
Thats one way to bring value to threads. Instead of writing random things one lacks knowledge about or has no passion for.

It is the best way to approach something like that. We have to be interested in what we write about otherwise it is a major chore. Passion is the starting point.

Thats right. I think there is something for everyone on threads. mustn't be about money, finance or crypto.

Threads is general purpose can be open to whatever people want.

Sure. Everyone is welcome. Just pursue their passion here, have fun and maybe get rewarded too.

Well that is how a long term vision works which you seem to have. Consistent action over time will see your rewards growing.

Many saw that this weekend but left.

It was a great opportunity last weekend. A busy schedule though, but i squeezed out 3 hours to thread last night and felt good about it. CONSISTENCY. LONG-TERM.

That I can do. I joined Hive in 2020 to write about sports, economics and big policy. I may find areas within those boxes.

Yeah you can. Those are some broad areas.

The economics of sports is very interesting. Not sure of the data out there but it would make for great reading.

I need to find areas to focus on that I regularly follow and like. Create brand.

I would agree. Activity is part of it. By being active, that is helping to put you in front of people. But that has to be complimented by the content.

Yes. I have been thinking about that. I need to have a content plan for every week.

Or at least a general realm you operate within.

I would focus upon the economics of sports if you could. I think that is unique and could be interesting learning. You could write about salaries, profits, and sports as a biz.

I could do that as one of the topics. i also like to focus on Canadian economics as it impacts me on a daily basis. That would be so natural for me to engage with.