Stats from June 16th, 2018 on the ole Steem blockchain.
arcange stats from June 2018
We had:
37 Whales
260 Orcas
1686 Dolphins
8243 Minnows
129,615 Red-fish
Today: May 11, 2021 - Nearly 3 years later
30 Whales
266 Orcas
1765 Dolphins
8690 Minnows
27840 Active Red Fish. (in the previous version of stats, active and inactive didn't show)
Since this is a look at wallet values
These stats have nothing to do with active users, voters, etc. It has to do with how many people hold a Hive wallet and choose to hold HIVE for whatever reason.
Many Account holders have cycled in and out of Hive and we have some new users, but I think it is fairly shocking how the numbers are so similar.
It needs to be stated that many of us hold more than one account as well, but still the number of wallets and stake are fairly consistent for 3 years later and in the middle of a Bull Market that has been great for most Alt coins.
As far as daily users we have yet to see any sort of break out in use of the platform as well. (wallets lag behind use usually)
All time daily user chart doesn't look great, but look below
The Orcas and Dolphins are the most active groups, not surprising since they probably bought and or earned their stake. Probably some of both in those categories.
Do you think Hive will see a breakout in this bullrun? I honestly don't know, I still see the potential but everything feels stagnant and as a long term member of the community, I am still not clear on where Hive wants to head.
There is a lot of talk about moving rewards to a 2nd layer, but no commitment. There is very little talk of onboarding anymore. It seems stakeholders talk about recruiting developers or apps, but I haven't really seen any evidence there is any outreach happening. Many of us have found a community or app that we use and I don't pay much attention to Hive politics anymore.
Last bull run when it was Steem, it lagged behind and hit ATHs after the rest of the bull-run had already peaked, maybe it will follow that route again.
I still see the potential in Hive and I love some of the apps and most of the community, but it could just be a long term quiet project.. and I'm not sure there is anything wrong with that either.
For now for me, it's a HODL. Not a BUY not a SELL, just wait and see.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just before the fork Steem has something like 9300 Minnows, 2200 dolphins, 370 orcas and 45 whales, so we have lost a lot of bigger accounts. Obviously some chose to stick with Steem, but a lot have powered down over the last year or so. It is proving to be an endurance test, but we have lots of development going on that may make it a more attractive platform whereas Steem seems fairly stagnant on that front, and they have lost Steempeak now.
I think it's important to nurture the good minnows who are adding value. We have to reach some critical mass where communities around interests are self-sustaining and attractive enough to bring in more people. Some marketing would be great, but where should it be targeted?
I'm sticking around and doing what I can to help.
I am a minnow and I am active. I believe on Hive.
Looks like you are half way to dolphin. Keep going!
Thanks, doing my very best for my local community and helping others too.
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
Its ok bot, go and rest for a while now.
Have !ENGAGE 20 instead :)
today.Seem to be all out of tokens to give out :)
Last try with !PIZZA
$PIZZA@guruvaj! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @steevc.
Learn more about $PIZZA Token at
Thanks again.
I agree a focus on promoting users and quietly dealing with anything that is a problem. (deemed some cute Hive name for spamming, scamming, milking, circle jerking, which only applies to small accounts)
I'm reminded of every management class I ever took,... Praise Publicly and give negative feedback privately.
Make it a fun happy place and people will come.
I am a minnow in hive. I have left hive if there has been no Leo finance. My blogging activities in hive earn few cents while from Leo I can earn more than $100 a month. I tried to participate in the hive curation group but the result still does not satisfy me. Now, I never expect votes from hive whales, I prefer to communicate and participate most in tokens like POB and LEO. The APR is also more profitable. AM I WRONG?
Do what works for you. I think you are better off working with communities of different types rather than just 'fishing' for votes. Make it social and make it fun for all.
Agree, smaller communities in POB and LEO give me more opportunities to meet some great authors in hive. I learn a lot from them. I enjoy and feel more comfortable with those communities.
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Hey @lebah, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.I think there are many ways to market hive, but they need to pick one and stick with it long enough.
Endusers are fine, developers are fine. But not doing either, is not fine.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Me too, just HODL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
we need more Active Red Fish. whale are running out of food.
Isn't there a marketing strategy about to be launched to get new members? IMO retention of active users is important. I speak for myself when I agree about staying out of politics. I also am of the opinion that the communities complicate things for both noobs and for some veterans (I am nearly 5 years...). The other thing that occurs to me is that there are people here earning a living (from countries with currency that is very weak irt the USD). Candidly, if I could balance HODLing with earning, I would see that as a big win. However, in a bullrun, that is a huge risk.
That said, with what Covid has done to many livelihoods, Hive has been a godsend. That is another discussion...for another time...
Posted using Dapplr
There is some marketing coming! I'm glad.
Yeah, orcas and dolphins but maybe because the redfish don't earn much. That's why they're not active because they're not expecting much. lol
That could be true, I put in my time making posts that went no where. If they are expecting easy money likely not happening.
I'm pretty new to Hive, so I'm not sure I understand all the data here, but I do agree it's a 'wait and see' situation for now.
I'm not sure about the level of current onboarding efforts but I've contributed a bit to onboarding newcomers with my Hive Beginner's Guide, and I check in on @lordbutterfly 's 'Ignite' marketing efforts for Hive occasionally. I've also seen @nathanmars supporting Twitter outreach challenges and so on.
They appear to be relatively early stages, but have potential, which I guess just emphasizes the 'wait and see'-ness of it all. My focus is on this perhaps because I'm a noob here at Hive, but also because I agree with @nonameslefttouse that Hive may benefit from targeting 'regular consumers' rather than seeking some 'killer app' (or at least in parallel with it.)
Point is, if I understand correctly (and please correct me if I'm wrong) to see a 'breakout in this bullrun', Hive would need a significant uptick in adoption and investment from people currently off-platform, yes?
Anyway, thanks for a thought-provoking post, much appreciated. 🙏
What killer app? The whole crypto ecosystem cant think of a single killer app, rather provides marginal improvement, increased complexity and basic crypto ideology.@nonameslefttouse is right there.
You need regular users with disposable income willing to risk a bit of it. Thats the only solution.
There is a reason the quote
comes from the movie called "Field of Dreams".
Hmmm. Yeah. Build a stadium. Watch how nobody comes until you put someone on the stage. Then watch how you don't make any money unless you put asses in the stands.
This is a pretty decent (if blunt) summary of a majority of offerings, I'd say.
And hahaha... I'm chuckling at your closing line. Oh man. I'd never thought of that particular take on the cliche, but I do agree with it. "Building things" and then sitting back nose in the air, expecting the world to find it while we twiddle our thumbs doesn't seem too smart.
Which is why I highly value marketing efforts like yours and ignite.
Thanks for swinging by and contributing to the discussion. 🙏
For two years, since hf21, all those accounts were punished, up to 50% of their stakes' nominal value, because some brainiac thought it would 'help'.
Not discussed has been the fact in the math that all that vote value taken from the redfish and minnows went to the top earners, the implementation team knew this from the gitgo.
Clearly, it has not 'helped' retention of newbs any at all.
I think hf25 helps fix part of this, but a community consensus needs to be reached about some etiquette amongst the outliers, created by the ninjamine, in the pool, iyam.
The greediest have been driven off, but now we are looking at the new power centers.
(likely sockpuppets of the same names we all know)
If they cement their control of a 'decentralized' coin, the crab bucket has failed.
But, other than that, best shape the coin has ever been in, iyam.
Wonder what happened with that huge drop off a few months ago?
Hive for sure could have a break out but personally I feel it needs more exposure and that exposure comes from more use cases. More use cases means more people wanting hive to do actions within games, apps, voting etc.
That was the aftermath of the last hardfork breaking nodes and apps, due to poor communication between witnesses and app developers.
More decentralized in your estimation?
Than Steem was? In some ways yes.. (not talking about today's steem)
There is a bit better distribution, but also there is an established group that hangs out and coordinate together, so in other ways it's more centralized. But not to one point of failure... a bit of both.
That's a fair take. I agree.
Hive will grow in price, but so will every other shitcoin.
We don't have any leadership and that's the biggest issue.
Decentralization is currently a bug rather than a feature.
We haven't used the single leverage we had - like literally.
Witnesses aren't doing what they are paid for and the community doesn't give a shit.
The only thing I'm really looking forward to Marketing, and that's enough. If we pool that shit good, #Hive could become a giant over night :) Let's hope for the best.
I think much of the community does give a shit, but also feel powerless in the witness voting when many of the large accounts keep inactive witness votes going in order to preserve their own positions.
Dang, those numbers are a bit of a kick in the nuts quite honestly. Especially that Redfish one. Seeing that the active number now is about 20% of the total number three years ago. I actually would have expected some of the other numbers to have grown more than that over the years. Even with the bear market. I am a long term hodler of Hive as well. Even if we see a true bull cycle for Hive, I will likely still just hodl my stake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We don't actively seek end users.
Our platform can be pretty unfriendly.
I get that. It has come a long way from when I first started though. I have been able to onboard a handful of people in the last month or so. Nothing that will shoot us to the moon, but at least it is something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Really shows the state of the chain when people who belive in the chain go "yea, I'm not buying right now"
I think so too, although it is true that Hive has potential, it is very slow and everyone goes their own way, there is no real union, so I do not think that in the near future we will get anywhere, and the worst thing is that no one talks about this, only very few.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think in a bear market hive will do okay this time, it's down to the die hards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for sharing the stats. The numbers could be better but not all that bad considering a percentage likely sold their HIVE and stuck with STEEM. I'm more interested in seeing what the growth of HIVE will be within the next three years.
I like stats, because they tell us what is happening before the results.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, I am in US, do not have access to Binance, or Huobi. Bitrex is too expensive in term of fees, never used ionomy, and I don't want to pay tax when cashing out. Therefore, I am HODLing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Jun 2018 was around the time i was selling my steem and becoming increasingly disgruntled with those steeminc fucktards.
Hive I'm taking a solid long term punt on, there is still some real bullshit going on, Leo would be my pick as worst for that, but overall I think it can work. Might end up being more proof of brain for me though.
I like Leo, but then the crypto side always was more interesting to me than the "I'm an Author" side.
I've always been an advocate of letting people be make a shit post or a novel, vote accordingly.
The thing with leo is that its mainly about amplifying the circle jerk to a higher level.
And most of the content is beyond boring, as well as pretty clueless about cryptos. Tow the party line or earn zilch.
I have ceased all support for leo as of a couple of months ago becuse i saw too much bullshit going on.
Yeah, seems like most of the platform, except I like to talk about crypto and others like to show off pictures of their flowers.
I don't mind reading talk about crypto if I'm learning good info - I'm a crypto investor (rather than a believer) - but the only thing I get from Leo is insights into what the gullible believe!
Might as well look at flowers really - safe to say I won't be revealing any financial secrets on Leo :)
xD This made me chuckle. Always happy to provide some pics with flowers!

Here you go! You're most welcome! xD rofl
upvote and !BEER for your flowers
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They are lovely
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Hey @josie2214, here is a little bit of from @simplegame for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.That is exactly the reason, communities, maybe even tribes are important.
I like painful crypto reviews. The Proof of Brain, quality content makes me giggle.
No successful platform is based on Quality Content, they are 100 percent based on social networks.
The crypto info on Leo is overwhelmingly crap like Elon Mush is god, BTC is going to overthrow globalist bankers, and "this time is different"
In other words a bunch of globalist mind programming - being funded by the very globalists that are banned from being discussed on Leo with massive downvotes by key accounts.
Suspicious much?
Mainstream social media has exactly the same backers, and is set up for data gathering and mind programming
Versus, 'toe' the party line made my inner grammar nazi go ding, ding, ding.
But, it would be sensical to 'tow' a party line, too, I guess.
More naval in nature than ground pounder.
I never really bought into leo, I'm not a 'finance' guy, more anti-finance.
(Keep working, stop paying.)
I've got some stake in the diesel pool, for now.
More as a novelty than a money maker.
As far as everything goes, I think we are looking better than we ever have.
With the poor tax coming off in a few weeks, all those folks that figured the trade in time for the hive voted to them wasn't worth it are about to get a ~50% boost in roi.
Hf21 killed comment voting, and halved the value of stake less than ~250k hp, is it any wonder all but those that benefited left?
I remain to be convinced it wasn't intentional.
The attack that is left to kill the coin is to allow those outlier accounts created during the ninjamine era to cement in their control.
Once the remaining inflation can't catch them, the coin is shit, imo.
The crab bucket will have failed.
The hope of a 'decentralized' coin will be ded.
But, even then, we can still speak truth to power in a way that will be very difficult to erase for years to come!
I love the crypto side, totally don't care about a bunch of aspiring bloggers pretending they are making quality content.
I love twitter too. lol
The english 101 blogs make me crazy
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Blogging brings value to the chain! makesmeanmug
I can't wait until the new newbs to crypto realize we have 3sec blocktimes and no fees.
I do wonder about if all the accounts getting created, but not used, are just clogging up the naming system.
Did you see what smooth did to the whales?
That changes everything! LOL. Hilarious well many of the other orca accounts are also owned by whales.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
well last 2 months we almost doubled the new accounts creation if you compare it with last year average. that is not that impressive if you are looking at numbers not % :D
That's a cool plus
It's always been a HODL for me. I feel as though I am pulled in so many directions in the real world day to day living that I can't seem to focus on a community, group or app that fits like a glove. Guess I'll just wallow about as usual until something gels LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well at one point I focused a huge amount of time and also stress, but now I just enjoy the people I like here and sometimes laughing about all the politcs and "decentralized fighting".
Hive needs a Key product to market. IMO it will be keychain and dapps are around thins master login.
It's 100x easier to tell a new user "how to use hive" by simply explain keychain. Dapps build around.
Easy way to market Hive for new users and they can try after all dapps that build around.
About rewarding. I don't expect any changes in the near future. Hive is super slow on those things, which is in general not a bad thing.
More important are in my opinion light wallets and smart contracts after the RC delegations. These are the things that can make hive more flexible.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We have several projects that have been key projects, someone always gets jealous or mad and tears it down.
agree :D
...whispers...when the concept is flawed, all else follows...(but what would I know..)
Great. I'm so excited to become a dolphin baby soon :)
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Hey @whatsup, here is a little bit of from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.What is better, to have a lot of wales or not?
Have a lot of fairly evenly matched whales would be cool. Think of how much Hive that takes off the market.
New blood in the whale pool would be great also.
RC would have a lot to do with the drop in 'active' users? - if they join, and can post once, then cant comment / upvote / post again for a whole week ....
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That isn't a bad thing. There are like 450 million native Spanish speakers in the world and they often post an English version of their posts. When's the last time you posted a Spanish version of yours?
Fwiw, there are only about 360 million native English speakers.
Spanish will be easier to learn than Korean, for sure.
I wish them luck.
They say the same about us, I'd imagine.
Should be easy enough with a character for every word, but somehow I doubt it's like that just like english has variations in meaning and spelling.
There is no reason people can't sort by language. Spanish is cool, I just can't read it. lol
It's true, some lean into effort others do the least amount, it often depends on what the opportunity means to you.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta