I'm currently cooking 😁 This is my first shot at web design and it's going quite well. I'm originally a web developer and I rather build a website based on someone's else designs but now I decided to try my hands at actually designing a website which is an assignment project for the Harvard computer science course I'm currently taking. I'm not done with this actually, I still have a few more things I will add but for now, I'm just happy with the way it's turning out. Later on, I will design the other pages as well (Services, About Us and Contact pages). #coding #uiux
Went into other fields to support my family. Would have had to move to pursue. Could not afford to build a business from the ground up in Web Development.
Definitely! 😁 But I haven't started with those yet because I had to redesign the home page after I have looked at other bakery websites and got lots of inspiration. I wasn't happy with the previous design because it looked very plain and boring
I guess there is no cap, just depends on the amount of upvotes you get. Before we could also earn with pageviews from leoads, but it has been cancled for now.
Se você têm uma experiencia com o Twitter, que agora é o X, aqui a função é basicamente a mesma, postagens curtas, que podem ser textos ou imagens por exemplo e dá para ganhar do mesmo jeito que fazendo uma publicação normal das grandes.
oi, xará!! aqui é basicamente a mesma coisa que o Twitter. Falar da vida, ficar por dentro de alguma fofoca, acompanhar o povo que fala sobre finanças e etc
eu lembro que eu fui ver o terceiro da série no cinema e em determinada cena eu ri tanto que acabei engasgando com a pipoca... fiquei um tempinho sem respirar... achei real que eu ia de base assistindo um filme de comédia
Faz e muito, é um mercado que os cara estão perdendo feio, usar navegador dentro da keychain é horrivel, um app similar ao X faria toda a diferença justamente no onboard para a hive
Rapaz, se você fizer isso vai ser lembrado para todas as eras da hive, por tudo o que você fez de aplicativo pra hive, igual o hive tasks que é top demais, esse app ia ficar top demais
Ideia: App móvel para postar fotos e vídeos curtos de forma direta, sem formatação complicada ou coisa do tipo. Algo para o usuário comum poder usar. Inleo é complicado demais para leigos, ainda mais na versão Mobile.
TD número 79, caramba muito bom ver o projeto seguindo vivo e operante! Graças a @xlety, podemos ter este momento de descontração e lazer para a comunidade!
Sei que tem muitos membros que ajudam, não quero descriminar ninguém, mas é notável que uns ajudam bem mais que outros e espero que isso não crie problemas e sim soluções. Que seja uma inspiração inclusive para mim rs
Pensando em umas estratégias aqui, este ano de 2024 vou guardar uma boa parte do HBD no savings e comprar os tokens de pagamentos diário se semanais, mas em 2025, quero fazer com que seja o ano do HP! Quero decolar o meu poder de voto.
o HBD na teoria é o mais seguro que temos, não que seja 100% seguro, mas acho que é o menor risco atual na hive, então vale a pena segurar ele no savings por um tempo.
Seria minha ideia também, se eu conseguir ficar sem dar outro Power Down por conta de "certos contratempos" desse mês. Por enquanto o que está vindo do último PD estou colocando na Poupança HBD também.
Imagino como deve ta complicado as coisas, estou querendo montar essa reserva de HBD até o final do ano e depois focar bem em HP. Espero que as coisas melhorem e de certo para você!
Chegar a ser engraçado, tantas pessoas que entram e nem ficam tanto tempo e eu fazendo planos para 2025, acho que ninguém têm mais dúvidas de que a Hive faz parte da minha vida kkkk, to planejando como se fosse um acampamento ou ferias kk
Pois é, as pessoas querem resultados instantâneos e acho que nada na vida que seja rápido assim seja legal, tudo vem de um processo de uma construção. Comecei esse ano com 7k e pouco, to chegando em 9 e meu objetivo é fechar o ano com 10k
Valeu mano, fico feliz em estar participando da hive e da comunidade brasileira, em toda essa organização pois estamos construindo algo grande para o médio e longo prazo, então sou honrado em fazer parte disso tudo.
Acredito que na rotina que estou aqui, consigo até mais um pouco que 10k, mas ta bom, fechar o ano nesse patamar para mim está ótimo e para 2025 decolar igual foguete! 🚀
Isso é vdd, eu to fazendo questão de segurar o meu HP, deleguei para alguns projetos mas fiz o compromisso (comigo mesmo digamos) de deixar uma boa parcela efetiva na minha conta, tanto para ajudar quanto para receber mais retorno
Batata e cebola foram dois dos maiores aumentos no último ano... complicado... por isso recebo bem a notícia da desaleração... espero que a tendência se mantenha
No geral, houve uma queda nos preços mesmo. Só que alimentos mais importantes como estes, nos preços em que estão, meio que "anulam" essa sensação de melhora nos preços.
Não sei... acho que tem um recorte de classe a ser considerado... batata e cebola continuam subindo, mas arroz e feijão, que são meio que a "base" tiveram quedas boas
Mais uma postagem criada por nossa redatora @xlety, explicando sobre o Hive Power (HP), venha conferir e deixar as perguntas, duvidas e sugestões! #inleo #hivebr #hivepower
A Hive pode ser um lugar muito legal quando se realmente tenta engajar ao invés de só vomitar conteúdo em busca de votos...
Acabei de dar alguns conselhos a um aspirante à engenheiro e gerente de projetos (sou ambas as coisas). Nunca tinha visto o rapaz, mas respondi uma thread dele e começamos a conversar
Eu tenho tentado a um bom tempo comentar mais e participar mais, foda é só o tempo, isso que ta bem curto e ai fica tudo muito corrido, mas socializar aqui é o melhor para tudo, tanto para aprender quanto para ganhar e isso é incrivel.
Engajar é algo que ambas as pessoas ganham ao fazer, até mesmo por parte da motivação, se alguém posta algo ou cria algo e não tem comentários ou votos acho que bate uma depre que pode afastar novos usuários e até os veteranos.
an excerpt from life, made up to show what it is not. clipping that does not demonstrate the hell that night turned into. just choose the caption well.
Here is my submission for tuesday tips. Unfortunately, the hashtag did not show after I published the thread, so I had to edit and leave it in bold text.
What is a frunk? "Frunk" is an English term and is made up of the words "front" and "trunk", i.e. "front" and "trunk". Previously, only rear-engined vehicles had such a front trunk.
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
I think the platform needs a more robust network for onboarding new users, and supporting them to retain them. The user count/activity seems to be going down.
We need to have something to offer that keeps people here once they are onboarded. That has always been our biggest problem. We either grow slow with what we have or figure out what the masses want.
You are right - and am worried about retention. On the one hand, we need to have a good engagement network so that most posts or threads do not end up with zero. On the other hand, if it will be possible to have a good rewards support structure at least for the first month or so, then a combination of these might boost retention.
Short term yes, but in the long run it will not help with regards to rewards. To have excellent engagement we need to offer what people want to see. We have to decide if we want to appeal to the masses that don't want to see a lot of the highly informative, educational stuff. 99 percent of social media users want crap and to retain we need to give crap. IMHO
Seems like an honest truth here. Crap is value to a lot of people, Builders and owners of web2 social media allow so much crap because its more valuable than 1500-word long articles. Oh, and someone needs to understand that its a world of short-attention span people. Fast and short is better.
I believe it is a human nature issue. The 1 percent versus the 99 percent. Most people on Hive fall into the 1 percent range. To get the other 99 percent here, forgive me for saying this, but we need to dumb things down. As it adding more useless stuff to Hive. That is why I do memes. You just need to look at the shit people get on with on other SM platforms.
Sure. I think for one thing, our UI needs to be better than what is in web 2. Then, maybe some engaging content that brings value is important to hold new users attention. Yes I like the idea of being a news spot, but we can do much more. for example, not everyone would be here for long if its just news stuff. So a variety of attention-grabbing activity is important.
And we can always talk about engagement and making this place buzz. Seems to be too cold often.
I think most new users want to earn huge money at the beginning time and that's the problem. I believe that we need those users who have patience and dedication.
Then there is a problem with the message passed to them by those doing the onboarding. I usually ask these two questions to drive home the point that this is not a get-rich-quick-scheme
How long does it take for a new startup to become successful and grow huge revenue?
How long does it take to complete a University course, before getting a 6-figure job?
I only support new users that do not put the money first
Developers, hive needs to understand it needs more applications built on top of it besides a blogging platform that generates zero revenue if it wants to grow in dollar value.
Sure. That is so much Value. I feel that builders are not finding Hive attractive and thats a big problem. Hive has far fewer DAPPs. Other blockchains seems to be supporting all these interesting stuffs built there. For example, tap-to-earn is growing fast. We need to make here appealing to developers.
That should be passively done, the more actively you push for it, the more synthetic it becomes, and might be flooded with spam and cringe content.....We need production by maases, not mass production by a few.
I'm teasing. Most energy drinks are very bad for you. If you only have one or two a week they won't hurt you, but if you drink one a day or more, you're doing damage to your body. I drink them a LOT!
🧵/2.Recently he expressed his opinion regarding artificial intelligence. He said AI is better than humans in every way in any work. So basically he saying that AI will replace humans in every work.
This is what children’s day celebration looks like in a force school. My baby sis is right there at the back and I am proud to raise her in a disciplinary school with such a serene environment. Cheers to knowledge through discipline.
A clip from our PTA platform.
Its pretty cool to be part of the uniforms personnel, could remember growing up, I was a patrol leader in one of the districts of the boy's scouts, it was all fun.
Woke up from sleep but still feeling weak. I can't allow myself to sleep more because I need to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Moreover, I don't want to be inactive in the hive either. So my day was indeed a busy one. What about you?
Winning mostly comes because we have spectators who cheer us to victory. But whether they be present or not, we must also learn to cheer ourselves to victory.
I usually attend the school auditorium. Apart from religious subjects.Educational social rituals and cultural traits are special to me.Increases the motivation to follow religious strict rules and principles.#mayinleo #hivenaija
Happy Tuesday dear friends of inleo, may you do very well and each of the things you propose turn out wonderfully and above all may each of your publications be highly valued. 💯
The fact that I keep forgetting that I am a Premium user and I can make longer threads is so funny😂😂 I keep reducing the words I am supposed to use for my threads😂😂
Yeah but will they actually pull the trigger and re invest or will they try to make it without premium. I now the first option is the best and I hope everyone trying premium will end up feeling the same. Be part of the P gang :)
I don't now It is a planned marketing operation or just giving out membership for people to try without doing stats. Maybe we will have the answer one day.
I think we need more awareness, features are nice to have but people with $LEO stakes must understand that the flywheel with premium is aligned with their interests.
As an individual would you be able to have coffee with someone with a weird coffee habit? Would you complain about it to the person or remain silent?
It took them a long while but I ran this event back in December and they put this out today 👍🏽 We are running it again this upcoming December.
#hiverun #movetoearn
$NOOK on 🔥🔥🔥🔥
CHANGE 24H : +744.97%⬆️
FLOOR : 0.00756 $BEL
OWNERS : 1,805
#threadcast #partytime #musiconleo #freecompliments
Hello friends👋👋, Let's Let the music play!!! with M.C Black "@caleb-marvel" host, in collaboration with @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @sandymeyer @misterc @beststart @kiel91 @ifarmgirl @winanda @oldmans. The party is yours!!!
This song is specially dedicated to @khaleelkazi @beststart @misterc @taskmaster4450le @coyotelation @mightpossibly @winanda
#bobmarley #partytime
Good day friends, it's another day to Get Down on what ever we do on threads...
Its a lovely day on the Blockchain to have some fun...
Hello @misterc, good day to you 🌞🌞🌞, how are you doing?
One of my party jams 🤩😁🥂, it was a freestyle..
Lets Get Down On It 💪 💪
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#bobmarley #partytime
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#partytime #bobmarley
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
Jus filling the room with some songs, so when anyone comes, they can easily play them..
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
#asa #partytime
#partytime #asa
#partytime #asa
I'm currently cooking 😁 This is my first shot at web design and it's going quite well. I'm originally a web developer and I rather build a website based on someone's else designs but now I decided to try my hands at actually designing a website which is an assignment project for the Harvard computer science course I'm currently taking. I'm not done with this actually, I still have a few more things I will add but for now, I'm just happy with the way it's turning out. Later on, I will design the other pages as well (Services, About Us and Contact pages). #coding #uiux
Awesome, I am also a Web Developer by trade. But years out of practice. !BBH
You totally retired from or you went into other fields?
Went into other fields to support my family. Would have had to move to pursue. Could not afford to build a business from the ground up in Web Development.
That's the sad reality of web development in the long run, hence why most people just use it as a stepping stone into other fields.
This is cool. I love what I see. Are you also crafting out contents for the other external pages?
Definitely! 😁 But I haven't started with those yet because I had to redesign the home page after I have looked at other bakery websites and got lots of inspiration. I wasn't happy with the previous design because it looked very plain and boring
@taskmaster4450le this question is for you,
How many $LEO can someone make in a week on thread?
I guess there is no cap, just depends on the amount of upvotes you get. Before we could also earn with pageviews from leoads, but it has been cancled for now.
Okay that's a good point, so more commitment is needed right?
Yes you decide how much you want to be able to earn :)
Is leo a important income for you?
Yes of course is an important income for me, you?
For me its not. For now this is just for fun for me :)
But you make income from it.
Do you have a plan on how you will build your account so you can increase your income?
Yes like building my audience, increase my engagement, do you have more tips?
I think it depends on the persons efforts and activities here on threads.
I agree with you on this.
No set answer.
It all starts with activity. If one doesnt post threads or posts, there is no earning. It is that simple.
Taking action doesnt guarantee votes but it increases the chances. Not posting guarantees not earning any LEO.
The answer is not complex at all, if you want to to earn them work work work work.
Thank you.
I tried to use the markdown
#feedback #inleo
I see (and) in the center now. 😆
Oh my! Anyhow, I think you got what I meant. 😂
I wonder why the markdown worked on words but not on images. 😆
Thread Day #79
Bom dia, pessoal! Semana voando e mês acabando. Já podemos sentir o cheiro da canjica e do quentão?
Olá gente, sou nova aqui, como funciona o Inleo?
Se você têm uma experiencia com o Twitter, que agora é o X, aqui a função é basicamente a mesma, postagens curtas, que podem ser textos ou imagens por exemplo e dá para ganhar do mesmo jeito que fazendo uma publicação normal das grandes.
Olá, bem vinda!
Essa parte que estamos aqui se chama "Threads" e funciona de forma muito similar ao X (Twitter)!
O foco é postagens curtas, memes, coisas do tipo.
Mas existe também a parte de artigos, que é dedicada a postagens mais longas, do tipo blog. Isso é o básico, mas tem bastante coisa por trás!
Explore a plataforma e mande qualquer dúvida que tenha! Nós da comunidade brasileira nos reunimos aqui todos os dias!
Acho que nem o pessoal do InLeo sabe. KKKKKK
oi, xará!! aqui é basicamente a mesma coisa que o Twitter. Falar da vida, ficar por dentro de alguma fofoca, acompanhar o povo que fala sobre finanças e etc
Todo Mundo Em Pânico 6 vem aí, e eu quero a dupla Cindy e Brenda de volta!
Vamos ver como estão e trazê-los para casa 🤣🤣🤣
hahaha nostalgia!
eu lembro que eu fui ver o terceiro da série no cinema e em determinada cena eu ri tanto que acabei engasgando com a pipoca... fiquei um tempinho sem respirar... achei real que eu ia de base assistindo um filme de comédia
Uma das melhores sagas de comédia, haha! Na minha opinião, o primeiro filme continua sendo o melhor, e dono de uma das melhores cenas:
Faz falta um App móvel da InLeo para Android(site responsivo não é o mesmo que app).
Faz e muito, é um mercado que os cara estão perdendo feio, usar navegador dentro da keychain é horrivel, um app similar ao X faria toda a diferença justamente no onboard para a hive
Já pensei em fazer eu mesmo um para Android usando o Qt da Nokia.
Rapaz, se você fizer isso vai ser lembrado para todas as eras da hive, por tudo o que você fez de aplicativo pra hive, igual o hive tasks que é top demais, esse app ia ficar top demais
Faz falta mesmo. Eu não uso, mas com certeza tem um potencial muito grande
Faz falta um parecido com o Instagram também. Imagina o potencial.
Não sei o que passa na cabeça deles para não estarem fazendo um App.
Devem achar que site responsivo é "App suficiente".
Ideia: App móvel para postar fotos e vídeos curtos de forma direta, sem formatação complicada ou coisa do tipo. Algo para o usuário comum poder usar. Inleo é complicado demais para leigos, ainda mais na versão Mobile.
estagiário faltou, lety se ferrou
Parece que o jogo virou não é mesmo? 😂
que ódio kkkkkkkk
Oloco, deixaram a titia lety na mão, f
Bom diaaaaaaaaa!
Bom dia
bom dia so de boa?
Tranquilo, e por aí?
TD número 79, caramba muito bom ver o projeto seguindo vivo e operante! Graças a @xlety, podemos ter este momento de descontração e lazer para a comunidade!
@xlety brilha muito no corinthians
kkkk brilha mesmo, ela tem sido uma pessoa incrível para a comunidade. Precisávamos de mais umas 10 dela pra fazer a hivebr decolar
eu queria mais umas 10 de mim pra me ajudar tb kkkkk
Faz um jutsu ai ou uns clone pra gente kkk
criar umas letys NFT kkk
Sei que tem muitos membros que ajudam, não quero descriminar ninguém, mas é notável que uns ajudam bem mais que outros e espero que isso não crie problemas e sim soluções. Que seja uma inspiração inclusive para mim rs
Verdade, titia lety não deixando as threads morrerem
kkkkkkkk titia lety auhhuauahuahuahu
Ela mesma se entitulou kkkkkkk
kkkkkkkkkkk pior que foi
isso que dá dar liberdade pras crianças
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH fala axim naummm kkkkkkkk
não deixe a thread morreeeeeeeeeeeeer, não deixe a thread acabaaaaaaaaar
TD BR é um patrimônio já!
Com certeza kkk, não podemos deixar morrer
Boaaaaaaaaaa valeu demais pelo apoio que você têm dado para a comunidade, vamos crescendo cada vez mais!
Bom dia (com bolo de milho e café).
Bom dia, só de boa man?
Dia puxado, mas produtivo. Espero que por aí tenha sido assim também.
Demorei mas cheguei! Foi produtivo sim e isso é bom que acelera o tempo kkk, nem vi o dia passar
Sò eu que odeio festa junina? kkkk
Sinto o mesmo pelo Canarval, haha!
Primeira inbugada em dias: vendo a mesma thread repetidas vezes
Às vezes acontece por aqui também, mas é só atualizar que volta ao normal.
Aqui para mim ta normal ate o momento kkk
O descanso também é produtivo!
To precisando descansar mais kk, vida corrida é tenso
Coppola tá pistola porque tão detonando Megalópolis. 👀
Pensando em umas estratégias aqui, este ano de 2024 vou guardar uma boa parte do HBD no savings e comprar os tokens de pagamentos diário se semanais, mas em 2025, quero fazer com que seja o ano do HP! Quero decolar o meu poder de voto.
é uma boa estratégia
estou focando em HBD e em LPs na Maya também
o HBD na teoria é o mais seguro que temos, não que seja 100% seguro, mas acho que é o menor risco atual na hive, então vale a pena segurar ele no savings por um tempo.
Seria minha ideia também, se eu conseguir ficar sem dar outro Power Down por conta de "certos contratempos" desse mês. Por enquanto o que está vindo do último PD estou colocando na Poupança HBD também.
Imagino como deve ta complicado as coisas, estou querendo montar essa reserva de HBD até o final do ano e depois focar bem em HP. Espero que as coisas melhorem e de certo para você!
Ainda estou sentindo cheiro de lama.
Chegar a ser engraçado, tantas pessoas que entram e nem ficam tanto tempo e eu fazendo planos para 2025, acho que ninguém têm mais dúvidas de que a Hive faz parte da minha vida kkkk, to planejando como se fosse um acampamento ou ferias kk
É isso mesmo... muita gente tem uma visão muito de curto prazo...
Pois é, as pessoas querem resultados instantâneos e acho que nada na vida que seja rápido assim seja legal, tudo vem de um processo de uma construção. Comecei esse ano com 7k e pouco, to chegando em 9 e meu objetivo é fechar o ano com 10k
Ta no caminho mano
Você é um dos caras mais dedicados da comunidade. COm certeza vai chegar lá
Valeu mano, fico feliz em estar participando da hive e da comunidade brasileira, em toda essa organização pois estamos construindo algo grande para o médio e longo prazo, então sou honrado em fazer parte disso tudo.
Acredito que na rotina que estou aqui, consigo até mais um pouco que 10k, mas ta bom, fechar o ano nesse patamar para mim está ótimo e para 2025 decolar igual foguete! 🚀
Quanto mais HP acumula, mais fácil é aumentar. Vira uma bola de neve
Isso é vdd, eu to fazendo questão de segurar o meu HP, deleguei para alguns projetos mas fiz o compromisso (comigo mesmo digamos) de deixar uma boa parcela efetiva na minha conta, tanto para ajudar quanto para receber mais retorno
boa tarde para os lindos, os feios so olha 😆
fiquei em duvida se respondo ou só olho
acho que a segunda opcao 🤣
Bom dia! Mais um dia frio grazadeus
Amém, finalmente essa época de frio chegou, melhor coisa que têm! Espero que fique assim por um bom tempo kkk
Bom dia
Só glórias! 😅
bom d+!!
Nossa eu gosto muito de festa junina!
Eu nunca gostei. Eu literalmente não gosto de nada na festa junina kkkkk acho que todos os feriados comemorativos, esse é o que eu mais odeio
o loooco hahaha
comidinhas top, quentão, friozinho e alegria
só coisa boa hahah
A música não me agrada, as danças, as vestimentas... 😅
AH sim, essa parte eu não ligo muito tambem
essa parte a gnt ignora
Quanto rancor, haha!
que isssoooo, as comidas são mt boaaas
Têm tempo que não danço, mas eu gosto bastante tmb de festa junina
Uma das melhores épocas do ano!
eu amo muito!! esse ano quero ir em alguma boa. ano passado n consegui e fiquei só na vontade
Hello friends, how is the day going? Here is one of my old jams, just feel the beat 🪘🪘🪘.
Preço dos alimentos deu uma desacelerada
um pequeno oásis de boas notícias em meio ao caos
Batata, cebola e tomate (atualmente) tão custando quase um rim. 👀
Batata e cebola foram dois dos maiores aumentos no último ano... complicado... por isso recebo bem a notícia da desaleração... espero que a tendência se mantenha
No geral, houve uma queda nos preços mesmo. Só que alimentos mais importantes como estes, nos preços em que estão, meio que "anulam" essa sensação de melhora nos preços.
Não sei... acho que tem um recorte de classe a ser considerado... batata e cebola continuam subindo, mas arroz e feijão, que são meio que a "base" tiveram quedas boas
Opa, considerando um corte de classes a coisa muda mesmo.
Noticia boa.. ver no mercado se tem um reflexo positivo para nós
Khal falando que ele tinha 10 BTC colateralizado em uma plataforma
kkkk maluco é outro nível
Caraca, o inleo é mais um propósito de vida pra ele então...
Sim, é o que ele costuma dizer
Ele diz que a grana que ele investiu no InLeo já está nas 6 figuras
Mais uma postagem criada por nossa redatora @xlety, explicando sobre o Hive Power (HP), venha conferir e deixar as perguntas, duvidas e sugestões! #inleo #hivebr #hivepower
Não consigo "enganar" o bloqueio por localidade do Prime Video nem usando VPN... alguém sabe se tem algum truque?
Não sei se talvez ajude, mas tentou usar a VPN do brave browser? Eles têm uma também, talvez de certo
A Hive pode ser um lugar muito legal quando se realmente tenta engajar ao invés de só vomitar conteúdo em busca de votos...
Acabei de dar alguns conselhos a um aspirante à engenheiro e gerente de projetos (sou ambas as coisas). Nunca tinha visto o rapaz, mas respondi uma thread dele e começamos a conversar
Eu tenho tentado a um bom tempo comentar mais e participar mais, foda é só o tempo, isso que ta bem curto e ai fica tudo muito corrido, mas socializar aqui é o melhor para tudo, tanto para aprender quanto para ganhar e isso é incrivel.
Engajar é algo que ambas as pessoas ganham ao fazer, até mesmo por parte da motivação, se alguém posta algo ou cria algo e não tem comentários ou votos acho que bate uma depre que pode afastar novos usuários e até os veteranos.
AMA da InLeo pra quem tiver interesse
dia hoje foi corrido, puxado, estressante, mas consegui finalizar todas as demandas - do trampo e da Hive - até 17h30. Grazadeus
Semana está brutal, estamos na terça feira e estou com o cansaço de uns 50 dias de trabalho sem parar.
Nem me fale, São João é a melhor época do ano, finalmente poderei degustar uma pamonha de futuro.
Estou devendo alguns milhões, finalmente poderei ir na roça catar alguns e pagar.
Comidas de milho em 3, 2, 1, ...
@xlety Boa noite, sabe dizer o motivo pelo qual estou de castigo na página da Hivebr no discord, só posso postar algo depois de 24h.
vish, não sei. vou falar la
#feedback. Brave browser on desktop, Win11. Refreshing my homepage.
#bugfree on Saturday, right? :)
I had the same experience, but I feel it has been corrected now.
This isn't happening for me or anyone else I can see
Maybe you need to be premium ;)
That's a rather unconventional way to sell premium :)
Social Network lies
Beautiful photo of a perfect date for two?
an excerpt from life, made up to show what it is not. clipping that does not demonstrate the hell that night turned into. just choose the caption well.
uma tábua dessa e um vinhozinho ou cervejinha faz um estrago
bom demais
This past weekend, I went to the Beer Festival happening here in my city and found #Inleo's beer hahaha
aí sim! era boa?
olha, eu não sou mt fã de cerveja, então kkkkk a única que eu ainda acho melhorzinha é a preta
Ganhou recompensas em LEO tokens pela compra? 🤣
bem que eu queria kkkk e pagar com HBD
Wow, what a great experience and above all being able to coincide with that beer, which really looks good.
I didn't get to drink that, but my family did, and they said it was really delicious!
Daily Thread Prompt:
Tuesday Tips & Tricks!
💡 Share a picture + a short description of a helpful tip or trick that makes your life easier.
🏷️ Tag it #tuesdaytips.
🤝 Engage with Lions using the hashtag.
💸 Earn $LEO + $HIVE Upvotes for your participation!
Check the comments below for inspiration and examples!
have you ever watched 'The Road Warrior? '
I enjoyed my moment with this movie today
Here is my submission for #tuesdaytips.
Thank you for sharing this. Could possibly try it out.
Here is my submission for tuesday tips. Unfortunately, the hashtag did not show after I published the thread, so I had to edit and leave it in bold text.
My submission
Here is my entry. The first.
This is Vilnius.
The capital city of my country.
#vilnius #lithuania
real photo? It looks so coop
Such a cinematographic place. I liked it (a lot).
What a beautiful place, it seems like a great paradise and how it is preserved. 💯
what a beautiful place! Have never been to Lithuania, it is on my bucket list.
I would love to one day travel and meet her...
I have never traveled outside my country.
Oh wow that's an epic shot!
It's so magical. Learned about the capital, Vilnius, either.
Wow, what a city, peaceful, beautiful, full of greens. I can't ask for anything better than this.
Looks nice! Did you take it yourself?
No. I'm to dumb for that
nice place 😏
I am not a morning person. And I like to work at my own pace. There is nothing wrong with that.
Don't let society tell you diff
tell that to the people working in the movie industry. Call times are made not for society but for conditions of daylight.
I would only do night movies then. But today, with ttechnology also almost everything is possible to recreate. Eheeh
I wasnt a morning person few years ago but now I am. I get most of my work done in the first hours of the day
Do you know what a #Frunk is? #askonleo
B: E-Autos
No idea. I wish to learn about it
What is a frunk? "Frunk" is an English term and is made up of the words "front" and "trunk", i.e. "front" and "trunk". Previously, only rear-engined vehicles had such a front trunk.
Dear Lions You can submit your daily news-based #inleo post under this thread. The chosen posts will be highlighted on Daily LEO, receive curation support.
Submit your post link below. Use #dailyleo hashtag👇 Focus: #artificialintelligence
I wrote about Doly.
Thank you.
How do we get more valuable users to Hive?
I think the platform needs a more robust network for onboarding new users, and supporting them to retain them. The user count/activity seems to be going down.
We need to have something to offer that keeps people here once they are onboarded. That has always been our biggest problem. We either grow slow with what we have or figure out what the masses want.
You are right - and am worried about retention. On the one hand, we need to have a good engagement network so that most posts or threads do not end up with zero. On the other hand, if it will be possible to have a good rewards support structure at least for the first month or so, then a combination of these might boost retention.
Short term yes, but in the long run it will not help with regards to rewards. To have excellent engagement we need to offer what people want to see. We have to decide if we want to appeal to the masses that don't want to see a lot of the highly informative, educational stuff. 99 percent of social media users want crap and to retain we need to give crap. IMHO
Seems like an honest truth here. Crap is value to a lot of people, Builders and owners of web2 social media allow so much crap because its more valuable than 1500-word long articles. Oh, and someone needs to understand that its a world of short-attention span people. Fast and short is better.
We have to increase our engagement by those who are already here.
We have to build something that people want to engage with. There is still the major issue that when people show up, there is very little here.
For example, show up on threads and where do you go to get your news? X or something else.
I believe it is a human nature issue. The 1 percent versus the 99 percent. Most people on Hive fall into the 1 percent range. To get the other 99 percent here, forgive me for saying this, but we need to dumb things down. As it adding more useless stuff to Hive. That is why I do memes. You just need to look at the shit people get on with on other SM platforms.
That could be true although I might take exception of those on Hive being the 1%.
To me, it seems that a few are but most operate the same as everywhere else.
And yes, the amount of content is what is important, since that is what people latch onto. Memes are ideal.
Well you and me are ;)
Sure. I think for one thing, our UI needs to be better than what is in web 2. Then, maybe some engaging content that brings value is important to hold new users attention. Yes I like the idea of being a news spot, but we can do much more. for example, not everyone would be here for long if its just news stuff. So a variety of attention-grabbing activity is important.
And we can always talk about engagement and making this place buzz. Seems to be too cold often.
I think most new users want to earn huge money at the beginning time and that's the problem. I believe that we need those users who have patience and dedication.
Then there is a problem with the message passed to them by those doing the onboarding. I usually ask these two questions to drive home the point that this is not a get-rich-quick-scheme
I only support new users that do not put the money first
Developers, hive needs to understand it needs more applications built on top of it besides a blogging platform that generates zero revenue if it wants to grow in dollar value.
Sure. That is so much Value. I feel that builders are not finding Hive attractive and thats a big problem. Hive has far fewer DAPPs. Other blockchains seems to be supporting all these interesting stuffs built there. For example, tap-to-earn is growing fast. We need to make here appealing to developers.
That should be passively done, the more actively you push for it, the more synthetic it becomes, and might be flooded with spam and cringe content.....We need production by maases, not mass production by a few.
Fav Sport- Cricket.
I want to see substitute player(12th man) to play optionally as a substitute depending on the situation.
Is Energy Drink good for the body when working?
#polls #freecompliments #work
Polls seem not working. I'd prefer organic drinks over the energy drinks.
Yes, It's not working. Maybe they're trying to fix it. Oh, well, organic drinks are also good.
Yeah, hopefully soon because polls are good to engage.
Yeah, they only work for me if I open the post in its own tab. #feedback
It's the best! The healthiest!
Is it? I only tried the energy drink a few times but not quite sure if they are healthy.
I'm teasing. Most energy drinks are very bad for you. If you only have one or two a week they won't hurt you, but if you drink one a day or more, you're doing damage to your body. I drink them a LOT!
It really depends on which energy drink and what's in it, and also how much you drink. Doesn't it?
Energy drink for work. Most people drink this to get motivated from it.
🧵/1.Elon musk is known for bold statements and when chatgpt was launched, Elon Musk called it dangerous.
#outreach #threadstorm #crypto
🧵/2.Recently he expressed his opinion regarding artificial intelligence. He said AI is better than humans in every way in any work. So basically he saying that AI will replace humans in every work.
🧵/3. Checkout for more : https://inleo.io/@luckyali/big-statement-by-elon-musk-ai-will-do-every-task-better-than-humans
The Free version of ChatGPT is finally able to understand "current day" questions. #chatgpt #aionleo #freecompliments
Finally it came out from the 2022 years. That's good . I didn't notice it.
here is the live site
darkcloaks.io/launchpad/QUST@mightpossibly @taskmaster4450 @dkid14
i have a short video uploading to youtube and 3 speak right now they are encoding. Once done I will thread a link.
Please ask questions and I can do a more detailed video answering any questions.
looks like i need to swap some cacao so i can get some NFTs!
we call it immutable Human readable digital ownership but i guess NFT is easier to say. :)
ask me any questions and I will do a video also I am going on Task's show on Friday to discuss the next steps.
haha, of course. awesome work ser!
I tried logging in via keychain browser and was not loading. Might have been a tad early. I’ll try again soon. Looking forward to picking up some nfts
I just logged in and no issues.
with thunkgaria.
I use chrome
you can just log in at darkcloaks.io and then click on launchpad
got it!! Worked like a charm.
awesome! let us if know if any issues. we worked hard to test as much as we could.
picked up 2 so far. I’ll grab some more later.
thanks for the support. I will be doing more videos talking about the launch and plans for the future later today.
This is what children’s day celebration looks like in a force school. My baby sis is right there at the back and I am proud to raise her in a disciplinary school with such a serene environment. Cheers to knowledge through discipline.
A clip from our PTA platform.
#kidz #inleo
Its pretty cool to be part of the uniforms personnel, could remember growing up, I was a patrol leader in one of the districts of the boy's scouts, it was all fun.
That’s awesome to be a man of authority and have everyone answer to your 🤓
It was all fun and I enjoyed each moment but we all hard some bad days 🤣🤣🤣
Discipline in life is an essential component.
And a good thing to catch them young.
Yeah, the best age to have them learn the art of discipline.
Thank you 🥳🎉
Woke up from sleep but still feeling weak. I can't allow myself to sleep more because I need to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Moreover, I don't want to be inactive in the hive either. So my day was indeed a busy one. What about you?
#health #hive #exam
Winning mostly comes because we have spectators who cheer us to victory. But whether they be present or not, we must also learn to cheer ourselves to victory.
That's also right. It's kind of depending on ourselves.
I usually attend the school auditorium. Apart from religious subjects.Educational social rituals and cultural traits are special to me.Increases the motivation to follow religious strict rules and principles.#mayinleo #hivenaija
#FLOKI rose 59.25% after a breakout. 📈 This bull run begins. #leofinance #inleo #crypto
Good afternoon from here.
Good Afternoon
How's area??
Area is flat
Why na
Good afternoon. what's up?
Cool man!
How area??
I didn't get it?
Why with I give up 🤔
No na ☺️
I don't have to tell what's happening do I? Ehehehe
You know what time is it.
Life is like flowers: In The beautiful flowers it blooms of beauty, withstands uncertainties, and withers but takes with life anew.🌸🌺🏵️🪷
Chile is almost like a thread.
"Elastic" country. 🤣
Happy Tuesday dear friends of inleo, may you do very well and each of the things you propose turn out wonderfully and above all may each of your publications be highly valued. 💯
#musiconleo #dareggaeman #partytime
Rate this song:
This song was released few years ago, it was just a freestyle I decided to do in my mini studio 😋😋😋.
The fact that I keep forgetting that I am a Premium user and I can make longer threads is so funny😂😂 I keep reducing the words I am supposed to use for my threads😂😂
#newsonleo #bitcoin #crypto #etf
Let us revisit the power of staking, micro-earning, and micro-investment as well as the power of having a long-term mindset.
#inleo #cent
Price $XRP:$0.53 #hive #threads #cent #freecompliments
Continuing to dig through some floppy disks that once belonged to a SIG manager on Delphi.
#retrocomputing #Delphi #telecommunications
This one contains a poem written as part of an early online romance.
Check out the original post for more: https://ecency.com/retrocomputing/@darth-azrael/digital-archaeology-floppy-disk-10-54e8917ab7c22
8 minutes until darkcloaks launches
I just paid 2,2k in EURO to the taxman. Now I am kinda broke...

i wanted have 2.2k euros for pay something 🤣
Lithuania 🇱🇹
Didn't know we have so many Pet lovers in #inleo! 😍 😀
I am getting pretty good interactions on my recent post on the topic of Stray and Homeless Pets.
Thank you Frens, for making me feel overwhelmed!

#freecompliments #cat #dog #inleo
🧵 1. Cristiano Ronaldo in talks with Al-Nassr about contract extension, could play until at least 41, aiming for 2026 World Cup appearance. #sports
🧵 2. The extension may help Ronaldo surpass Messi's record for most all-time appearances, vital for Saudi Pro League TV rights renewal in 2025.
🧵 3. Ronaldo's potential new deal would come with additional salary rise on top of his current €200m contract with bonuses included.
🧵 4. Ronaldo broke records in SPL, becoming highest single-season goalscorer with 35 goals, surpassing the previous record of 34.
🧵 5. Ronaldo's illustrious career spans multiple top leagues, gearing up for Euro 2024 with Portugal, eyeing more records in Germany.
🧵 Read more at: https://talksport.com/football/1897849/cristiano-ronaldo-al-nassr-contract-talks-lionel-messi-record/
A challenge
twat, tit twilight, tight, tilt, tent…
Tight,tooth, taught
Trust. Talent. Tangent. Thirst. Treat.
Do you need more? 😅
taught, tout. tat
taught 👌
😂 Yeah this was a real tough challenge! 🤣

It's not the same !
I learned this when I visited Amsterdam.
Holland is a region of Netherland
Finally someone get's it. 😅
Yes i'm Dutch 🌷 and NO i'm not from Holland 😂 🤣
I wander what are the stats on people that were given #premium, do they subscribe to it themselves after ?
the few I gave away did not renew. So now I’m trying to reward those in different ways that do go premium.
Hopefully they will earn enough to fund their own premium next time.
Yeah but will they actually pull the trigger and re invest or will they try to make it without premium. I now the first option is the best and I hope everyone trying premium will end up feeling the same. Be part of the P gang :)
Not all but some, I wonder if they do a cost analysis after each drive where they give out premium.
I don't now It is a planned marketing operation or just giving out membership for people to try without doing stats. Maybe we will have the answer one day.
Think they are doing both and both methods can work with the right guidance and stat analysis.
But I guess the team is already calculating this stuff :)
I hope so, we need more #premium features so to have more members in the club.
I think we need more awareness, features are nice to have but people with $LEO stakes must understand that the flywheel with premium is aligned with their interests.
I did :D And I will keep doing.
Is there someone in your life that perplexes you with their coffee habits?
What do they do that perplexes you? 👇
#outreach #threadstorm #coffee
As an individual would you be able to have coffee with someone with a weird coffee habit? Would you complain about it to the person or remain silent?
Read more to discover the weird coffee habit of a coffee lover.
My kids bring home sticks and my wife turns it into decorations for our house. 💯
Very beautiful.
The plot twist. 👀