UNOFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) October 1st, 2020

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Unofficial Winners List for HivePUD October 1 2020.jpg

EDITED TO ADD: It's come to my attention that at least 3 people didn't show up on the list of power ups on the first. While I've already said this list isn't written in stone, I wanted people to be aware that it will most likely be changed/updated once we've figured out what happened. Thanks for your understanding (shakes fist at the blockchain gremlins for causing such headaches on Power Up Day 😖).

EDITED AGAIN TO ADD: Because there were so many changes, I decided to repost the list instead of editing this post. Please check it out here - 🚨 AMENDED 🚨 - the UNOFFICIAL WINNERS LIST FOR #HivePUD October 1st, 2020

As always, a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to this month's Hive Power Up Day, either through powering up, posting, offering prizes, or spreading the word. While our numbers were a bit down this month - as I said on @hivebuzz's post, I'm guessing it was due to a combination of all the blockchain hiccups, naughty nodes, and the bearish Hive price, along with some exchanges like Bittrex being in "wallet maintenance" mode - the Hive Buzz team gave out a record breaking number of 371 badges! And that doesn't even include the 37 people who also scored the awesomesauce new Power Up Helper badge!

So for the numbers, we had 58 qualifying entries for the prize pool (compared to 89 in September) and 144 people who posted with either the #HivePUD or #HPUD tags on the first (versus 151 from last month).

Now it's time for the big number - the power ups ranged from 0.009 to 4000 Hive Power, for a grand total of...

25,440.041 Hive Powered Up!

For context, last month was 30,936.61, so while it wasn't quite as much, it's still a wicked awesome amount. Nicely done, everyone!

And I know I keep saying it, but I'm so excited and grateful that I have to say yet again, thank you to @jeanlucsr for bringing the idea to the @hivebuzz team, who then ran with it and made the Hive Power Up Day Badges such a buzz-inducing part of power up day! I can't wait to see what they come up with next month, and I'm really looking forward to sharing all this with @streetstyle when (not, "if" because I'm still holding out hope) he returns!

Speaking of dear Street, in keeping with how he ran this, here is the UNOFFICIAL winners list for October 1st. If you spot any errors, or your powerup/post was somehow overlooked, please shout out as soon as possible.

On OCTOBER 5TH, I'll post the OFFICIAL written-in-stone list, and at that time the sponsors can award their prizes (the complete list is in the Announcement post, and I'll include it again in the Official winnrs post on the 5th).

As always, special thanks to my numbers guy @abh12345 for sending along the stats about 2 seconds after I asked for them. You are the numbers man extraordinaire, Asher! 😊



This list only includes those who powered up & posted about #HivePUD and/or #HPUD on the 1st, and met the criteria (reputation between 39 and 69; Hive Power between 100 and 8000 prior to the 1st) so they qualify for prizes. As always, I won't assign placement numbers until the official list is posted, and I've added a separate list below this one for those who posted & powered up, but their accounts were either too big/too small in their Hive Power or Reputation to qualify.

Unofficial Winners List

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Participants Who Don't Qualify For Prizes

(but qualify as amazeballs because they participated anyway!❤️)

PlaceholderAccountHive Powered UpStarting Hive Power% HP Growth


Again, thank you to everyone for making this #HivePUD event such an amazing success! I'm so proud to be a member of this wicked awesomesauce community!

Image Credits: blog thumbnail created on Canva, using a graphic created by @nateaguila in his Free HIVE Social Kit post. #HivePUD GIF created using both Giphy and ezGIF.



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Speaking of witch which...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Awesome! This calls for a pre-celebratory !BEER

Thanks for the overview and all the hard work that goes into coordinating this event @traciyork and all those involved. And cheers to all the winners and participants of course. 🍻

Ordinarily I'd join you in your pre-celebration @rarej, but this month seems to have had some hiccups. Please be aware I know of at least 3 people who were left off the list (I'm assuming the blockchain issues somehow messed up the results), and the final results will most likely be different (whether or not it changes your spot remains to be seen). Regardless though, here's a !BEER in return to cheer your awesome power up!

Yes, I am aware. But with all these beers I probably won't mind. 🙃🍻

Hey @rarej, here is a little bit of BEER from @traciyork for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 25 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Have a nice day @traciyork

I also participated #HPUD.
Below is my Power Up Post for 1st October.

Hi, @walarhein - yes, I see that you did and @hivebuzz commented that you received the badge as well. I'll ask @abh12345 to double check why you didn't show up in the chart - thanks for letting me know!

Hey @traciyork, here is a little bit of BEER from @rarej for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Congratulations to Participated and Hive Power Up Helper!

I don't see @golden.future in your chart list @traciyork
Please, Check my Power Up Post below

Wow, that's weird, @golden.future - I'll see what I can find out. It's bedtime in my corner of the world, but I'll get back to you and @walarhein as soon as I know what happened. Thanks for shouting out!

Hi @traciyork, I know this is still the unofficial list. But did I qualify to be considered for the winners? I powered up 65.52% of my HP on October 1st. Thanks!

Hi @glecerioberto, and yes, as far as I know your power up should've been included in the list. I'm working on figuring out what happened (I'm guessing the issues with the nodes somehow cause issues with the results), and I'll update everyone as soon as it's figured out. Thanks so much for letting me know.

Just noticed that I just upgrade to reputation 70!! 🤣🤣

LOL! I turned 70 at some point recently too @kimzwarch, and have no idea when. Congrats to you!

Lookin' forward to tomorrow's official list! It'll also, conveniently, fall on a Punday Monday! So I'll have lotsa prizes to give out! (There's still time to pun until that post goes up tomorrow, so come pun!)

Coolness, @improv! I'll be posting it later in the day, since I just had to post an amended Unofficial list (I blame blockchain!). And thanks for the reminder about Punday Monday! However, be warned...

That's just the kind I like! Go do one now!

Hi @hatoto! As I noted at the top of this post, this particular list was incorrect. You can see the updated list at -, and I'll be posting the Official Winners list in an hour or so. Just waiting to make sure no one else has corrections. Thank you for participating!

didn't know there was a competition 😅