
That's the end goal! The plan is to also take my bullion and some other cool collectables that I am working on with 3D printers to some trade shows that my buddy puts on. I can get a free table. So it's a way to stack more and more silver. Eventually I would like one of the machines that tests the metals so I can buy at shows too. I would totally buy at or just over spot where most shops buy under spot. It would be a better spread than buying at the coin shop or from APMEX.

A much better place! Most decent devices run about $1K the last time I checked. Once you have one it beats the hell out of APMEX prices. That's nice to have a free table at trade shows, a great way to move your 3D creations!

Yeah, they are about a grand. I am considering it, but have to finish getting this solar array finished.