"...the world we live in continues to deteriorate..."
I am confident this isn't the problem. The problem is false expectations, entitlement, and bad information and indoctrination. This is not the worst time in history to be alive. It's not that the world has become a paradise, because we obviously still have challenges to overcome, but if you drag a 1st Century Palestinian shepherd forward to today, they would absolutely be certain they'd been dragged into Paradise until they tried to buy a smoothie, or smth.
Things have been worse, is all I'm saying.
When suicide rates rise, it's not necessarily because life got harder, because generally it gets less hard over time and a little patience will be rewarded for folks in tough spots. But for folks that expect to follow the rules and get the rewards, the house, the pension, the deferential neighbors, losing their home to a corrupt scam from some squatter, or profiteering banksters at Citi, that can seem like the end of the world, their entire life's work gone, and no prospect of starting over from scratch.
Humility, as I will always maintain, is the only sound basis for reason, wisdom, or self esteem. Being reduced to $0 assets isn't good, but when you don't believe you deserve better, are entitled to better, and etc., it's just a starting point, not the end of the world.
It's never about things being worse; it's about volatility.
If you take a fish and try to put it in another body of water; it dies immediately.
The transition must be smooth rather than jarring.
It's the same reason why stock market bros throw themselves out of buildings when their bag crashes to zero.
It's not that their life is going to be harder than any other poor person.
It's about already being depressed and then losing all of what's left with no prospects to move forward.
There's a lot more to be said here like... misery loves company.
People suffer better psychologically when others are suffering with them.
Alienation can be a real killer.
But we are largely saying a lot of the same things here; lots of overlap.