  • ...Fomo back into hive
  • Everyone looking for a Gini who can tell them the average price of hive over next 3 days.
  • Cash out, into HBD,
  • Lock into 40% return APR taskmaster super bond... YES!
  • Shit, Hive price goes up another 40% the next day
  • Find new Gini.
  • Loby task for 10,000% HBD bond return to take into account hive price rises
  • Final life advice, not financial advice

Lock into 40% return APR taskmaster super bond... YES!

  • Collateralize the super bond on the SpkNetwork Repo market being sure to rehypothecate numerous times to reduce borrowing costs, making the collateral very attractive to borrowers.
  • Pour proceeds into more super bonds and repeat.

Do this enough and you get your own Gini.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sounds like rubbing the side of a gold pot until coins come out. but in this case, the coins actually come out. And they are real. Rehypothicated free speech

Hmm when I rub, coins dont come out but maybe I am doing something wrong.

Perhaps I should watch the PG version of Jeannie instead of the Cummie token version.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

U know that’s on a blockchain forever right? Damn u need some ceramic light account quick time

U know that’s on a blockchain forever right?

People are just lucky that blockchain is just text.

A day at the beach.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

SPK Network will preserve your filth as NFT memes issued by your community in case the become collectors items in the future.

imagine, buying junk shitcoin bonds with rehypothicated Task filth NFTs on SPK Network

"Are you sure these taskmaster superbonds need rehypothecating again?"

Those bonds will be so pristine they will have their own collateral chain.

We will build an entire financial system on top of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to talk. As u know, we are
Getting to the point of being able to spin up side chains with a few clicks of a button.

Let’s have some fun and build some good old TRAD finance into the new decentralised token infinaspace

Yeah we do need to talk about some things. It could be very interesting what can be done, especially if we can get time locked assets on the base layer of Hive. We could then spin a second layer, decentralized system that really could attack the foundation of the financial system. We are talking trillions of dollars each day in trilateral repo and who knows how much in bilateral.

Just a matter of forming the collateral which I have some ideas about. We can have a chat and I could run some ideas by you and then you can see how it could fit into your system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My god, imagine giving an old school wall street guy who knows this shit the ability to spin up a side chain.

That might be the most important click of a mouse button in the history of the world.

its ok tho, as Tasks node pirates will come along to start the chain up for just 1% of all time future repo trades. but only the ones above 500 million per tranch

u on discord task?

bear hits in we have a bazillion HBD and become super inflation. if prices go to zero again.

I mean i like step 1 and 2 :D

Yes. I’d hate that scenario. But I do trust that hive community is foresighted enough to not issue a bazillion hbd.

The problem is technical hbd works like a short contract.

convert your hive into hbd on high prices and "buy it back at low". With the difference, HBD adds no demand at low prices, it simply creates new.

That's what most people do not understand ( or ignore). The mechanic itself if dangerous.

Edit: and we have exponential curve in converting HBD into Hive if price drops and converting is constant.

Every HBD converting into hive, increases Hive market cap and allow more converting on the edge a level lower.

This could be on perfect play end with 200% inflation from 7$ to 0,2. I have made a post on this long time ago.

Yes. Clear. And what conditions do you expect to prevent that scenario from happening?
