Open letter to HSBI

in LeoFinance2 months ago (edited)

Versión en Español AQUÍ

The first time I encountered the HSBI project, I must confess that I struggled to initially develop interest and then understand it thoroughly. However, with a bit of study and interest, not only did I comprehend it, but I also incorporated it into my way of viewing Hive, even going on to create a post about this project. Since then, I have been accumulating HSBI units, making it a stable source of income, and I have succeeded in showing others the value of utilizing this system.

What is HSBI

Nevertheless, there is something that has been on my mind for a long time, but it has become more evident with the recent increases in the price of $HIVE. Will the price of Hive eventually make it unfeasible to sponsor other users?

Let me explain, at this moment, to sponsor others, you only need to send 1 Hive (or more, but always whole numbers) to @steembasicincome, and include the desired user in the memo (anyone except yourself). Once this is done, both receive 1 HSBI. So, what would happen if the price of Hive reaches $3 or, being ambitious, hits $10? It would simply create a very high barrier to entry for most users. With the current price of $0.60, there are already some projects that rely on HSBI as a central part of their communities starting to feel the strain.

Take, for example, the FreeCompliments community. Here, between 15 and 25 HSBI are distributed daily among its users based on the quality of posts. This amount is funded with curation post rewards and community rewards. However, with the increase in the price of Hive, the sustainability of this method is at risk because the rewards are not enough to cover the investment in HSBI required. With a rise to $3 and a monthly expense ranging from $1350 to $2250, it would definitely become unviable.

How could HSBI maintain accessibility for users if the price (and hopefully it does) continues to rise? The solution, in my opinion, is simple and I hope @josephsavage and @samuel-swinton see it the same way.

The idea would be to reduce the entry amount, which is currently 1 HIVE. For instance:

  • If HIVE reaches $3, the minimum entry could be changed to 0.1.
  • If it reaches $10, it could be set at 0.02.
  • If it reaches $100, then 0.01.

Of course, for sponsoring multiple users or with more quantity to the same user, it would always need to be multiples of whole numbers based on this base.

This way, the system would remain accessible to most users, and communities could continue to utilize HSBI as a source of incentive, rewards, or wages. Perhaps the project leaders have already considered or have it in mind; I would like to know what their future plans are in case these price scenarios occur.

Meanwhile, to you, who has read this, let me know your opinion in the comments.

Hi there. First at all, I love HSBI project and as I say in my post I include HSBI in my way to see Hive. I am not attacking or criticizing HSBI only sharing a concern.
I am Not saying that enrollments need to cut to 0.1 or 0.01. I propose that as posible solution when Hive (yes I believe one day it will) go in price up to 10 dollars or more.
I am not Saying that for 0.1 Hive you get 1 HSBI. I am Saying that for 0.1 Hive you get 0.1 HSBI (same case for 0.01). That way new users don't diluted previous users and Anybody can enroll other users without make a hole in their wallet.
I don't know if now that I specified that you understand my point.

Versión en Español

La primera vez que me encontré con el proyecto HSBI he de confesar que me costó interesarme primero y luego entenderlo a fondo. Sin embargo, con un poco de estudio e interés no solo lo comprendí, sino que lo incorporé en mi modo de ver Hive llegando a crear un post sobre este proyecto. Desde entonces e ido acumulando unidades HSBI de modo que se ha convertido en una fuente estable de ingresos y he logrado que otros vean el valor de utilizar este sistema.

¿Qué es HSBI

Sin embargo, hay algo que me ha saltado a la mente desde mucho antes, pero que se ha hecho más evidente con los últimos aumentos en el precio de $HIVE. ¿Llegará el precio de Hive a hacer inviable patrocinar a otros usuarios?

Me explico, en estos momentos para patrocinar a otros solo necesitas enviar 1 Hive (o más pero siempre números enteros) a @steembasicincome y poner en el memo el usuario de quien deseas (puedes poner cualquiera menos el tuyo propio). Una vez hecho esto ambos reciben 1 HSBI. Entonces, ¿qué pasaría si el precio de Hive alcanza los 3 dólares o si, seamos ambiciosos, llega a los 10 dólares? Pues simplemente serían una barrera de entrada muy alta para la mayoría de los usuarios. Con el precio actual de 0.60 dólares ya hay algunos proyectos que utilizan HSBI como centro fundamental de sus comunidades empiezan a resentirse.

Tomemos por ejemplo a la comunidad FreeCompliments. Aquí se reparten entre 15 y 25 HSBI diariamente entre sus usuario de acuerdo a la calidad de los posts. Una cantidad que es financiada con las recompensas de los post de curación y recompensas de la comunidad. Sin embargo, con el aumento de precio de Hive se tambalea la sustentabilidad de este método porque las recompensas no alcanzan para cubrir la inversión en HSBI necesaria. Con un aumento hasta los 3 dólares y un gasto mensual que oscilaría entre 1350 y 2250 dólares sería definitivamente inviable.

¿Cómo podría HSBI mantener la accesibilidad a los usuarios si el precio (y ojalá lo haga) sigue subiendo? La solución, para mí, es simple y espero que @josephsavage y @samuel-swinton también lo vean así.

La idea sería reducir la cantidad de entrada que hoy es de 1 HIVE. Por ejemplo:

  • Si HIVE alcanza el valor de 3 dólares se podría cambiar el mínimo de inscripción a 0.1.
  • Si alcanza los 10 dólares se podría establecer en 0.02.
  • Si llega a los 100 entonces 0.01.

Obvio, para patrocinar múltiples usuarios o con más cantidad a un mismo usuario siempre deberán ser múltiplos con números enteros de esta base.

De esta manera el sistema seguiría siendo accesible para la mayoría de los usuarios y las comunidades podría seguir utilizando HSBI como fuente de incentivo, recompensas o salarios. Quizás ya los responsables del proyecto lo hayan pensado o lo tengan en mente, me gustaría saber cuáles son sus planes futuros en casos de que estos escenarios de precio se den.

Mientras tanto, tú que me has leído, déjame saber tu opinión en los comentarios.

Hola. En primer lugar, me encanta el proyecto HSBI y, como digo en mi publicación, incluyo HSBI en mi forma de ver Hive. No estoy atacando ni criticando a HSBI, solo estoy compartiendo una inquietud.
No estoy diciendo que las inscripciones deban reducirse a 0,1 o 0,01. Propongo eso como una posible solución cuando Hive (sí, creo que algún día lo hará) suba de precio a 10 dólares o más.
No estoy diciendo que por 0,1 Hive obtengas 1 HSBI. Estoy diciendo que por 0,1 Hive obtienes 0,1 HSBI (mismo caso por 0,01). De esa manera, los nuevos usuarios no diluyen a los usuarios anteriores y cualquiera puede inscribir a otros usuarios sin hacer un agujero en su billetera.
No sé si ahora que lo especifiqué, entiendes mi punto.

Posted Using INLEO


... edit: going to post this shortly on the @steembasicincome account as it ended up quite long and deserves a larger audience.

No problem. I give there my answer (

Hope now with the clarification that I made and miss here because I feel it implicit (my bad) you understand my point (that doesn’t mean you should do it).

That's not such a bad idea. I apologize for not understanding your intent originally. We do see a couple of these posts every pump cycle.

Still the core idea is to provide incentives for supporting each other (people that can't afford 1 HIVE are not the target market to become sponsors, they should be supporting the accounts that have the HIVE and use it for regular giveaways).

If the price is too low, it creates implications around minimum upvote values (minimum vote is 0.021 for blockchain structural reasons) and upvote delivery, especially if HIVE starts going down again.

We did originally launch when STEEM was at $2, and I was comfortable with the pricing even when it ran a bit higher. Subsequent pump cycles have not matched the highs from the original cycle we launched into, but if they do I will look into the technical requirements to implement decimal units.

The mistake was mine because I thouhg about specified that but then keep writing and kinda forgot about say that detail.

Hope one day Hive reach 10 dollars and beyond and we have to analyse this idea again.

I think as price increases it will be adjusted

Well, last time with Hive over 3 dollars they keep the 1 HIVE to enrollment system

If it affects their RC it's still logical to leave it at 1 hive or better still thwy switch from hive to hbd

Maybe switch to HBD can be another solution, because leave at 1 HIVE when each coin cost 3 or more dollars means that only the whales can afford enroll new users to HSBI

Switching to HBD is also not a solution, because it means the amount staked to support vote would constantly be changing. Denominating vote subscriptions in HBD is a huge mistake, and every program that has ever done so has either changed their prices lots of times or not survived their first bear market.

It will never be adjusted. 1 HIVE = 1 Hive SBI each for sponsor and sponsee. That's a model that has proven to be sustainable over 7 years, including multiple pump/crash cycles.


Hi there. First at all, I love HSBI project and as I say in my post I include HSBI in my way to see Hive. I am not attacking or criticizing HSBI only sharing a concern.

I am Not saying that enrollments need to cut to 0.1 or 0.01. I propose that as posible solution when Hive (yes I believe one day it will) go in price up to 10 dollars or more.

I am not Saying that for 0.1 Hive you get 1 HSBI. I am Saying that for 0.1 Hive you get 0.1 HSBI (the same for 0.01). That way new users don't diluted previous users and Anybody can enroll other users without make a hole in their wallet.

I don't know if now that I specified that you understand my point.

Thanks for the clarification. I hope you didn't interpret my response as an attack. I get a little longwinded sometimes and then I realized it should be a post, not just a comment. I appreciate your feedback and support.

Everything good, I should double check before posting, that way I will not missed the part that lead to the misunderstood. Keeo doing a great work with HSBI. 🙌

Here's something to think about: crypto has a cycle. Hive has been at $3.47 before at the top of the last cycle, but did not stay there. The price is always dynamic, so changing how HSBI is coded is also going to be complex if 1 HSBI does not always equal 1 Hive.

The other thing, and I speak as someone who is not rich: as the price escalates, we have to learn different strategies. It is not always someone else's job to make things that are stable unstable so they are easier to reach. And, Hive is a special exception to the rule ... nobody got rich here by colonizing or enslaving anyone else, historically, and one CAN work one's way up to good success from a humble beginning. Nothing here is only for the rich ... we just have to make Proof-of-Brain work for us. For example: posting rewards will also be higher. Take the HBD, convert that to Hive, and buy more HSBI -- that is how that can be done at ANY PRICE. Any community can do that too. Or, since we see the price is going up, catch the next dip, buy HSBI, and BE READY when Hive hits $3, $5, and $10.

Well, 1 Hive will always equal to 1 HSBI. The idea I propose is that you can enroll other people with fractional numbers. You send 0.1 Hive you receive 0.1 HSBI.

OK ... I went back and looked ... that's not quite what you said, but, I understand that I might be missing something in translation.

The idea would be to reduce the entry amount, which is currently 1 HIVE. For instance:

If HIVE reaches $3, the minimum entry could be changed to 0.1.
If it reaches $10, it could be set at 0.02.
If it reaches $100, then 0.01.

I could get into fractional portions if the price were, say, $10 ... I could understand why that would be a good option. But that reads like "pull it down because we don't feel we can get on board at a higher price" ... while you actually can get on board now and can all the way up. Consider what I said. People on Hive generally did not get rich overnight -- they used multiple strategies in different periods of the cycle. Really consider: nothing is only for the rich on Hive. Things cost more at times, but there are strategies that work at every level. Fractional shares could be among those!

I already in the comments explain, however go Back and edit the post to put the clarification. Now, about what you say

But that reads like "pull it down because we don't feel we can get on board at a higher price"

I never say that put it down now, I propose a solutions in case higjer prices come and stay. And yes, at that prices new (an maybe old) users can not feel valid to enroll or support others.

Right now I can enroll 10 users and don't feel it. I onboard new users that understand HSBI and wih their first rewards enroll and support others. At 10 dollars per Hive a new user probably will not do it, but if you can enroll others with 0.1 Hive for 0.1 HSBI they be more open to that.

while you actually can get on board now and can all the way up

Well guess who can get on board now, that's right, users that will join in the future. Yes, I think in the newbies and the meanows. In that price scenario the fractional portions can give them the chance of use HSBI as strategy to build their whealth.

Really consider: nothing is only for the rich on Hive.

I never say that it was, in any case was a question. In reality, that cover image is a marketing resource to induce the reader to open the post and read what truly I want to say. In any case I show a posible problem and give a practical solution.

I am glad for your comments and the feedback. And I am happy that the founder of HSBI reply back my post and give an open answer to it because we can talk about all this things and now I know that if one day Hive reach 10 or 100 dollars they will have a posible solution to keep HSBI accesible.

risks are all over blockchain, we need to mitigate it

Indeed, give posible solutions is one way to do it