My worst stats... or, where I am failing miserably

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I've gotten some friends and family onboard these last few months, with great effort on my part to make sure they "get" everything... most are inactive, some are posting and voting erratically.
But what depresses me the most is the "WIN RATE" obtained by sharing my PEAKD referral...
7 accounts created with my referral, to all of them, at the time I delegated some of HIVE so that they had enough Resource Credits to start working... the last one who created an account with my referral was @writewithpixels, that was two days ago and still hasn't done a single operation.


Sometimes it depresses me to see that, despite our efforts, it is very difficult to introduce new users and, even more difficult, to maintain a good retention rate.

But what the hell are we doing wrong?

I can't find an explanation other than thinking that most people don't want to invest even 10 minutes to understand the dynamics or they are looking for something much easier in which to earn money without doing anything.
Although on second thought, these types of users are the ones we should avoid, don't you think?


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it's a concern going forward, ar least in mind. Especially with the huge popularity of apps like tiktok that only require the attention span of a goldfish

Yea I give up on onboarding personaly .... the ones interested will reach out to you. I think dapps should fill in this space, and we just need simple and user friendly apps for that.

It is a shame the nonchalant attitude we get from friends we care about and bring them on to Hive. The other day I had to pay $3 to create account for a friend and the result I got was no effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Man, you don't have to pay anything @hiveonboard is free!

Unless it if now working, it hasn't been working for months. Will have a look at it. Thanks have some 2 friends I will be onboarding.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How about using LeoFinance to make an account? There are ways to create an account without paying.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just didn't get it right with Leofinance back then, Ecency will say IP score is too low. I saw a video tutorial now explaining sign up process with Leofinance, will give these options a try tomorrow when I onboard a friend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You can make one using a Twitter account, metamask, and other options. So there should be plenty of ways to get it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bro, I feel the same! Friends I have onboarded are just not putting in the effort. Yes they see my wallet and think it took me one or two post but no, it is my fifth year.
I am very open to sharing my knowledge, eager to support with upvote which I never got any friendship support when I started out, I had to mingle and make friends.

It is easier to grow on Hive now with so many communities than I started.

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indeed, easier than 5 years ago, I'm also a veteran here

Es algo que trate de incentivar en mis amigos sin exito tampoco

Tiene que nacer de la persona el interes, las demas personas que tienen poco interes, quieren el dinero ya y como no lo obtienen y ven que es mucho esfuerzo se frustran y dejan la comunidad.

A vecer la frustracion es por el tiempo que uno tarda en hacer un post y los pocos votos que recibe. A la larga cansa y hay mejores cosas que hacer.

Antes eramos pocos y habia mas votacion, por ahi la
Solucion seria que les den 20 centavos como minimo a 2 primeros post que realice cualquier persona, asi verian que su trabajo vale algo, pero tendria que verificar que no sea copia de algo ya publicado, es complicado

Como ves ahora solo publico pocos comentarios y no los escribo en ingles, he notado que cada vez hay menos participacion, entre los comentarios para llegar en busqueda de una solucion, ojala que cambie algo.

Te mando un abrazo

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Regalar dinero no es la solucion, eso solo trae falsas expectativas en mi opinion

I think you are right about some people just not wanting to spare 10 minutes of their time to get to knowing Hive. But give it time, perhaps they will get to come back and do something :) I was once like them, created and account and didn't do a thing for months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yep, perhaps it's only time what they need but...some of them enrolled long time ago already

They must have forgotten they signed up in Hive hehe :)

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Most people aren't Authors and don't aspire to be Authors. Most successful social media sites allow for casual engagement, but we insist on Essay Style Posts, that most people are clearly not interested in developing.

Also, just to get started, one needs to understand multiple keys and or have a key manager such as Keychain.

We greatly limit our "Key Users" with a lot of rules based on content type and style and the crazy mantra of "Quality Content". It is what it is.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's what I said I don't know what to do... "key users" knowledge is 10' learning

Over the years I've failed miserably with a ton of effort. I think now if I want to onboard it will be through rising star where they can make free starbits without votes. I will need to buy them basics to keep moving on but if they do the free stuff then I'll know if the effort is there. It's not easy to go straight into rising star for someone off the street but it could work. Even easier is actifit.

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but you have to explain about HE tokens

It's not that much of a stretch honestly. Seems like it would be but not really.

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I do agree my friend. Right now I only fit in going through the contents that I do not want to miss. This will go till August or maybe even September. Once it finishes, I'm full back on with more post and hopefully a good camera to post my life as well 😃.

Actually, my civil service exam is near so, I hardly find time to comment or post. But I cannot miss going through my friend's gallery. Yes, it only takes minutes and that can be spend. With Hive I'm very serious and with like minded people like you showing the way, it is very much achievable.

I think it's because Hive is a bit overwhelming for a person starting off. They don't really understand how to get started and I don't think we should avoid them. There are a lot of these people who will move on if they can't understand it quickly.

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To understand HIVE you only need 30 minutes but time seems to be the variable to save

Yea if anything takes longer than 5 minutes, people tend to just walk away. They have a short attention span.

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