Kind of! I was loading up on credits for that... but I guess I can still use them to rent cards so it's not all lost
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Kind of! I was loading up on credits for that... but I guess I can still use them to rent cards so it's not all lost
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Renting cards is a great option.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I still haven't bothered since I bought packs for I tend to use my own cards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I too bought a bunch of untamed and dice packs on the secondary market (Wax). And like you I have not felt the need to rent - yet. That time though may be coming soon as I'm going to be needing a higher level summoner so I can play my upgraded cards.
It is nice the option to rent cards like that is available as buying them becomes an expensive proposition.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Buying cards is definitely not cheap. I HAVE discovered that it's not quite so bad when you pay in DEC for some reason. But we're back to the same problem I have with potions. You lose airdrop points using DEC. That said, at least you're gaining card value so it somewhat makes up for it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Renting card isn't that bad but you should try to find good combinations of cards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta