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RE: Leo Talk 6/22/21 - Come Join Our Chat

That is a good point. Even in the comment section, people's attention span and desire to read is limited.

It is often easier to take a "twitter-approach" and break comments up.

A short paragraph and then another one.

Limit comments to maybe 150 characters or so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It would be cool if the interface would show how many characters your comment has

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Suggest it to khal or at least how many words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, and also the number of words your comment has. 😅

Good point. I think I might also start doing so from now on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for your encouragement. 😀

I don't want to count the number of characters on each of my comments, so I might publish a comment addressing a single point with about 300 characters without counting, then just leave another comment. 🤔 I don't want to take time figuring out how long my comment is before publishing. 😅