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RE: ThorChain Death Spiral Continues

"...the only reason I would ever do something like this was to create more panic..."

There's that. To me this smells like an assassination by legacy financial killers destroying decentralized ramps. I never touched Rune*, but I was glad it was there because something needed to create that functionality in order for crypto to have the capacity to fulfill it's purpose at all. Absent KYC free exchange crypto is just Green Stamps being regulated by the SEC and managed by Sorosian market manipulators to fleece rubes.

*I am not in the markets at all, but am creating non-financial economic structures I intend to be immune to financialization and profiteering - and similarly from theft, rugs, and fraud. I doubt my effort matters to anyone but me, and the worst impediment to my success is the outrage of people I transact goodwill with that have earned financial assets of significance, who scoff the harder the more I eschew their money. Folks that never cracked 7 figures get it, and that's where I am most powering up. I mention it only because it is why I was not in Rune.

I see this entire situation with Rune as engineered purely on a gut check, and it pisses me off. How does it not reek? These 'risk free' mines that were strategically inserted into Thorchain to set this off are ringing my bells and I recall some almond activation and discussion with you at least a year ago, if not longer, but do not recall any details. I'd hate to say 'I told you so' but I sure hope I could if I was so crass. Because I grind other axes my attention to details is insufficient to cogently comment, but I don't stray from principles regarding principal and 'risk free' is a wrench in my monkey.

I will repeat this, though. The first rule of investing is to keep your principal.



To me it smells like a crap token doing what they do.

Not sure why anyone would put funds into this crap? Maybe I’m missing something?