
the few I gave away did not renew. So now I’m trying to reward those in different ways that do go premium.

Hopefully they will earn enough to fund their own premium next time.

Yeah but will they actually pull the trigger and re invest or will they try to make it without premium. I now the first option is the best and I hope everyone trying premium will end up feeling the same. Be part of the P gang :)

Not all but some, I wonder if they do a cost analysis after each drive where they give out premium.

I don't now It is a planned marketing operation or just giving out membership for people to try without doing stats. Maybe we will have the answer one day.

Think they are doing both and both methods can work with the right guidance and stat analysis.

But I guess the team is already calculating this stuff :)

I hope so, we need more #premium features so to have more members in the club.

I think we need more awareness, features are nice to have but people with $LEO stakes must understand that the flywheel with premium is aligned with their interests.

I did :D And I will keep doing.