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RE: Election Season

in LeoFinancelast month (edited)

"This is one of the reasons why I find DPOS voting so alluring from a theoretical perspective. Not only is the election public, verifiable, and enforced by decentralized encryption, but also when someone backtracks and doesn't deliver they can be voted out immediately rather than after an entire years-long term of disappointment."

I immediately realized liquid democracy was the right modern technology to enable just governance of our republic when I first heard of it years ago. The code Hive has proven for years demonstrates this mechanism works. However, it is absolutely against the interests of the political class, as well as large corporations that use lobbying to benefit their bottom line. Expecting American states to adopt secure DPOS voting is like expecting Hive whales to abandon stake based voting to elect witnesses. The people that benefit from the way things are aren't going to change the way things are done.

Here's an adjunct to the headline pic in the OP.


I'll leave it to you and your readers to interpret the meaning of women massively outvoting men in these early returns in swing states.

There is a reason that empires have a lifetime of ~250 years. Pasha Glubb published his analysis and showed that empires just don't last forever, which is why we're all not speaking Akkadian today. Corruption is cumulative. The longer a polity persists, the more deeply corruption infests it's bureaucracy, and the more quickly corruption can be infiltrated into remaining unaffected parts of the bureaucracy. The USA has been more and more deeply corrupted for almost exactly 250 years, and it's hard to deny it's bureaucracy is intolerably corrupt, it's regulatory agencies captured by the industries they were instituted to regulate, it's legislature dependent on lobbyists that fund their campaigns, and it's law enforcement agencies dedicated to protecting the criminals they were proposed to eliminate. Nowhere more than Oregon demonstrates this corruption, with our current state government having been massively funded by funds from FTX and Sam Bankman-Fraud, and stacks of cash from legal drug dealers like La Mota, handed over at parties with negligible and dubious documentation.

All empires rot from within and only become vulnerable to external enemies as a result of the corruption destroying their ability to defend themselves, just like the US Navy seems to be unable to protect Red Sea shipping from one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world, and the Houthis aren't even in control of the whole country [edit: of Yemen].

"Politicians do not care about you or your bags. They care about themselves and the cronies that keep them in power. Lying to the public is the standard and there is no way to enforce honor in a system this degraded."

It's difficult to believe the Pax Americana has much in the way of legs to keep it standing very far into the future. I wish there was any reason to believe otherwise, as an American who will suffer the consequences of the end of the American empire. However, once the gatekeepers of political power have been removed by the end of that empire, the DPOS mechanism will have a chance of being implemented in whatever takes it's place. Hopefully it will, and election fraud and lying politicians will be relegated to the dustbin of history.
