
See this.

The total nos of threads by the top 10 and the number of threads by each individual rank has gone up on a day-to-day basis. Incremental increase!

Ah ok. I see what you are saying. Yeah the top 10 is increasing but I am not sure about the overall. Perhaps it is.

But you are looking at a number of 2000 thread weeks based upon yesterdays numbers. That is huge.

Yes. The rate of increment is gradually down and flattening out as we move from rank #11 to #50 but not much, as more new people are also joining in.

I havent paid attention.

It would be interesting to see a side by side by side of the 40-50 range.

yeah, each bracket of the range has some unique trend.

So you are saying the 40-50 isnt increasing? Is that going counter to the top 10 or following suit?

Increasing, but not at a pace of the bracket like [10-20] or [20-30].

The top 10 are actually safe, they do not need to scale up, they just need to sustain their rank.

Great chart by the way. I posted it.

Sorry, it was a typo. I meant to say It will surpass 50k this week.

If you compare today and yesterday, the overall threading has gone up.

That is encouraging. Once we hit the 50K mark, we can then set the new bar.

I think I will push for 65K the week after. Lets see where the numbers come in at.

The only correction we could see after the 10th. But that can be offset by more number of people joining this niche.

Oh yeah. The exponential increase has to be from more people. Cant expect the top 10 to keep adding 25% on a weekly basis. That simply is impossible.

I have seen many new faces in the last two days, they will definitely bring more engagement and it will become more diverse, and more fluid. Interesting days ahead.

Yeah. It simply becomes a numbers game. If each new person adds 10 thread per day. that is an extra 500 with 50 new people, or 3500 per week. That is how things explode.

Plus the 3500 will generate responses so it will net out 10K.

That will automatically keep on expanding the network, and as a result the network effect will be much more stronger and pervasive.

Yes, and I am sure the rank #20 to #50 can shake at any time and dramatically turn the table even if they start today, it just needs two or three dedicated threading day full time.

I think it important to get the numbers up and promote it. Gamification is real and people get excited by the silliest things. It is how we are wired it seems.

Might as well take advantage of that.

That will always be at the helm of threading. That is why I have advocated for a weighted average, which is a more accurate way to gauge the threader's engagement. I hope next time they will consider it.