
I like to think that if I had any extra I would help so many around me.

Actually most doesnt help. People tend not to succeed by being given handouts. It is why most charities rarely solve the problem they are trying to address.

I know what you mean. But although I kind of lost hopes in humanity, at the same time deep down inside I still like to believe in People.

Most people are shit. Just accept it.

You can either join them by having the slave mindset or change it. That is where the difference starts.

It is unfortunate but it is why the percentages do not change over time. The haves and the have nots remain relatively the same.

Some dont. Most dont. A lot complain about it.

I have changed. But I also need a big move to be able to make that change work. Because I am living in my dream place, London, but also, I am "stuck" in here and this is not the place that it was 12 years ago when I moved in. So Even if I am trying to break through that mentality and break free.... the city is always pushing me down and it makes it more difficult. Sorry for all this sappy conversation today! LOL It almost looks like a therapy session LOL sorry to be annoying you.

You arent annoying me. Human psychology is fascinating.

It is easy to see where others fall prey to circumstances and how to reflect that upon myself. Part of the benefit of age is seeing how what you described isnt the case. It is a choice.

Circumstances are what they are...that we cannot deny. However, they are not necessarily permanent.

I see what you mean. And I understand it. And true. Believe me. I will change it and I know I am not stuck stuck. I know I will make that change and that move. Only don't know how or when... Once again due to the financial situation I am in! But knowing myself, no matter what! I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN.