry and metalwork became items of trade for the Etruscans and they developed a substantial merchant fleet. Allies of the Carthaginians, they traded throughout the Mediterranean including Southern France and Spain.
Tarchna (Tarquinnii) was perhaps the richest and most famous of the Etruscan cities. At its peak from 650-500 B.C, Tarchna was the center of bronze production in Etruria. Everywhere in the archaeology of the city we see a culture with evolving sophistication. The dead were cremated and buried in painted amphoras, temples were built, and life was represented in art – banquets, dancing, athletics, chariot racing, and hunting. We also see an early political system made up of clans, anticipating the Republic.
U.S. involvement was limited until August 1964, when North Vietnamese boats attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. President Lyndon Johnson ordered airstrikes in retaliation, which ended with U.S. pilot Everett Alvarez Jr. becoming a prisoner of war. The U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, allowing President Johnson to take all necessary measures to use military force in Southeast Asia, including responding to attacks against U.S. forces and preventing any further aggression in the region.
In March 1965, U.S. troops entered Vietnam. Operation Rolling Thunder began the continuous bombing of North Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Over the next year, the U.S. continued to increase the number of troops in the region. After many battles, the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Minh began the Tet Offensive in January 1968. Attacks were launched in cities across South Vietnam, including Saigon and the invasion of the U.S. Embassy. The Tet Offensive marked the turning point in the war and began the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam.
After taking backlash about the war, Johnson withdrew from the election. With promises of ending the draft and restoring peace, Richard Nixon took the presidency in November 1968. As Nixon took office, the U.S. pushed for "Vietnamization," giving South Vietnam more responsibility in the war.
Ancient Rome was also Villanovan, but there was no Etruscan Villanovan marriage there. One suspects the independent nature of the native Latins was responsible for blocking Etruscan assimilation. Ultimately the Etruscans would occupy Rome, but it was not by a gradual mixing of cultures. Prior to their arrival, the Latins were mostly a pastoral people. The Etruscans influenced them to become more commercial (and maybe the Greeks in Campania had an influence also). The end result was the light went on for the Latins and their culture began to advance. In Rome, the Etruscan influence was everywhere – from the new temples that were constructed to the evolving political system.
In January 1973, U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam and POWs were released when an agreement was reached, effectively ending the war for the U.S. The war concluded with the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, leading to the reunification of North and South Vietnam under Communist control.
Throughout the Vietnam War, 261 U.S. troops received the Medal of Honor.
About 58,220 U.S. service members died in the Vietnam War.
Historically, Etruria was made up of an alliance of free independent city-states. Although they had common interests, the cities openly competed with each other and went to war when necessary. The ruler was an all-powerful king who acted as both a political and religious leader. Unfortunately, we know little of the Etruscan political system outside the period when they gained influence over Rome and the history was recorded. The last three kings of Rome were Etruscan (616-510 B.C.), so we can see Etruscan influence over the formation of the Roman government, which was different from the historical Etruscan model. During that period, across the Mediterranean and into Asia, aristocratic factions had begun to peck away at the authority of the kings.
Vietnam War dates: Nov. 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975.
Ho Chi Minh: The Communist leader of North Vietnam.
Ngo Dinh Diem: The U.S.-backed leader of South Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh Trail: North Vietnam supply routes that supplied supporters and guerrillas in South Vietnam.
Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971): U.S. aircraft spray Agent Orange across South Vietnam in attempts to remove any food or cover for North Vietnamese guerrillas.
!summarize #bradgerstner #altieter #ceo #technology
With Eisenhower and Patton restoring the Allied front alongside the 101st Airborne Division, Allies claimed victory in the Battle of the Bulge on Jan. 25, 1945. As the Allies made advances from the west and the Soviet forces closed in from the east, Nazi Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, marking VE Day.
As the war unfolded in Europe, U.S. Marines made an amphibious landing at the Japanese island of Iwo Jima on Feb. 19, 1945. The island was considered a tactical staging point for a possible invasion of mainland Japan. Just four days into the battle, Mount Suribachi was captured by U.S. Marines. Battles continued across the island until March 25, 1945, when Tadamichi Kuribayashi, a Japanese general, launched his final attack. After American forces declared the capture of Iwo Jima, soldiers spent weeks searching the island for Japanese troops who refused to surrender.
!summarize #boston #skyscraper #construction
After serving as military tribune, Caesar was elected Questor in 69 B.C, Aedile in 66, and then Pontifex Maximus and Praetor Urbanus in 63. After his Praetorship, Caesar was appointed governor of Spain, but could not take that position until he satisfied his creditors. He appealed to Marcus Crassus for help and the richest man in Rome paid or guaranteed many of Caesar’s debts. Caesar stood for Consul in 59 B.C. and was elected in one of the most corrupt campaigns on record.
!summarize #tesla #stock #investing
Gnaeus Pompey Magnus was born in 106 B.C. His father, Gnaeus Pompeius Strabo served as Praetor in 92 B.C. and Consul in 89 B.C. He died during Marius’ siege on Rome in 87 B.C. The son served in the army under his father and found soldering to his liking. Prior to Sulla’s assault on Rome, Pompey raised three legions to support him and forever earned the trust of the new dictator. After victories over the remaining Marians in Sicily and Africa, Sulla dubbed his young general “Magnus” supposedly in derision because Pompey had no political experience worthy of a title. After putting down a revolt following the death of Sulla, Pompey demanded that the Senate name him proconsul of Hispania. Fearing his rising military power, the Senate said no, but Pompey got his way when he threatened the Senate by refusing to disband his legions. He remained in Hispania until 71 B.C. when the Senate requested that he help Crassus with the war against Spartacus.
With the capture of Iwo Jima, American forces moved their focus to the island of Okinawa. On April 1, 1945, U.S. troops landed on the beaches of Okinawa with little resistance. As American troops moved across Okinawa, they encountered resistance in Southern Okinawa. Throughout the battle, both sides took heavy casualties. The Japanese took their final stand on the southern coast of Okinawa. With certain defeat coming, Japanese Gens. Mitsuru Ushijima and Isamu Cho committed suicide, ending the Battle of Okinawa on June 22.
!summarize #Politics #biden #crimes #family #republican
!summarize #university #warehouse #jobs #degrees #education
Those who are familiar with the history of Rome know that the Republic was preceded by a monarchy – seven kings, the last three Etruscan. These kings had no hereditary authority and were elected by the assembly to act as military and religious leaders of the Roman people. The purpose of this post is to try and separate fact from fiction in the story of those early monarchs.
The early-mid Iron Age period circa 700 B.C saw radical changes in the structure of political systems around the Mediterranean. In Greece, for example, the collapse of the Mycenaean dynasty ushered in the Dark Age period which lasted until about 700 B.C. New monarchies sprung up but the kings were weak and had no hereditary authority so their weakness ultimately allowed the Polis to take hold. Monarchies on the Italian peninsula were subject to the same pressures as we see in the behavior of the Etruscans during the time they controlled Rome.
!summarize #automotive #repos #economy #luxury
!summarize #cancer #healthy #nuts
!summarize #workday #layoffs #sanfrancisco #california #jobs
President Harry Truman: The 33rd president, Truman ordered the use of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima (Aug. 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9, 1945), ending WWII.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The cities where the first atomic bombs were dropped, ending WWII.
VJ Day: The official end of WWII in Japan on Aug. 15, 1945.
!summarize #divorce #relationships #marriage
I'm rewatching Star Trek again and realized Data changed hair styles 😀
Severus was the most noteworthy and remarkable of the Roman kings. He reorganized the assembly by creating the Comitia Centuriata as an assembly of economic classes which mapped to each class’s role in the army. For example, the Equites, or cavalry, were the most wealthy of the groups because they had to be wealthy enough to buy their own horses. Severus is credited with the creation of the Roman Timocracy – property ownership requirement for the privilege of voting in the assembly. He also advanced the cause of the middle class as a brake against the power of the patricians. After forty-three years on the throne, he was murdered by the grandson of Tarquinius, also named Tarquinius. After new monarch evolved into a tyrant, the Romans began calling him “Superbus”, a derogatory reference to his arrogance. After a reign of twenty-five years, the tyrant was exiled and the reign of Roman kings came to an end
!summarize #accountants #accounting #cpa
!summarize #mantaray #fish #biology #ocean
Throughout the Korean War, 146 U.S. troops received the Medal of Honor.
About 36,574 U.S. service members died in the Korean War.
Important Figures and Events of the Korean War
Korean War dates: June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953.
Inchon Landing (Sept. 15, 1950): Led by Gen. MacArthur, U.S. and South Korean forces land at the port of Inchon, forcing the North Korean Army to retreat up the Korean peninsula.
Operation Ripper (March 1951): The fourth and final Battle of Seoul. The battle began with the largest artillery strike of the war. The capital of Seoul was liberated on March 14, 1951.
Battle of Heartbreak Ridge (September to October 1951): A monthlong battle with a massive amount of artillery and airstrikes.
!summarize #usaid #government #Unitedstates
And then, interestingly, Livy turns philosopher:
“I invite the reader’s attention to the much more serious consideration of the kind of lives our ancestors lived, of who were the men, and what the means in both politics and war by which Rome’s power was first acquired and subsequently expanded; I would then have him trace the process of our moral decline, to watch first, the sinking of the foundations of morality as the old teaching was allowed to lapse, then the rapidly increasing disintegration, then the final collapse of the whole edifice, and the dark dawning of our modern day when we can neither endure our vices nor face the remedies needed to cure them.”
These words from two thousand years past anticipate the postmodern world we live in today.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur: Led the United Nations forces during the Korean War.
Gen. Matthew Ridgway: Replaced MacArthur and took command of the forces in Korea.
The Cold War
World War II had ended, but by 1948, tensions between the U.S. and Soviet Union began to build. In June 1950, with support from the Soviets, North Korea invaded South Korea, leading to the start of the Korean War. The United States, believing the conflict signaled the start of communism spreading across the world, intervened. America used a containment strategy for dealing with the Soviet Union: Be patient and watch Russia to prevent its expansion of communism.
The U.S. strategy of containment set the stage for a deadly arms race with the Soviets. As the United States was developing more atomic weapons, the Soviets also were testing their own. Both countries continued developing increasingly destructive weapons, eventually leading to the development of the hydrogen bomb.
!summarize #radio #silence #border #immigration
Not only did the Cold War take place on Earth, but it gave way to the Space Race. With the Soviets launching Sputnik, the U.S. launched its first satellite, Explorer I, in 1958. The same year, President Dwight Eisenhower created the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA.
The Space Race pushed the U.S. into launching manned space missions. The first American in space was Alan Shepard, shortly followed by the Apollo 11 mission putting Neil Armstrong on the moon. The U.S. effectively won the Space Race with those first steps on the moon.
!summarize #ai #time #tokenization #thinking
The story of the Etruscans is an interesting one -- interesting and obscure.
Their history is remarkable when measured by their accomplishments as merchants, craftsmen, traders, and influencers of Rome, but we only know pieces of their story. The emperor Claudius tried to help us by chronicling their history in twenty volumes, but his work did not survive. Meanwhile, the Etruscan language has defied our understanding and, other than some decoding of artifacts, we can’t read it. Still, three of the Roman kings were Etruscans who helped launch the Republic.
Ultimately, the Etruscan culture would die and fulfill an ironic prophesy.
Tensions between the countries calmed when President Richard Nixon took office. Nixon looked to use diplomacy instead of the U.S. military to solve the issues between the countries. This approach led to the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), which was a first step in reducing the nuclear arsenal. Even with Nixon’s efforts, the tensions later rose again with President Ronald Reagan taking office. Reagan’s policies led to more conflict in Central America.
Tensions began to ease once again when Mikhail Gorbachev took office in 1985. With his new policies, Russia looked toward a new relationship of political openness with the rest of the world. In November 1989, the Berlin Wall was destroyed, and the Soviet Union fell apart in 1991, ending the Cold War.
!summarize #disaster #capitalism #Profits
Vietnam War
The conflict was rooted in the Cold War struggle between the Communist forces of North Vietnam, supported by the Soviet Union and China, and the non-Communist forces of South Vietnam, backed by the United States and other anti-Communist allies. The war saw significant U.S. military involvement, with American troops fighting alongside South Vietnamese forces against the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.
After the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam claims its independence at a peace conference in Geneva. At this point, Vietnam was divided into the Communist North and the anti-Communist South. By 1958, the Viet Cong began using guerrilla tactics in the South.
The area of Italy we know today as Tuscany was originally settled by the Villanovans, an iron age culture that had migrated from Northern Europe. The Tuscan branch is referred to as the Northern Villanovans but there was also a southern faction extending beyond Rome into Campania. The term Villanovan comes from their discovery in an ancient cemetery near Villanova Italy, eight miles from Bologna. The Villanovans were not a uniform culture or society, but more of a group of tribes with common interests. They were expert metal smiths and potters who cremated their dead and buried them in cone-shaped graves. The earliest Villanovan evidence dates from the beginning of the Iron Age and continues to 500 B.C. Through artifacts, we can document their social evolution showing the tribes transitioning into a socio-economic hierarchy.
What we see in the archaeology is the appearance of Etruscan settlements where Villanovan settlements once stood. Why? Perhaps they co-existed and eventually merged into one culture. The Romans called these people Tusci or Etrusci, creating the link to the region later called Tuscany.
The Etruscans were farmers first – taming the wild land of Tuscany to grow emmer (a type of wheat) which was husked and unsuitable for bread making until they were able to create new cultivars. Olive oil was unknown in Etruria as late as 581 B.C, but must have been imported from Greece. Home grown wine grapes, like olive trees came later. The Etruscans were skilled at irrigation, and the excavated tunnels suggest an organized approach and central authority behind the engineering.
!summarize #china #europe #trump #geopolitics
Although Italy is not blessed with significant metal resources, what is there was concentrated in Etruria and, as metalworkers, the Etruscans excelled. They mined and worked precious metals, tin to make bronze, and iron. The photograph below shows an example of Etruscan craftsmanship.
Jewelry and metalwork became items of trade for the Etruscans and they developed a substantial merchant fleet. Allies of the Carthaginians, they traded throughout the Mediterranean including Southern France and Spain.
Tarchna (Tarquinnii) was perhaps the richest and most famous of the Etruscan cities. At its peak from 650-500 B.C, Tarchna was the center of bronze production in Etruria. Everywhere in the archaeology of the city we see a culture with evolving sophistication. The dead were cremated and buried in painted amphoras, temples were built, and life was represented in art – banquets, dancing, athletics, chariot racing, and hunting. We also see an early political system made up of clans, anticipating the Republic.
U.S. involvement was limited until August 1964, when North Vietnamese boats attacked the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. President Lyndon Johnson ordered airstrikes in retaliation, which ended with U.S. pilot Everett Alvarez Jr. becoming a prisoner of war. The U.S. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, allowing President Johnson to take all necessary measures to use military force in Southeast Asia, including responding to attacks against U.S. forces and preventing any further aggression in the region.
In March 1965, U.S. troops entered Vietnam. Operation Rolling Thunder began the continuous bombing of North Vietnam and the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Over the next year, the U.S. continued to increase the number of troops in the region. After many battles, the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Minh began the Tet Offensive in January 1968. Attacks were launched in cities across South Vietnam, including Saigon and the invasion of the U.S. Embassy. The Tet Offensive marked the turning point in the war and began the gradual withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam.
After taking backlash about the war, Johnson withdrew from the election. With promises of ending the draft and restoring peace, Richard Nixon took the presidency in November 1968. As Nixon took office, the U.S. pushed for "Vietnamization," giving South Vietnam more responsibility in the war.
!summarize #retirement #money #finance
!summarize #Robotaxi #tesla #arkinvest
!summarize #deflation #market #volatility
!summarize #washington #nfl #jaydendaniels #quarterback #commanders
!summarize #laidoff #tech #career #passion #cars
!summarize #uk #economy #boe
Ancient Rome was also Villanovan, but there was no Etruscan Villanovan marriage there. One suspects the independent nature of the native Latins was responsible for blocking Etruscan assimilation. Ultimately the Etruscans would occupy Rome, but it was not by a gradual mixing of cultures. Prior to their arrival, the Latins were mostly a pastoral people. The Etruscans influenced them to become more commercial (and maybe the Greeks in Campania had an influence also). The end result was the light went on for the Latins and their culture began to advance. In Rome, the Etruscan influence was everywhere – from the new temples that were constructed to the evolving political system.
In January 1973, U.S. troops withdrew from Vietnam and POWs were released when an agreement was reached, effectively ending the war for the U.S. The war concluded with the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, leading to the reunification of North and South Vietnam under Communist control.
Throughout the Vietnam War, 261 U.S. troops received the Medal of Honor.
About 58,220 U.S. service members died in the Vietnam War.
Historically, Etruria was made up of an alliance of free independent city-states. Although they had common interests, the cities openly competed with each other and went to war when necessary. The ruler was an all-powerful king who acted as both a political and religious leader. Unfortunately, we know little of the Etruscan political system outside the period when they gained influence over Rome and the history was recorded. The last three kings of Rome were Etruscan (616-510 B.C.), so we can see Etruscan influence over the formation of the Roman government, which was different from the historical Etruscan model. During that period, across the Mediterranean and into Asia, aristocratic factions had begun to peck away at the authority of the kings.
Important Figures and Events of the Vietnam War
Vietnam War dates: Nov. 1, 1955, to April 30, 1975.
Ho Chi Minh: The Communist leader of North Vietnam.
Ngo Dinh Diem: The U.S.-backed leader of South Vietnam.
Ho Chi Minh Trail: North Vietnam supply routes that supplied supporters and guerrillas in South Vietnam.
Operation Ranch Hand (1962-1971): U.S. aircraft spray Agent Orange across South Vietnam in attempts to remove any food or cover for North Vietnamese guerrillas.