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Woop woop! 😁😁😁😁

But you are already all the way up there. Quite consistently in fact. I marvel at your industry.

I have my little routine, when I don't get on for a day or so, that is when it comes crashing down hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see. But it obviously takes a lot of discipline. All I have time for right now is to answer replies and then it is shower and into bed with me!

Much of my time is answering replies too. I find if I do the giveaways when I am mentioned it can take fluffing ages!

Hahahaha. I go to replies first and then mentions.

jeje that is how I do it too!

Lol. Good. I am on the right track then. Basically, all I do not have is enough time dedicated to talking to as many people as I can on Hive each week.