One of the not so fun parts of living in the woods...
Having to take your trash to the dump... LOL
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it, lol
One of the not so fun parts of living in the woods...
Having to take your trash to the dump... LOL
It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it, lol
I hear ya it's those little things that people don't think about. Don't really want to be throwing stinky trash in your car 😂
Nope, lol. Luckily I have access to a trailer. But sometimes, I drive to town and take a bag or two to an apartment complex that has a compactor, lol.

I dump our stuff in my work's trash bins now lol It's awesome!
LOL. Yeah my uncle was coming buy for a while and grabbing our trash and doing that, but he kinda just stopped, lol. I hit up the apartments a lot of times, but we let things get out of hand, so a dump trip it was, lol.
our county has a transfer station we can use twice a week. but if we forget to go there, the garbage piles up quick lol