That is the ideal. If you can live on the income produced from your Hive savings, then that would mean you will always have things covered.
Also, if you can remain active and keep growing the holdings like you are, then the income produced will keep increasing. That would help to grow the monthly payout even more.
That is the power of compounding.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes. Thank you to you, I already realized the power of the compound interest. This is why I transfer often even a few cents to savings. Every little amount will increase the growing of the amount of the savings over time. You introduced this phrase (the compound interest) to me, so thank you.
Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.
Keep it growing my friend. In a year, if you keep following the same course of action, I will state your holdings will be much bigger than they are today.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta