Gotta learn how to cheat the cheaters. I wouldn't be where I am in life if I didn't learn how to roll on both sides of the fence.
And I am actually surprised to see a positive Trump comment from you, lol.
I, personally, will not lose a damn thing to China, because I am never selling the land or resources I have to make a quick buck. They would have to physically come to my property and try to take it from me, which good luck with that, because we are some heavily armed rednecks around here and shoot to kill, lol, many around here are also veterans who know how to fight. I am not apart of any tribe other than the ones that share my last name. That's a whole part of being a sovereign human being. I don't answer to anyone but me.
Lol I can see the good and bad with Trump. You just need to be able to put on the "glasses" he is wearing and what he believe.
My Trump critisism stems from his way of f*cking with Europe. But I am also glad because he has pushed us to distance ourself from the US. Lets see if we find any other allies in the world.
And lastly, maybe you dont, but if you are in the US you would see it. Just look at how Europe has changed because all the factories left and we didnt fight for them.
That's been the whole point for Trump is to get people off of the US tit. The citizens are tired of being sucked dry to support everyone else. Europe needs to learn how to take care of itself without our help. There is nothing wrong with that.
But then you cant also think we should obey everything you say either. We should not buy any american weapons or anything else.
Maybe even start trading in Yen just to piss you guys off ;)
And dont worry, we wont be attached so much longer. Think NATO will be disband and we will replace it with something else.
Dont come and ask us to send you eggs.
You keep saying the word "you" like I give a flying fuck what Europeans do, lol. I seriously do not give a shit what happens over there or what you all do. Please take me out of any context when talking about the US government, because they do not represent ME in any kind of way.
What I am tired of is seeing our citizens going without while getting raped for tax dollars that are being sent to take care of people that hate us. It's fucking sickening.
Oh, and I have my own chickens that produce eggs daily. I don't need your fucking eggs.
I was refering to that trump administration has asked the nordic countries to send eggs 😅
Dont have to be aggresive because I have nothing against you or your opinions. Everyone is free to think whatever 👏
My "truth" might be truth for someone else.
I didn't hear about that, because shocker, I don't really give a shit about what the government does on a daily basis. I have better things to do than to watch every move they make, like work on my farm or build tools that give me more monetary freedom.
I get heated when people try to put me in with a collection of people that I do not belong to by saying 'YOU'. I am a US citizen, yes, but this government does not represent ME, nor do I recognize it or any government as having any authority over me or my life. This is why I use crypto, mostly Monero, to keep my financial privacy and to give the big 'FUCK YOU' to the state.
The aggression comes from years of being in this fight only to see the newer blood coming in bowing to the very thing we are here to fight against. Hell, even many of the Bitcoin OGs are bowing down so their bags will pump. The true cypherpunks like me use real freedom tools like $XMR and don't give a shit about the dollar value, we care about use cases.
I respect that, being labeled isnt fun.
You style of life must be less stressful any many ways
From the sound of it, you are still pretty sympathetic to the state. So what are you doing in crypto? Crypto is supposed to be anti-state. That is it's whole purpose.
Yes I am not anarchist in that sense that I think a nation state is good. Then we can have a discussion on what level it should extend.
Crypto isnt only about being anti state. There are several layers to it.
The original purpose of crypto currency was to have an alternative money that is outside of the system. So yes, it was completely meant to be anti state and anti bank.
'Nation states' and their power trips have been the cause of all human suffering in history. So please tell me how nation states are a good thing?
Thats your opinion. Does that mean I dont belong here or? You sont
We have never had in history had such good society as we have had as a nation over here.